Etherealness is a beast of a spell; getting access to it, even for just a short time, can lead to some spectacular plans and escapes. This oil is worth investing in if you can afford it.
Read MoreNecklace of Prayer Beads 5e
If you’re in need of a cleric, short of solving death, a Necklace of Prayer beads may be a fine replacement. Most of the effects it produces do a pretty close approximation to a mid-level cleric, and while most of the time it's a Bless and Cure Wounds stick, it still has some potential to majorly boost your team’s survival rates.
Read MoreBest Magic Items for Barbarian in D&D 5e
Best Magic Items for Artificer in D&D 5e
The Artificer has a very unique relationship with magic items. They are able to create their own magic items, both unique ones through infusions and also replicating existing magic items through the Replicate Magic Item infusion.
Read MoreNecklace of Fireballs 5e
This may say it's a necklace, but in reality this is a bazooka. You’re packing grenades you can pick off and throw out as needed. It's a tool of mass destruction masquerading as jewelry.
Read MoreMantle of Spell Resistance 5e
Simple, clean, effective; the Mantle of Spell Resistance is the kind of item basically every character can benefit from.
Read MoreMace of Terror 5e
The Mace of Terror does a fantastic job being spooky. You slam it down, and everything around is going to have a bad time while fleeing aimlessly from you. Metal!
Read MoreMace of Smiting 5e
Constructs beware- the Mace of Smiting is here to blow you to pieces. Why smiting deals bonus damage to constructs is a bit odd to me, but hey, it's going to be fantastic against those golems who take forever to break through!
Read MoreMace of Disruption 5e
Simple, pure undead destruction. I love me some Disruption. This mace has historically smashed in skeleton skulls since back in 2nd edition, and to this day it does the job when it comes to undead demoralization.
Read MoreIron Bands of Binding 5e
These little tangling bands are a handy trick to keep on hand for picking one baddy you’d rather restrain than engage with. You don’t want something to pass the ability check, but if they don’t and stay bound, this thing is a game changer.
Read MoreIoun Stone 5e
This is basically a subset of items that have their own little mini-game- they’re sweet. If you want a boon attached to an item you don’t have to wear, these stones will often be exactly what you’re looking for.
Read MoreHorseshoes of Speed 5e
Are you tired of your warhorse only having 60 ft. speed? Pick up some Horseshoes of Speed!
Read MoreHorn of Valhalla 5e
There are few things as iconic to Valhalla as swarms of viking spirits, and that’s exactly what this horn summons for you. With a toot toot, you can conjure into existence berserkers for an hour once every seven days, with increasing numbers. Insane!
Read MoreHorn of Blasting 5e
Sometimes you need a big blast to break your enemies to pieces; a Horn of Blasting is an easy way to get there, but at a tremendous risk. Still, sometimes you’ve got no other options, or are facing a swarm of glass monsters, and in those moments, it’ll (hopefully) work out!
Read MoreHelm of Teleportation 5e
There are few items as wonderful to play with as a Helm of Teleportation; go where you want, when you want, up to three times per day. What’s not to love?
Read MoreHandy Haversack 5e
While it may seem innocent enough, a Handy Haversack is one of the cheapest, most destructive forces you can seek out. Its interactions with common items make it a kind of black hole in a box that can tactically decimate a creature with no save to dodge it.
Read MoreGlamoured Studded Leather 5e
Giant Slayer 5e
For the best chance of taking down an ancient storm giant, you should come with a Giant Slayer. It's in the name. These things will juice your attacks to slay the grandest giant monsters.
Read MoreGem of Seeing 5e
Are pesky illusions getting you down? Have you been swindled three times this week by fake jewelry? You need a Gem of Seeing!
Read MoreFolding Boat 5e
Folding Boat implies it's a mere single boat that folds up, like an inflatable dingy; you better get Billy Mays on the phone, 'cause wait, there’s more! Not only does it transform into a rowboat, it also turns into a freaking 24 ft. long viking-esque ship!
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