Helm of Comprehending Languages 5e
Wondrous item, uncommon
While wearing this helm, you can use an action to cast the Comprehend Languages spell from it at will.
Commentary by Sam West, Twitter: @CrierKobold
Languages aren’t the most explored area of 5th Edition, usually waved off out the gate with everything you’d want to speak to chatting in common. Comprehend Languages, then, doesn’t serve much purpose at a lot of tables. This leaves the Helm of Comprehending Languages as a neat tool you give out to players specifically when you want to engage with the varied languages of the game prior to Toungues being an option.
This is a rare magic item in that it gives the wearer the means of casting a spell at will, but doesn’t require attunement.
Because Comprehend Languages has a duration of an hour, and you only need to wear the helm to cast the spell, the entire party can take and cast it to all simultaneously have the effect up at once.
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