5e Race Reviews: Satyr


by Prince Phantom

The party animals of the Feywild (a place that’s already pretty down to party, so that’s saying something), Satyrs are more than a pretty face. They also happen to be one of the strongest non-flying, non-feat granting races in the game. This is easily the best race to come out of Theros at the very least. There’s a lot of abilities here, so let’s get into it.

Satyr Features

  • Creature Type: Fey: Being a Fey actually has a few mechanical benefits and detriments. You are immune to spells like Charm Person and Hold Person, along with many other miscellaneous monster abilities that only target humanoids. However,  there are also certain spells that you can’t benefit from like Protection from Evil and Good, and you are susceptible to similar spells. Also, if you write in your backstory that you are native to the Feywild, watch out for Banishment. I’d say this is more of a good thing than a bad thing, but just be careful when selecting and casting buff spells.

  • Speed: 35ft: Having even just a 5ft boost to your movement speed is a huge boon that literally every character build can benefit from. It allows you to outpace many enemies while retreating, and if you have ranged attacks you can just always stay outside of an enemy’s melee range and pepper them with ranged attacks until they are dead, assuming you have the room to pull this off.

  • Magic Reistance: This isn’t the strongest version of this ability, only granting advantage on saves versus spells and not all magical effects, but it’s still great. Exactly how great it is will be a bit dependent on how many spellcasters your DM likes to use. Most DMs don’t use enough of them, so if you’re a DM reading this, use more spellcasters. It’s the most fun you’ll ever have in combat as a DM.

  • Mirthful Leaps: This is a ribbon feature. Extending jumps in this small and unreliable of a way will probably never come up. I’d actually recommend the Jump spell more than this.

  • Reveler: Performance is largely useless at most tables, but Persuasion is the best Charisma skill, so this is great to have and very fitting. The musical instrument proficiency is good for Artificers to get wind instrument proficiency to play the Pipes of Haunting, but not much else.

  • Ram: This gives us a D6 unarmed strike with our horns. Notably, we can use this while our hands are full, but most builds won’t be taking advantage of this at all.

This is definitely a great race, especially for a Charisma based character, and provides a bunch of small benefits alongside one big one in Magic Resistance. This one gets a big recommendation from me and works on a ton of different builds.

Final Rating: 4/5

Satyr (Legacy)

This is a legacy race and may not be available at all tables. Check with your DM before selecting this option.

This is a rare instance of a legacy race being stronger than its revised counterpart. We lose a tiny bit of damage on our Ram attack that you probably weren’t using anyway in exchange for the old version of Magic Resistance that protects from ALL MAGICAL EFFECTS, not just spells. Yeah, this might be a little too powerful and I’d understand if your DM said no to this.

Final Rating: 5/5

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