The fantasy of the Swashbuckler is one that is well trodden by media, and almost always a crowd pleaser. So, how does D&D’s take on this trope hold up? Not good, and in desperate need of some help.
Read MoreBest Feats for Eldritch Knight 5e
Eldritch Knights are one of the best Fighter subclasses around. The actual features of the subclass are pretty lacking in comparison to the major power spike that the addition of spellcasting brings to a martial class. For this reason, feat selection can be tough.
Read MoreBest Feats for Hexblade Warlock 5e
Best Feats for Gloom Stalker Ranger 5e
The Ranger is all about utility, they can output a lot of damage but can also heal the party or use a tricksy spell such as Rope Trick to get everyone out of a tight spot. The utility is endless and the following feats will enhance your Gloom Stalker whichever way you decide to play it.
Read MoreBest Feats for Kensei Monk 5e
On the surface there is a bit of a dichotomy as the monk predominantly is an unarmed class and has a play style that works with that in mind. The key is not to try and compare the Kensei to an equivalent fighter; you will be a strong damage dealer however your role is more subtle.
Read MoreBest Feats for Rangers 5e
Rangers are fun to play! You have a diverse bag of tricks, before even getting into subclass benefits. Stuff like a d10 Hit Die, a Fighting Style, and healing spells! You’re like a Paladin in Medium-Armor, who’s probably using a longbow. That being said, with options also comes the potential for a lack of synergy between choices of options.
Read MoreBest Feats for Swarmkeeper Ranger 5e
Swarmkeeper provides a litany of control and defensive options that really expand the ranger’s base capabilities in a very unique way. Right at 3rd level, we are presented with their best feature, a choice between damage, forced movement, or moving ourselves once per turn when we hit our target.
Read MoreBest Feats for Soulknife Rogue 5e
The Soulknife is the closest class to the old Psionic, a class I do miss. You are the unseen quiet background character that is secretly pulling the strings. The Soulknife is great fun as a support character that can have a massive impact on any party.
Read MoreKnight of the Sword 5e
Knight of the Sword has the Squire of Solamnia feat prerequisite, and needs you to be at least 4th level to take it. It offers you a +1 to your Int, Wis, or Cha score, and a new attack option: Demoralizing Strike.
Read MoreKnight of the Rose 5e
Knight of the Rose expands off the Squire of Solamnia feat; its prerequisites are being at least 4th level and having taken Squire. In exchange, you get a +1 to your Con, Wis, or Cha, and a new Bolstering Rally bonus action.
Read MoreKnight of the Crown 5e
Knight of the Crown builds off of the Squire of Solamnia feat, with that and being 4th level being its two prerequisites. Crucially, of the three feats that build off Squire, this is the only one offering a +1 to Strength or Dexterity; that on its own sets it apart. But it gets better.
Read MoreSquire of Solamnia 5e
Squire of Solamnia won’t wildly change your play pattern, nor will it redefine your character like Sentinel or Great Weapon Master will. It does offer a great new resource for paladins and fighters who aren’t going towards any specific build; it works with two-weapon fighting characters, duelists, ranged bowmen, and classic sword and board styles just fine.
Read MoreInitiate of High Sorcery 5e
Initiate of High Sorcery gives you a wizard cantrip of your choice, then a two 1st level spells with one free cast each from one of three groups: Nuitari (Dissonant Whispers, False Life, Hex, or Ray of Sickness), Lunitari (Color Spray, Disguise Self, Feather Fall, or Longstrider), or Solinari (Comprehend Languages, Detect Evil and Good, Protection from Evil and Good, or Shield).
Read MoreDivinely Favored 5e
Divinely Favored is similar to Magic Initiate, but you trade a bit of flexibility for a free cast of Augury. You get a 1st level spell from the warlock, cleric, or druid spell list and can cast the chosen spell with spell slots, a cantrip from the chosen class, and the aforementioned free cast of Augury.
Read MoreAdept of the White Robes 5e
Adept of the White Robes is one of the progressive feats you take after Initiate of High Society, requiring it and you having selected the Solinari spell grouping. This is notable, because Initiate of High Society (Solinari) gives you access to a free Shield per long rest while also making it a spell you always have prepared.
Read MoreAdept of the Red Robes 5e
Adept of the Red Robes expands on the Initiate of High Society feat, requiring it and that when you take it you select the Lunitari spell grouping. You get a 2nd level illusion or transmutation spell from any spell list of your choice you can cast for free once a long rest, which is incredible on its own, and then also can spend regular spell slots on it.
Read MoreAdept of the Black Robes 5e
Adept of the Black Robes is finally giving us a feat that empower casters casting spells. Unlike Spell Sniper which runs out of options to pair with it almost immediately, Adept of the Black Robes gets better as you progress through the game, giving you a deeper well of extra damage in addition to expanding the kinds of effects you can pair it with.
Read MoreWood Elf Magic 5e
Like most of the magical offering feats, Wood Elf Magic is baller. It's a bit of a bummer that it doesn’t also give a mod bump, but it definitely doesn’t need to to be worth it. If you're a wood elf this is a super convenient feat that will embellish exactly what you want your character to be doing in an impactful, powerful way.
Read MoreStrixhaven Initiate 5e
If you’re considering taking Strixhaven Initiate, first ask yourself two questions:
1. Am I playing in the world of Strixhaven?
2: Is this better for me than Magic Initiate?
Read MoreStrixhaven Mascot 5e
Strixhaven Mascot expands that spell out further, giving you more summonable options with new attacks and abilities that can transform Find Familiar to something closer to Summon Beast. That’s a MASSIVE upgrade.
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