Wind Fan 5e
Wondrous Item, uncommon
While holding this fan, you can use an action to cast the Gust of Wind spell (save DC 13) from it. Once used, the fan shouldn't be used again until the next dawn. Each time it is used again before then, it has a cumulative 20 percent chance of not working and tearing into useless, nonmagical tatters.
Commentary by Sam West, Twitter: @CrierKobold
There is something magical to me about items like the Wind Fan; it feels like an ancient magical relic owned by a powerful sorcerer or noble. Mechanically, it's a nifty little tool to push some people around and make it a bit more challenging to approach you’re team.
You’ll still need to concentrate on the Gust of Wind cast with this item.
It doesn’t require attunement to use, meaning anyone can pick up the Wind Fan and blast some winds.
The concentration component makes it an appealing option for ranged non-magical characters like rogues.
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