Cartomancer is a needed upgrade feat for spellcasters who prior had to settle for things like Spell Sniper or expand their spell pool with Shadow or Fey Touched. Now, they’ve got a free bonus cantrip with a bit of expansion, and way more crucially, a free spell slot per long rest.
Read MoreCohort of Chaos 5e
Cohort of Chaos delivers on its fantasy in some unique and wacky ways that scale with the game in some interesting ways. Of all the Scion prerequisite feats, this is the one I regularly expect to see the most, especially given that Chaos comes with Minor Illusion.
Read MoreBaleful Scion 5e
The draining vampiric fantasy proved to be challenging to develop, as Vampiric Touch showcases from the PHB. Baleful Scion is another attempt at it, but in the mode of a three to six-use “smite” like feature.
Read MoreAgent of Order 5e
Of the options, Agent of Order seems like the strongest to me. It still is a hard sell to take two feats for it, but with the background bonus feat, I can see this making its way onto a ton of character sheets if you can stomach the lawful background.
Read MoreOutlands Envoy 5e
The question ends up being is Tongues better than a 1st level enchantment or divination spell? I think the answer basically always is no. However, if you really want a +1 Dex, Str, or Con, and you also want Misty Step, this is a way to get both at once which is valuable for a handful of characters like Bladesingers, Eldritch Knights, and Arcane Tricksters.
Read MorePlanar Wanderer 5e
How many portals are you regularly going to face, even in Sigil and Planescape? Is it enough to justify two feats to engage with in this fashion? My gut is, even in the perfect environment, this ability is just going to end up being a flavorful addition you’ll bust at twice per campaign when your DM tries to give you moments to use it.
Read MoreRighteous Heritor 5e
Reactions are coveted abilities basically every character wants multiples of; it's the reason spells like Shield and Silvery Barbs are so ubiquitous on powerful spellcasters. Soothe Pain is a reaction and a pretty reasonable defensive one at that, but I really struggle to envision wanting to sink two feats into getting it.
Read MoreScion of the Outer Planes 5e
Scion of the Outer Planes, from Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse paints to me a clear problem we’re seeing with many new feats- they’re not designed to be feats, but background expansions. Scion of the Outer Plans fits this descriptor perfectly.
Read MoreVigor of the Hill Giant 5e
Poor Hill Giants. Not only did they get the short stick in their dad being born last of the giant gods, sticking them at the bottom of the giant hierarchy, but they also seem to always get some of the worst treatment as far as mechanics go.
Read MoreSoul of the Storm Giant 5e
Soul of the Storm Giant gives you an odd little bonus action feature. Halving creatures’ speed when they’re already on top of you isn’t great, but in tandem with the imposition of disadvantage, you’ve got a no-win situation setup to force enemies into attacking you in a suboptimal fashion.
Read MoreKeenness of the Stone Giant 5e
Keenness of the Stone Giant has a ton of little things really going for it. The ability score bump makes the cost of obtaining this fairly low so long as you’ve got an odd score you want to increase. Cavernous Sight will always provide you some amount of extra vision, and while not the most exciting ability in the world, can contribute to builds that want to revel in darkness.
Read MoreGuile of the Cloud Giant 5e
Misty Step is obtainable through Fey Touched with an Ability Score Increase. I adore Fey Touched, as it also comes with a free 1st level spell. Guile of the Cloud Giant offers you a trade; one to five extra uses of a Misty Step-like ability for the 1st level spell. I will absolutely make that trade every chance I get.
Read MoreFury of the Frost Giant 5e
For a feat that comes with a +1 to an ability score to be bad, you need to basically lack any meaningful feature that will contribute to consistently well on an average adventuring day. It's not that high of a bar to clear, yet Fury of the Frost Giant fails to clear it.
Read MoreEmber of the Fire Giant 5e
If you’re looking for a reason to take the Fire Strike attack, there is none better than Ember of the Fire Giant. It turns out that sticking a +1 onto a relevant ability score, which can net you a +1 modifier on odd scores by flipping them up to even, paired with a damage resistance and incredibly flexible ability is exactly what I want on my martial characters.
Read MoreStrike of the Giants 5e
Strike of the Giants follows in Squire of Solomnia’s footsteps by providing a set number of weapon attack improvements not quite at the level of a 1st level spell. While I still don’t really want to spend an entire feat on most characters for this, at least these options are a lot more interesting, even if you only get one of them.
Read MoreRune Shaper 5e
What you’re getting with Rune Shaper is flavor, and the potential to get one or two bonus runes as the game progresses. That’s not nearly enough. The rest of the feats are frontloaded and are generally best in the lower tiers.
Read MoreBest Feats for Giant Barbarian 5e
Newly released in Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants, the Path of the Giant is a barbarian subclass that aims to fulfill the fantasy of being large and in charge, but how well does it do on that front?
Read MoreBest Feats for War Wizard 5e
For a subclass that advertises itself as a combination between an Evoker and an Abjurer, this really plays much more like a different flavor of Abjurer, with an absolutely laughable offensive feature thrown in to save face.
Read MoreBest Feats for Transmutation Wizard 5e
Transmuters get fine abilities that definitely improve your character overall, but none of them lead to interesting strategies, empower your spells in unique ways, or address any of the main weaknesses inherent to the Wizard, besides adding some healing options at very high levels.
Read MoreBest Feats for Scribes Wizard 5e
I know that the Evocation Wizard is typically seen as the box standard Wizard subclass, but this is definitely the most wizardy wizard to ever wizard in my eyes, and the feat selection reflects that as this list will look pretty standard.
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