Bluestalk 5e

Found in Out of the Abyss, and known commonly as the grain of the underdark, Bluestalk are a species of large mushrooms whose spores can be ground down into a powder that can then be baked into a bread, much like wheat.

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Blight Ichor 5e

Found in Explorer’s Guide to Wildmount, I’d wager that of all the mundane substances in 5e, none are as interesting as Blight Ichor. This stuff has wildly different effects depending on what type of creature it is used on, so we’ll divide this guide accordingly.

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Wildroot 5e

Found in the jungles of Chult in the book Tomb of Annihilation is a potent little plant named Wildroot. Introducing Wildroot to the bloodstream of a poisoned creature immediately removes the condition from that creature and renders the Wildroot unusable for future treatments.

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Black Sap 5e

Black Sap 5e

by Prince Phantom

This tar-like substance, found in the Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, can be condensed and smoked like a cigarette, or liquified and injected directly into a vein. Doing so grants complete immunity to all charm and frighten effects for multiple hours, but forces a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for multiple hours as well. This is an incredibly powerful effect, and having an abundance of Black Sap could really make a difference in a lot of combats.

Charm and fear effects are incredibly common, everything from dragon’s frightful presence to a Beholder’s charm ray. Having complete immunity to both these conditions at once is also really hard to come by. The Devotion Paladin gets immunity to just Charm with its 7th level aura, and I rate that feature highly. The poisoning is a real threat though, as it can potentially last even longer than the immunities. The easiest way to prevent this is to have advantage on the save through something like a Dwarf’s poison resistance, or just outright immunity to the poisoned condition through a race like Grung. You can also simply cure the poison by a spell like Lesser Restoration or by injecting another mundane item called Wildroot, both of which will cure the condition while allowing you to retain the immunity to charm and frighten.

Conjuration Wizards can easily use Minor Conjuration to create both Black Sap and Wildroot, allowing you to give your entire party permanent immunity to charm and frighten at no cost whatsoever. Just another reason that Conjuration is the best Wizard subclass.

Black Sap is valued at 300gp per dose, and is usually only available through illicit means due to its strange and potentially dangerous properties.

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Barrelstalk 5e

A common feature of the Underdark, the simple Barrelstalk is a fantastic source of food and water, and even has potential uses beyond that.

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