By Curt Gearhart
The soft glow from the campfire illuminated the well kept tombstones and the three figures who sat within its light. The ground on which they sat belongs to them, but they seek not the roar of the crowd or the bows and polite waves of privileged society. Not tonight, for tonight was a night of remembrance, of past deeds, of fallen companions and the long road it took them to get where they are now
The Argument
The three friends sat around a small campfire out in the middle of the forest in the heart of summer on a cool night passing around a strong bottle of whisky as they had many times before,
The same argument had begun between the trios largest and smallest members. The largest being a half ogre named Bubba, tall and hairless with the thickly corded muscles and the black lips and tongue characteristic of his race. At over seven feet tall and clothed only in a fur loincloth he is an imposing figure to say the least especially in the dark when his eyes glow like a cats.
Sitting across the fire was the smallest, A short stocky dwarf named Twizlick , tweez for short, with a long frazzled beard as dark as a raven and wearing the customary plate mail of the dwarven kind.
The sturdy dwarf was not intimidated at the least.
I am the third member, and the narrator for this tale and my name is Keebler. I am a wood elf of seventy summers but still a young man by the standards of my long lived race; I wear a simple shirt of scale mail and the leather of a dragon for my pants. During travel I have a fine green Sable cloak that I am fond of.
The two companions sat across the campfire having the same debate on who saved who's worthless hide the most number of times.
I sat back as I always do during these long and sometimes violent debates, knowing either argument as well as the two doing the arguing.
A half smile crosses my lips as the argument came to its familiar conclusion, as both of my friends looked to me at the same moment.
"Well elf?" They say in unison bringing scowls to the unlikely duo as they look to each other and back to me.
I take a deep breath, and exhale slowly.
The bottle, if you please? I say.
The giant ogre and the tiny dwarf look quickly to the half full bottle and then back to me.
Yer not to be drinkin tonight are ye? Says twizzlick with a sense of foreboding.
Such a tale requires a drink, perhaps many, the more I speak, the amount required to quench my thirst grows; it grows even now as I speak to you I reply.
Can I offer to get your whisky drinking glass? Twizzlick asks hoping in my opinion, to moderate my intake of our precious bottle.
No thank you I reply, won’t be needing it tonight.
I laugh as the pair exchange glances and nods as the large half full bottle is passed over. A fine payment for a fitting judgment I say as I drink deeply of the liquor and peer down over the edge of the bottle to see the looks of sadness pass over my oldest friend’s faces as the last of the bottle went swirling down.
I knowed yous gonna do dat said Bubba spittle dribbling down his chin.
Tweez concurred.
More laughter is had and I assume the issue is settled until I look up and see them both watching me expectantly.
Fine I say.
It was almost ten years ago...
The facts elf! The little dwarf interrupted.
Do you wish for me to tell the story and settle your argument or not?
You may each add your coin as I tell it as you always have. I say.
It was then that both the ogre and dwarf each pulled forth a small bag of coins and grew silent. When my story reaches a point when one of you score a victory a coin may be thrown into the pile and the biggest pile wins at the end.
Our story begins with a general summons from the king.
A short bowlegged man was sent by the king to my forest.
“Your forest”? I thought the pointy eared ones didn’t “own" anything? Twizz interrupts.
We have been over this before sir dwarf, I reply. I personally planted every tree, bush and flower in that valley and gave a piece of my soul to make it grow, I am aware of it even now and am friends with every beast that calls it home, I protect her and she protects me, so yes sir dwarf she belongs to me. Where was I?
Ye just met the king’s boy, hehe she.... Twizz laughs
Ah yes, he was sent to give an invitation to meet the king himself, an honor rarely granted to anyone.
The man is gracious and well spoken but a little too familiar with his greetings if you ask me.
Whad he do? Try ta shake yer hand? Hahaha twizz laughs.
We elves learned long ago that physical contact greetings spread sickness and disease, the dwarves could use to learn from us then you might live past a hundred and fifty.
The dwarf laughs "who wants ta be dat old? We dwarves live our lives to the fullest! A good dwarf will drink, screw and put boots to arses till his downstairs stops a' workin, Then we climb our wrinkled saggy asses up somewhere real high and jump. We Call it dwarven retirement. FOR CLANGIDINN! Twizlick looks for his usual pitcher of ale for the salute. But finds only an empty bottle and sighs audibly.
I graciously accept and follow the man on horseback all the long way to the king’s palace. He is unable to tell me the purpose of this visit despite my repeated inquiries, so we engage in polite conversation to pass the time.
He tells me his name is jarl and he was a child living on the streets after his father was killed during a business transaction at his shop.
“The good king saw me from his gilded coach and stopped, the mighty king personally addressed me! Jarl says smiling at the memory. A common gutter rat standing before the king, honestly I was terrified and thought to be sure I was about to be put into an orphanage and I would have run if my legs would have been able to carry me. But then he steps down and offers me his hand and a job at the palace as his personal assistant! I think I was seven when I took the kings hand out of the gutter and haven’t looked back since.
I got the king his slippers and made his tea every morning for eleven years while he took care that I was educated and clothed and well fed. At eighteen I graduated from the education facility with high honors where I was taught to properly conduct myself in polite society, I was almost dismissed by the king for he had found a new child to assist but I pleaded with the good king to remain in his service and he saw fit to allow me to carry conscription. After I did that for years the king has added responsibilities and now I am his personal valet once again.
And yes sir elf he asked me personally to bring you before him
Again I ask him why and again he politely declines.
The trip is swift and the miles roll by.
I can tell he is an experienced rider by the way the horse responds to his subtle commands, the same way I was trained some sixty years ago. Throughout our conversations I can tell he is a kind and respectful man with a fierce loyalty to his king who he considers his personal savior and I immediately like the man.
In a fortnight we reach the giant wall surrounding the kings keep.
It is not my first time here and I know it to be fair although strictly governed by elf standards.
The wide steel gates open enough for the pair of us to walk in and are immediately shut after our entrance. The wide lane down the center of town was decorated in many different species of trees and was as pleasant then as it is today. I could not stop at any of the dozens of shops that line the wide streets for the tension in my stomach was distracting from the beauty of the fine town. So on to the main castle we walked.
Through the trees a large castle could be seen with the magnificent stained glass windows shining in the noonday sun.
Every inch of the castle grounds was covered in all manner of flowers from common weeds to rare and delicate treasures from far off and exotic lands and to my elf heart it was beautiful and I wanted nothing more than to take my boots off and walk through those flowers and learn their scents but there were signs everywhere King Fridays garden no unauthorized access.
Enough wit da flowers elf! Get to the good part already! Twizz interrupts yet again.
Sigh, I forgot where I was.
At the doors of Fridays palace!
Ah yes.
We easily passed through the numerous checkpoints on the grounds and make our way inside the castle. The guards respected jarl and he knew them all by name.
We came eventually to a grand receiving hall full of every race of warrior I have ever heard of, all champions of their races, and all here at the call of the king.
To imagine the power of the king is beyond simple rangers dreams.
I was ushered into the crowd to wait for an audience with his majesty and it was then that jarl waved goodbye and took his leave. Moving about the varied crowd I see some familiar faces, a few adventurers, a few high ranking town guards and a few fighters from the town arena. I walk over and speak to a pair of fighters from the dirt circle and ask if the know why we were all called here but they were brought here the same as I was.
One by one the names from the list were called and one after another they entered and exited the ornate double doors leading to the king’s throne room sometimes it was a brief moment before the next on the list was read sometimes it was almost an hour. It went on like that for an entire day before the herald stood before the masses and called out.
The king will see no one else today, if your name has yet to be called please report back here tomorrow if you require lodging please see the attendant and you will be assigned a room for the duration of your stay. Thank you.
I sat and watched some of the crowd depart, mostly the uncivilized races that were not accustomed to such luxury. A few remained and were speaking to a tall man with a ponytail about accommodations. I joined the second group and secured a room but decided to leave the castle and go to the local tavern and get the real story of why we were all called here.
I exited the palace and made for the center of town and headed for toreador’s grog shop, this was crudely painted over a fine plaque reading kings crossing pub and the place was incredibly noisy for this time of night. I thought it was due to the sudden appearance of the heroes but when I saw a fairly large sized man fly through the window I knew differently.
A coin drops into the dirt at Bubbas feet.
Hold your coin my large friend I say,
I continued my steady pace towards the bar until I heard the call for guards.
Looking back on it I wanted the first shot at the trouble because my name wasn't called and I felt put out because I had to wait. I burst through the door and what I saw made me wish I hadn’t.
Standing In the midst of a sea of guards and bar patrons was a seven foot tall half ogre holding a large man by the feet swinging him like a club. The half ogres face was contorted not in rage but in pain.
I noticed the stomach of the powerfully built figure and saw it bulging,
I have witnessed this look before in livestock just before a mother gives birth, so while he was holding the man above his head and screaming, I quickly ran up and leaped into the air and kicked him as hard as I could in the gut with both feet sending the man toppling down the eight feet to the ground and landing there unconscious.
A look of release crosses over the glazed eyes of the half ogre as the contents of his stomach are emptied all over the barroom floor, walls and in a final desperate push the ceiling where a wet thump is heard shortly followed by a splash.
The half ogre stands up with a shocked expression as he wipes the sick from his chin with a big meaty hand.
"Me thunk me was dying"
Hey elf I not talk like that. Bubba interrupts.
Apologies Bubba, I return.
The men strewn about the room began to make it to their feet and help those who couldn't when a guard calls out "ye gods what manner of evil? The man pulls his sword impaling a large four fingered hand that was apparently skittering across the floor. Holding the sword aloft for everyone to see I can immediately tell it's a trolls hand bitten off less than ten hours ago by the bite marks. Everyone else can tell it’s a troll hand when it begins to writhe on the sword tip attempting to dislodge itself. The experienced guard throws the hand into the fireplace where it sputters and crackles for several moments before finally shriveling up and coming to rest amongst the glowing embers.
Open a window this thing stinks says the guard as he backs away
The ogre takes two steps to cover the six foot space I had put between us after my kick. And quickly extends his large hand "names Bubba, you elf?
Yes, my name is Keebler I reply and I somewhat nervously extend my hand and nearly have it pulled out of the socket by the powerful half ogre as he vigorously shakes my entire body. “I be thinking dat thing grab me guts"
The ogre stands up and points a black nailed finger at the elf sitting across the fire.
That's yer last warning elf.
The club in his hand told me that he was not kidding so I put up my hands in surrender, smiling and told him that I am sorry and it won't happen again.
"See dat it don't" grumbled the large ogre as he sat back down.
The next few hours are a blur and don't remember paying for anything past the first few rounds due to a kindly barmaid that I had recently helped with a few rough customers.
At the time I did not remember her name but I did know it the next day!
What was it again Bubba?
The half ogre looks into the fire and smiles a little as he says "June, er name was June"
I got the distinct impression that I liked the simple man and I believe he respected my strength.
Respect your strength! Ha! Dat kick almost made me shit my loincloth!
The dwarf chuckles at the notion and looks to the empty bottle and sighs deeply and audibly again.
Give me left nut fer sum strong dwarven ale. Twizzlick says
Patience dwarf, when your time comes in the story I will tell you where the hidden bottle is in our wagon. I say
Ain't no ale in the wagon I woulda smelled it! Twizz shouts
You presume you can seek better than I can hide good sir? I reply
The dwarf sticks a stubby finger in the air and opens his mouth drawing in a great breath to argue but stops midway through and exhales all his bluster and puts his hands on his lap. Nay elf I'll quiet meself continue with the tale if you please.
I have lost my place in the tale I think. I say
We was drunk! The ogre chimes in.
Ah yes, in the morning I woke up on the floor of the tavern with old Torador standing over me calling out
Good sir, the king’s castle has been open for several hours. I thought you would like to know.
Before going to open the bar the pudgy man motions to the large snoring mass draped across three tables.
Please take your friend with you.
I gather myself and thank him kindly.
I will admit the prospect of waking the giant half ogre was daunting and I was unsure of how to proceed.
I was standing there pondering it when the kindly Barmaid spots my trouble and walks over to Bubbas sleeping tables.
She bravely places a hand upon his giant shoulder and calls out gently
Sweetie it's time to wake up.
No movement from our friend.
She begins to rub her hand back and forth across his arm.
Our friend smiling, shifts position and farts.
The bar is spontaneously evacuated and the barmaid has to be drug out due to her having been almost perfectly lined up for the blast.
A coin lands in Bubbas pile
That doesn’t count! Shouts the dwarf pointing a stubby finger at the offending coin.
You weren't there friend, trust me it counts. I say
A half hour later we are all in the street waiting when the watery eyed barmaid, pale as a dead fish and wielding a sturdy looking shovel, vomit still adorning her nice outfit pushes us out of the way and kicks in the bar door. Torador calls out "June hun you might wanna...
Being a gentleman I cannot repeat what the barmaid said but Bubba walked out a few moments later sporting a few welts rubbing a particularly large one across the forehead.
From the scratches I can tell it's where she finally broke the shovel.
Dat ladies rude says Bubba
... She should learn how to wake a man.
I laugh and say we may be late for our appointment with the king.
Ok where is it? Bubba says
You were there yesterday I reply
A blank expression for a reply compels me to elaborate,
The castle...
The big building full of people?
OH YEAH! I member dat Place. Bubba says smiling
I wait a moment and finally point to the castle sticking up over the trees. He looks at the trees and asks me
Is it a tree?
I DID NOT! Bubba shouts interrupting the story yet again.
You did friend. I reply
NO I DID NOT! Bubba stands up.
I then hold up a hand and say I swear before the goddess Mekki you asked me if the king’s palace was in a tree.
Bubba sits down.
I was still drunk. He mutters
That I believe. Twizz interjects
We walk down the street in silence till we reach the castle gates, the guards attempt to detain Bubba but one powerful hand on each head and one swimming motion later the guards are picking themselves up off the ground from several feet away.
I gots an appropriate. He calls back
I follow in his wake apologizing to guards the whole way to the castle.
Through the castle doors we are let and in the big room we stood. The ranks had lessened quite a lot but it seemed there were the still quite a few names left to be called so we found a quiet place to sit and began to talk.
Bubba’s tale
He sat and told me of the small village far to the southeast and it was there he admitted that he was a leftover from a raid on his mother’s village,
Such things are far too common in the outlying villages; they lack the protection of the king’s guards.
I think she loved me just to spite them he says.
I grew fast and got strong quick when I turned four I wasn't allowed to play with the older children anymore because I was hurting them. One day I got mad and broke an older boy who was Makin fun of me.
You broke him? I say.
I hit em in the face so hard it broke his back. The ogre replies.
What did he do? I ask hesitating slightly.
He called my mum a whore. Bubba spits.
Oh. That’s... I begin.
It was an accident. He says quickly
You accidentally punched him? I say
No, I accidentally lost control and made him sleep for a fortnight and when he woke up he couldn't walk and he talked funny. Bubba replies looking ashamed
So at four years old I was put to work in the mines with killers and thieves and forgotten about by everyone but my dear sweet mother.
She did her best but the mines are no place for a six foot child.
On my first day I broke a man’s leg when he hit me for using his pickaxe. The guards all ran in and saw his bone sticking out of his leg and me standing there crying, they killed that man right there in front of me and then beat me within an inch of my life.
I quickly learned the way of the world.
I needed three times the food the others needed and because I could do three times the work my mom was allowed to visit me and bring me the meat I hungered for.
I think she kept me from becoming a mindless beast in those first five years
I would have continued like that forever until a group of miners uncovered the nest of a great armored insect that walked on two legs. It springs out of slumber and snaps a man in half with the powerful pinchers on the sides of his face before anyone can react. As the rest of the men run screaming I run forward with nothing but the boulder I was carrying at the time. Roaring I smash the rock down upon the beast again and again. It hisses and clicks those pinchers , snapping them at me, I finally bring my boulder down on the things head knocking it to the ground where I stomp on its neck till I hear the armor snap and the green blood splashes the floor and walls. I look up and the guards are applauding.
I am given a good meal for my deed and soon after I was put in the pits deep within the mines fighting men and tearing them apart with my bare hands until there was no sport in it.
Then I was put to killing animals like armored bears and trolls.
You killed animals for sport? I ask quickly growing angry.
I was thrown into a pit with them, both us half starved and crazed. So yes I killed whatever
How did you get out? I say
One day ma' stopped her visits and when I wanted to find her they tried to stop me so I hurt them, I smashed them and crushed them until I was alone in the mine. When I got out to our home and found her lying in her bed with her throat cut. I blacked out and the next clear memory I have is of me holding a man’s face in the coals of a fire while he screamed that it was my fault.
I let him go and with his final breaths he told me that my mother couldn’t afford to keep feeding me so she sold her body on the streets and borrowed money from a guild. And that’s what happens when you don’t pay your debts.
I slam the man to the floor and ask
Who is your boss?
Marus, the man cried.
Where? I shout
The pitiful coward choked on the words spitting them out so fast.
I stomped his head,
Then I went to Marus’s house and slammed him to the ground and ask
Who is your boss?
Sheldon he cried.
Where? I say grasping the man’s head whispering to him as I bite off his ear.
A small shack on the outskirts of town he cried.
I stomped his head,
Then I went to Sheldon’s house I grab the man by the top of his head and squeeze asking him
Who is your boss?
Lord Andros of the house of Kell. He screamed as I slam him on the ground until his head tore off and I kick it through an open window where it landed,
Still screamin bubba adds smiling and nodding his approval.
That ain’t even possible. Twizz says interrupting the story.
YES IT IS! Shouts Bubba.
Please gentlemen, let Bubba tell his story the way he remembers it. I say calmly.
When I was walking out of that mans castle I was surrounded by the king’s guard and put to sleep with magic.
When I woke up I was sitting at a table filled with every sort food I could imagine, and in the king’s throne room surrounded by guards and the king himself.
I immediately yank the leg off the table sending the feast crashing to the floor and begin to smash my way through the guards to the exit when the king calls out "Thank you" and tells me that he is in my debt and I did him a favor by killing the leader of a dangerous street gang.
No I said I smashed the bastard who had my mum killed.
I have been made aware of your situation and again thank you. The king replied.
That got me to stop in my tracks.
I have always tried to help people in need and have never been thanked. I turn and drop the table leg and it is picked up and carried off by the king’s tiny fool.
I walk back to my seat and pick up a turkey off the floor and listened to what he has to say. He offers me a job doing exactly what I been doing. Hurting bad people but with the promise of gold at the end!
He gived me a bag of gold and a necklace both of I gived to the barkeep to pay off my tab. Since then I have been slapping people around in the name of the king. He is a good man and helps keep me out of trouble with his guards who sometimes try to get in my way
His attention shifts and he stands up.
I think my name was called.
Bubasha Velmont was called again presumably louder
Oops gotta go friend wait fer me and I'll tell ya what's goin on.
He raises his hand and immediately draws the attention of the man with the lists as he calls Bubasha forward.
A few giggles from the crowd are ended by a threatening glare from the powerfully built half ogre.
Ahem, Bubba please step forward says the nervous man.
Bubba walks through the guards and into the king’s chamber.
While I waited to be called I sat and watched a large group of dwarves arguing.
It seems at the time they could not choose a leader to speak for them so "dwarven counsel" was called out by several dwarves at once.
It seemed to me the process took several rounds where every pair of dwarves would stand off against each other and swing their heads together in a resounding crash until one dwarf fell. The Victor would then wait for another Victor and square off against him, or her. It’s hard to tell the difference because of the beards.
Gotta look to the boobies the smiling dwarf adds.
I could sit here all night and tell you of the great dwarven halls and monumental feats of excavation underground to build sprawling complexes and castles; I could tell you that the same dwarven family has been a close friend with the line of our king Friday for generations. All these things are true but what sums up everything the casual observer needs to know is.
The sounds vary greatly and the point of origin switches but the end result is the same.
The dwarf jumps up at this point and exclaims ITS WHISKY TIME!! Now elf where did you hide that bottle so cleverly?
In the wagon inside my bag of coffee beans, a delicious drink I have recently gotten from an old friend to the east, I know that you don't approve of the smell of.
It better not have yer beans stink on it! The dwarf exclaims from his back as he runs to the wagon.
He returns shortly carrying a large wine skin
This ain’t enough fer the three of us! He calls out.
You don't know what's inside, sit down by the fire and try it before you say something you might have to apologize for, I reply.
The proud dwarf rips the cork out of the bottle with his teeth spitting it into the fire and takes a large swallow almost choking on the strong liqueur inside
Dragonsbreath whiskey! Exclaims the breathless dwarf. Where did you get this?
I was asked to find the lost daughter of a barkeep and this is what I took instead of gold, and it was to be a present for the ten year anniversary of our first adventure. I say, But as we are out in the wilds I say I can perhaps get another, and you sir owe me a new wineskin.
Bah! The dwarf says smiling. Plenty o empty's in the wagon! Take yer pick!
The whisky is generously passed between the friends as the tale begins again.
Standing tall so to speak...
Watch it elf. Twizzlick warns
Sorry sir, amongst the sturdy dwarven kind there was one that was "puttin butts to floors" with generous thumps from his obviously stone forehead.
The first coin drops in the sand in front of twizzlick.
I only count the one cause I had ter hit em twice says the dwarf proudly.
As I was saying, after it was all said and done one bloody dwarf remained and it was our friend here and he was chosen to be the spokesman for the king who could not or would not answer the king’s summons. When clan Rockgouger was called a few moments later he was the one who stepped forward I had not noticed Bubba pass through but I thought it was from watching the "dwarven counsel"
The good king Friday
I sat for the remainder of my time quietly observing a small bearded gnome picking pockets in the crowd, the tiny man was incredibly adept and was doing a fine job and I was about to act until he was caught when he tried to pick a small bag of gold from the belt of a man wearing a light blue robe.
As soon as the thief’s hands made contact with the bag it began to emit a high pitched squeal and immediately brought the attention of everyone in the room. As quick as a cat the man grabbed the gnome by the collar of his leathers and while Hoisting the kicking little man up he was greeted with a small bag full of thick sap that popped and stuck to his face and immediately caused the larger man to grimace in pain as large red welts appeared and began to smoke on his face, but he did not let the kicking and biting gnome go, he calmly pulled a small white cloth from his robe and began to wipe his face. Keeping his eyes closed a soft blue light begins to glow from the man’s wounds and they slowly begin to close up and heal.
When the man’s eyes open the glare at the gnome stops him from struggling and the two foot tall man crosses his arms and exclaims "no fair" with the manner of a disobedient child.
The robed man takes the little thief up to the guards and after a short conversation he is ushered into the kings chambers with the collar of the gnome’s tiny shirt clenched in his hand.
It was a half hour later when my name was called. I was excited for this was my first time gaining audience with the king. I nodded to the dwarves as I passed through them and was received with lewd gestures, belches and intentional farts.
A larger dwarf with a dark grey robe steps in behind me and says
A bit o' dwarven magic fer ye? And I hear what I mistook at the time for thunder and gag from the sudden stench that had suddenly surrounded me. As I start to choke the dwarves begin to clap and I look behind me and see the robed dwarf taking several deep bows.
Ah the stink fist a dwarven classic! Ye see he farted in his hand and threw it at ye! Bwahahaha!
From eight paces away? I ask the laughing dwarf.
Musta been Wigglewand. He replies.
Who? I ask.
Me cousins, Cousin Botunda Wigglewand.
Who?? I ask again.
Don't ask. He says looking solemn.
Fair enough.
I entered through the ornate double doors and saw at some distance the mighty king sitting on his throne. There were two tables on either side of the door both containing four guards playing a strange card game. It appeared they had been on it for some time and from their posture I could tell they had been drinking. So if it went badly with the king I could always tame the guard like an angry badger with my training and gifts from Mekki. Also sat at the table was a brightly dressed gnome wearing the common dress of a court jester, the pile of gold before him was considerably larger than the rest So I glanced at him a moment longer, we met eyes and his did not have the same glossy quality to them and his cheeks carried the flush of a fools makeup, before him sat a half empty jug and by all accounts due to his size he should have been unconscious. I nod and he speaks
GAH! Vems some nassyass dwarves!
"Hic" always stinkin up da place "burp"
He drops his head to the table and mutters "gross"
I assume our conversation is over and I leave the funny little man to his games and laughter of the guards. I bow my head and slowly walk up to the king along a bright red carpet and when I get to the few stairs that lead to the throne I went down on one knee keeping my head bowed out of respect
Rise, Sir Keebler Ranger of the Dreadwood
I stand and look as far as his collar for it is rude to gaze upon the face of the king. And in these uncertain times it has become law due to an attempted eyebite or gypsy curse both if performed correctly can be fatal
Greeting sir elf, your reputation precedes you, it has come to my attention that you have performed many deeds for my kingdom without ever accepting any compensation, is this true?
Yes my lord, I do not walk a gilded path and rangers do not carry gold. I reply.
Do you have anything against squares of paper? The king asks.
At this point I see the king reach into his robe and pull a small package wrapped in a deep red cloth and in one quick motion throws the heavy package directly at my face as I look up to line up the catch I see the smiling kings kind old face light up.
HA! You owe me twenty gold farsan! I told you I could get him to look at me!
Yes sire. The young man standing at the king’s side sighs.
I make the catch easily and notice it is a silk cloth with the king’s symbol wrapping a heavy bronze ornament of the king’s crest and I graciously thank the king
Your welcome but that was just so I did not have to get up the old king says.
You did it so he would look at you, jokes farsan
True, true but I had to, The only way to get a good measure of a man is a good look in his eyes and laws being what they are I have to sometimes resort to trickery. But back to the point you will find a piece of paper with a name of the city bank and you will find that they know you there and will always make sure you are taken care of. I have seen from my own castle window you bringing countless people in chains to the bounty hunters post. Again never accepting the reward or donating it. We at the kings keep record all transactions and all that money went into the account that you hold.
On to the second piece of paper, it grants you the authority to make choices in this expedition with the authority of the king. I judge you a fair man who will not abuse this power, if anyone from my kingdoms questions your authority show them the symbol I just gave you and they will fall in line.
Now on to the business at hand I have chosen you to join an expedition to the south to learn the location of a slave trading company.
Your primary mission is to find the main camp or base or whatever they are using as a safe house and report it back to me, it is said to be at the heart of the sands far to the south the only one to escape this place was found wandering the sands mad from the heat. And that is why I need a tracker,
Pardon me sire, but a woman escaped?
Yes, but I’m afraid that she has suffered terribly and is beyond the abilities of my healers. But I am sure the Capitan of my guard sir Rasper can fill you in.
The king then gets up from his gilded throne and shuffles over to a cart and pours himself a glass of wine leaving me kneeling.
You young man, farsan clears his throat to get my attention and nods towards a door set against the far wall.
The meeting
And just like that I was dismissed. I tucked both the paper and cloth into a small pocket of a pouch on my belt and the idol into a small pouch on my backpack and thought no more of them for quite a while.
As I made my way to the doors I had that sick feeling in my stomach again.
My first impression of the room is that it would be small if there weren't six warriors waiting within. A dwarf, a human female, the ogre Bubba, The human male wearing the robes, a man wearing black plate mail and what appeared to be a large ball of rope that was making whistling sounds All eyes were on me as the door shut and I was not who they were expecting.
A quick glance tells me that I am in for a long rough journey. I see the man in the blue robes his expression was one of intense annoyance as his eyes were fixed on the small gnome who is tied from head to toe in a golden rope the only features discernible were his long pointy nose sticking out from the coils making the deep whistling noises as the gnome drew breaths and his pointy red hat that looked like it was placed atop the coils after he was bound
There was of course the dwarven spokesperson whose nose was still bleeding freely down into his black beard his hands on his hips and his chest pushed out In Defiance
A durn pointy eared tree hugger! Great that's just what we need! A loud crack draws everyone’s attention to the back of the room
Shut yet trap stumpy and show some respect to my new friend. Calls a voice from the back of the small room and I nod to my drinking partner from earlier before.
The dwarf points his finger at the tall ogre and says
I won't be taking orders from any stinking rock brained walking muscle! And talking to you hurts me neck so the next time I have to do it I'm gonna chop you down at the kneecaps like the big dumb tree you are! He then walks over and hops on a chair next to the table close to the bundle of whistling rope and says "hey Shorty you ok in there?"
Hmm mmm k mumbles the rope ball
And then our friend turns around and lifts his leg and yells For Clangidinn! As I hear a similar sound of thunder as the ball begins to scream and struggle, the ball tips over and begins to fall off the table when the man in robes holds out his hand and the ball floats softly to the floor.
The room gets very still and heads keep looking from the dwarf to the ogre who has a strangely calm expression on his face.
Well ogre? Ye just gonna stand there while I insult your ugly stupid race?
At this point the man in the robes clears his throat
Excuse me sirs I just thought everyone should know I have been magically holding back this large and incredibly angry fellow since you insulted the elf, and you gave him such a warm welcome, and I am getting quite tired as he is very strong so I might make it a point to make apologies to him before I lose him and he makes a mess of this nice room that the king so kindly lent us to plan our little adventure.
I aint afraid a no ogre specially an unarmed one while I have this spiked helm.
Sweat was starting to pour down the robed man’s face as he pointedly looks to the ogre’s clenched fist and there he appeared to have the oak leg to the table he was sitting at. Look into his eyes sir and tell me you want to fight this man in a tiny room. The blue robed man says sweating.
Speak now dwarf I am about to let him go before he breaks free and injures me!
And to the dwarfs credit he looked as though he was up for the fight until a feminine voice called out
Take note sturdy dwarf that table leg is bigger than you and with all the people you have nowhere to go to avoid his strike
The voice of reason came from an attractive young blonde woman who wore the tight fitting leather of a showgirl with a voluptuous figure and an young innocent Looking face, innocent until you saw her eyes, they had a cold hard look to them, the look of someone who has seen too many bad things happen and has detached themselves from emotion.
The dwarf licks his fingers and presses them across his eyebrows and begins to speak but is cut off by the low growling noise now coming from the ogre who is also beginning to sweat as well.
Quickly the dwarf throws up his hands and exclaims
OK IM SORRY! I won't be calling yer race ugly or stupid no more I swear on me word.
There is a collective exhale of relief when the table leg drops to the floor. Until the ogre says
I owe you one for that dwarf don't forget it, I won't
The dwarf begins to speak but the young woman again speaks and averts catastrophe
So what are we all here for? I was told nothing about why, only to get my love here out of Costello island prison I had to be here today she says as she motions to the whistling ball of golden rope
I am Kayla he is my husband fhex
Mlees do mee joo. Comes from the ball of rope
Apologies madam I am Rodrick of the school of Eschvald the man in the blue robes says and I was told by the king to watch this gnome until our task was complete.
Well roddie I promise that if you release my little man he will be good.
The bundle of rope actually manages a giggle.
I'm sorry ma'am but this one is trouble. Rodrick replies.
Kayla smiles at the man and begins to saunter over and I see Roderick's expression soften and cheeks flush and I know it is all over even before she takes is hand and brings it up to her ample bosom,
My heart is breaking! Can you feel it?
My poor, poor baby can't breathe in there. She purrs he is afraid of small spaces. Please don't hurt my little pumpkin.
A genuine sorry ma'am accompanies the sound of a long intake of breath from the freed gnome as the rope disappears. He is wearing a pair of brown pants with a sunflower yellow shirt with a red vest with a long luxurious beard. He immediately snaps at the dwarf
That was not very nice! You are not a healthy dwarf! A healthy body cannot produce that stench! He snatches his hat from the floor and puts it on his head forcefully. I owe you one for that one too dwarf!
The blushing wizard quickly goes and sits down and Kayla takes a seat on the floor and her little fhex climbs down and into her lap like a cat and snuggles down
The man in the black plate mail clashes his gauntlets together sending sparks flickering through the air. ENOUGH! I am Capitan Garrus Rasper, beholden to the king, commander of his armies and of the kings personal guard and I have been informed of all of your past exploits.
He then points his finger to each of the people in the room
First to Bubba.
Brawling, public intoxication, lewd conduct resisting arrest,
Then Kayla
Prostitution, theft
Next Rodrick, making eye contact with the king being a registered magic user.
I just, Rodrick begin.
Shut your face. Rasper snaps
Then to me, you nearly killed a hunter for doing his job in your forest. You were let off because of your past services for the king.
Next fhex
Aggravated assault, theft and mayhem
Then he looks to the dwarf
And you your list is far too long to go into detail so allow me to just give you the one at the top, the one that caught my eye,
Improper relations with the king’s velvet couch!
What’s that even mean? Rasper shouts.
Mmmmmm I loved that damn sofa mutters twizz.
Now that everyone has introduced themselves Rodrick begins, maybe we can get down to business. Anyone know why we are here?
Rasper’s rant
We are here to find a slave trading operation far to the south, Sir Rasper says. Our only source of information is a sun addled farm girl with mush for brains. The plan is to head south to the great desert and locate their hideout and report back to the king.
So we are supposed to wander the desert half assed till we get picked up by the same dirt burglar and get hauled off to our death? Great plan numb nuts twizz laughs. Rasper looks to me and says that’s why we are bringing an experienced tracker.
Puzzled to his meaning I say, the king informed me in our brief conversation that there were no tracks to be found...
None by the dimwitted soldiers in the kings employ. Rasper interjects
Indeed, I say but I believe our rout will lie in the words of the young woman,
She is a sun baked wh...
As you have said before but I believe I may be able to help her. I interrupt.
The king’s healers have already seen to her and she is said to be beyond help Rasper snorts.
I smile as I say; I believe you used the words "dimwits"?
Fine Rasper responds , she is in the asylum on the east edge of town, we leave tomorrow as the sun rises if you wish to waste your time from now to then wiping the drool from the chin of a used up farm girl that is your business but the wagon will not wait for late sleepers.
Rangers wake with the sun I say as I thank him for the information and take my leave as I pass the double doors I hear the voice of my new friend behind me “where was we goin again? We can stop at the bar on the way right?
Wailing winds asylum
I walked with Bubba along the wide paved road gazing at the cold hard stone walls of the keep. The grounds were beautiful and well kept but my eyes kept drifting to those walls and began to feel like a tiny animal in a great cage, my kind lives without walls in the open and we always feel unnerved in closed in spaces even ones as large as the walls of a keep. But the open sky was a comfort to me and we walked in silence until we began to hear the moaning off in the distance. I looked and all the buildings on the lane were empty but in good condition, their abandonment became apparent the closer we walked to the imposing building for we could plainly hear the pitiful wails coming through the barred windows. Bubbas face contorted as we approached the grounds
Smells like fear...and shit.
I don’t like dis place...
I'll be at da bar,
My large friend abruptly turns and walks in the opposite direction,
Bubba, the bar is to the south your headed west my friend. I call out to him
Yup, but da winds blowing south so I'm a goin round.
I watch the man depart, he shook his head slowly as he walked I could see he was visibly disturbed but I couldn’t smell whatever was bothering him so much because if the smell of feces offended him he was worst enemies with his loincloth.
The dwarf interrupts the tale again with raucous laughter
Bubba stands, his meaty fists clenching
Yous know dat Place's wrong!
Aye, that I do sir, I Ain’t never been there but the folks at the bar don't often speak of it and when they do its never pleasant.
At the front of the building there stands a pair of guards and they bar entrance to the doors and tell me "no visitors, official business only"
I tell them I am here on the orders of Sir Rasper and am immediately admitted. The iron doors open and I am hit with the pungent odor of feces and sweat.
Another set of guards at the front desk escorts me to the young ladies room after a brief conversation with the desk clerk. He is a younger man with short cut blonde hair and dark circles under his eyes
I find the girl in a small room wandering around the sunbeam that came from the tiny window in the ceiling of her room. I speak to her softly first in the common tongue and when I get no reaction to my words I switch to elfish which is said to have a musical quality to it.
I tell her everything is going to be alright and I am here to help her, she stops pacing for a moment and I approach, there is no expression on her plain face and her sun bleached hair is wild. The skin on her face and chest are horribly blistered and certainly painful but she was obviously unaware of it. I knew there was a salve in my belt pouch that can cure her wounds but I fear to apply it after what the poor girl has gone through but I hoped her discomfort would be short lived and decided to proceed. I sang to her then in elfish a song my mother used to sing to me,
I slowly reach into my belt and draw out a small leather pouch of salve made from various types of plants from the elfish forests and apply some to my hand I can feel it tickle as it begins to work on the small scrapes on my fingertips and I reach out and gently touch the tip of her nose her eyes snap to focus and she lashes out, swinging wildly for a moment then while attempting to remove the salve spreads it to her hands. Waiving her arms about she falls to the padded floor and sits up staring at her hands I sit down slowly and apply more to my hand and she looks to me and grows still and closes her eyes. I begin to rub the salve across her forehead and she jumps several times and quivers in fear for several moment before crawling into my lap and going to sleep. I use that time to treat the rest of her wounds and use all the elfish healing gifted to me by my people and say many prayers to my goddess Mekki for her health and safety. The soft blue light of healing forms around the girl and I know that Mekki deems this girl worthy of saving. I gently lay her on her bed and excuse myself to bring warm water and towels.
I return with the items a short time later and she is awake sitting up in her bed. Her eyes are red from tears she is curled into a ball staring at me when I enter.
She says “who are you?”
I say "a friend"
What did you do to me? She asks me.
I brought you out of the darkness. I reply
Why? I was better off there. She says putting her head down on her knees.
How can you say that? I ask confused.
I remember what they did to me. She says looking at me with a sudden intensity.
Who? Who hurt you? I say stepping forward
You know who. She says.
I need you to tell me where they are.
I was picking mushrooms far to the south at the edge of a swamp when I was attacked by the men. They beat me and threw me in a cart and we traveled south in a straight line for eleven days.
You say there was a cart but the king’s men found no tracks. I reply.
The cart had a long cloth attached to the back of it; it trailed behind for some distance.
My eyes widened at the simple solution.
I had a dagger with me when I was picked up. She says with tears rimming her eyes where is it?
I don't know. I reply
I want it. She says as a tear slides down her cheek.
Why? I say taking her hand.
I took it from one of the bastards who hurt me, and where I'm from you keep what you kill.
You killed the man? I quietly ask.
I shoved his dagger in his face and ran as far and as fast as I could. She attempts to say without emotion but her voice cracking the whole time.
I don’t know where it is ma'am. I say softly and she asked me
You find this information useful?
Yes thank you I reply
Then kill me
I cannot. I say beginning to tear up.
You brought me into the light I see everything, I remember everything. I cannot live with these thoughts. Please if you have any mercy send me back to the darkness where I belong.
She cries when I hold her hands in mine and tell her "if Mekki did not see you fit to revive she would not have done so" it is not my place to take a gift such as this that a goddess has saw fit to give. I hope in time you can forgive me.
She yanks her hand from mine and puts her head back down and begins to cry.
She is still sobbing when I leave.
I stop and talk to the clerk on my way out and ask to see the woman's personal effects.
He brings out a small sack of soiled rags and at the bottom is the dagger she spoke of.
I take it and put it in my backpack. If she asks this was never here I say to the man.
He nods and I tell him I will return with a gold piece if she is well taken care of.
I leave and find Bubba at the bar we are there drinking when sometime later a group of guards enter, they immediately notice our table and walk slowly over I stand to greet them but they tell me to remain seated.
A man I recognize from earlier speaks "I thought you would want to know the young woman you spoke to has bitten through her tongue, we were too late. I'm sorry"
The guards leave and I begin to weep
The next afternoon I wake up again on the floor of the bar but this time it is Bubba worrying on how to wake me. Apparently halfway through a long night of drinking a pair of farm boys entered the bar and began taunting my elf heritage. Normally I can ignore comments like these but a mix of potent drink and sorrow made me attack those young men, thankfully unarmed but they won't be able to walk for some days, and work for more days still.
Our journey was to begin and I had not gathered provisions for our journey, I began a mad rush that was cut short by the ogre who stood before me.
When ya wouldn't wake up I went ahead and got ya some stuff, rope, candles, a piece of chalk some greens and a bunch of dried fish in case ya gets hungry.
I thank Bubba profusely and we run to the kings keep to meet our companions.
The slave
I was woken to the sound of cracking whips that had been the normal for a long time now. When I was taken from my farm into captivity almost eight years ago I never thought I'd live this long. I had a good life so long ago, a family and friends now all that I have left is the pickaxe by my straw mat and the blisters on my hands. My name at birth was known to me then, that is the first thing they take from you here they give you a number and burn it into your face just below the right eye I am 025 and that is all I can remember.
I sit up and can immediately tell the fortunate soul that was sleeping on the mat next to me has finally succumbed to his injuries and died in his sleep. I quickly remove his leather sandals and strap them on my bare feet. At first I thought them to be full of rocks but after removing them I notice the soles of my feet are covered in calluses.
My clumsy fingers fumble with the buckle causing my knuckles to crack painfully. I begin to rub the cramp out when I hear the familiar sound split the air behind me, I don’t even flinch as the leather cuts into my flesh I simply reach over and pick up my tool and stand. I start to walk to my assigned digging spot when I hear the guard scream "on your feet maggot,"
The whip strikes and I stop and turn. I avert my eyes and I say "he's dead"
The guard actually chuckles and says "from the smell I say he has been dead for a week, are you sure he is freshly dead?"
Yes I reply. He was alive last night.
The guard pulls a silver whistle from a pouch on his belt and blows it
I don’t hear any sound but I know what it means even before the guard looks down in disgust, this one’s all skin and bones, must not have been a good fighter he laughs.
I hear the rapid approach of the wolves and I know to sit down whenever they are near. I lower my eyes and keep them down until the wolves begin to eat and the man wakes from his deep sleep and begins to scream and flail weakly at the four huge wolves tearing him apart.
The guard smiles "looks like he had a little life left after all"
I fold my arms over my knees and bury my face in them up to my ears in a futile attempt to block out the wet crunching sounds that assaulted me. The guard sees me cowering and runs over and kicks me in the back sending me sprawling
"This is your doing dog; bear witness to his death the family we ripped him from deserves at least that!
I stand and watch until the dogs are gnawing bones. The guard is pale and spits bile continuously as his stomach betrays his hateful speech. He looks up at me and screams GET TO WORK DOG!!
My pickaxe is in my hand and before I know what's going on I am striding towards the guard I see his mouth open but I hear no sound, feel his whip striking at my face but feel nothing but hate, I see his eyes full of surprise as my pick enters his neck and the blood escapes his wound, mouth and nose in great spurts coating me in a crimson mist. I begin roaring at the wolves still distracted by their first warm meal so I bury my pick in the back of the firsts head caving in his pitiful skull. He makes not a sound and as I attempt to withdraw my weapon the bloody handle slips from my grasp as the other wolf pounces knocking me from my feet. My world is fur and teeth. He has my forearm in his maw as he violently shakes his head. Again I roar and stand raising my arm and the wolf above my head I see his throat and think" if he saw this opening he would take it." My free hand grasps the hair on the back of his neck and I pull him close to my chest and feel his soft fur on my face as I bite down, his grip on my arm immediately slacken so I push my arm forward tilting his head back and feel his hot blood begin to pour as he begins to writhe claws slash my stomach and teeth grind my arm down to the bone but I keep biting and shaking my head violently. And the beast goes limp in my arms and I throw the dead thing to the ground. I feel no pain but see the bones in my arm I look at my chest and it is covered in blood, deep gashes and fur. Again I start to roar but my mouth is full of fur and I spit out the bloody chunk into the dirt and slowly look up to see a group of fully armored guards surrounding me. They look worried before I yank the bloody pickaxe from the wolf's skull. I know I am about to die but the man’s dying screams still fresh in my ears I don't care.
I begin to advance towards the group and they get in formation bracing for my attack when I hear a far off voice whispering to me to sleep. I take two more steps and raise my arm to strike and notice I no longer have my pick. I think it odd as I fall to my knees and instead of the hard stone I land on soft grass that tickles my nose.
I rise easily and see a familiar face standing before me. it takes me a moment but her voice when she speaks sets my thoughts ablaze and clears a fog from my mind when I realize it is my beloved wife Annabelle, memories of a score of mornings waking up and watching her sleep flash before my eyes and I see her sweet smile and hear her say my name
Then she speaks in the deep baritone of a man’s voice and says “this one has spirit send him to the pits and make something for him out of those mangy skins.
She smiles that sweet smile again and blows me a kiss before a red line opens in her throat and her white dress is covered in black blood. I begin to rush to her when she snarls like a wolf and snaps her sharp teeth at me causing me to fall backwards in shock. I look into her eyes and they are that of the wolf and reflect a yellow gleam. She looks ready to pounce upon me but smiles, not her beautiful smile but a wicked smile that’s speaks both pleasure and mayhem she speaks again through a growl and a mouthful of blood "embrace your inner wolf my pup". Her head tilts back and what was once a slash is now a bite. I begin to speak and I find that I cannot.
No no no, silence is best my pup, she purrs
Shaking a finger. You no longer have use for words.
I stare at the devil wearing my beloved's face and shake my head no.
Aww it doesn't understand, you will, sleep now and I promise you that everything will be right with the world when you wake.
Blackness follows.
The journey begins
Bubba and I caught up to the stagecoach on the road headed south out of town.
Sir Rasper was sitting in the driver’s seat of the wagon and pulled it to a stop,
Thought you weren't going to make it, don't rangers wake with the sun? The scowling Rasper snaps.
We approach and throw our meager supplies in the back of the wagon and climb aboard.
If ye was a' going drinkin ye should have invited the rest o' us! Shouts twizz as the wagon begins its long bumpy journey.
I can smell ye from here and that's over perfume boy. The dwarf says Sticking out a thumb at Rodrick.
It's Rodrick, says the blue robed man. And we were all given time to get ready. So why good dwarf do you smell like feet?
It's me lucky socks, mined in em fer years and never had a cave in.
Please boys. Enough says Kayla from the front of the wagon. This trip will take long enough without the various smells that have already assaulted me
She looks to Bubba
And will most likely continue.
Me? Says Bubba. I smell good du nice girl at du baths took good care uh me.
Kayla leans in closer to the ogre and breaths deeply.
Indeed she did. Kayla says smiling. I apologize to you but your handsome friend will get no such consolation till he has had a swim and some of roddie's mint to chew. A good priest always has some mint right sweetie? She says turning to Rodrick,
Well ma'am yes and no, Rodrick stammers have some mint that I would gladly pass out especially to my dwarven friend but I am not a priest by any means I am a initiate made from the Eschvald school of magic.
He begins to search a small pack filled with glass vials and small pouches of various colors
What's inish...?
What's an innii...?
What's dat mean? Says Bubba.
Means he's worthless says twizzlick
When the time comes we will see whose worthless sir dwarf says Rodrick.
Aye that we will, just see you don't trip over yer skirt when you step outa the wagon.
I distract the conversation by asking Kayla where her husband is.
My reply comes from below the bench seat where fhex has made quite a nice little apartment for himself everything a man could ask for all gnome sized, a bed, dresser, couch, a desk, a small bathtub, and even a stand that held his tiny backpack.
I see your not want for comfort Mr. Fhex; I say to him, all that's missing is a rug so your feet don't get cold.
He leaps from the couch and exclaims it to be a great idea and immediately goes to his desk and withdraws a roll of parchment and starts taking measurements of all his furniture.
I like you elf he exclaims from his back.
Thank you sir that’s....
Hey, I’m busy. Go away the gnome grumbles.
Ok, I say
SHH! He says stamping a foot.
I return to the conversation above the bench which had already turned heated.
I told ya little one says Bubba pointing a finger at the dwarf. I owe you one so keep your mouth and your ass shut for our trip and I might forget to eat you.
You'll find me a tough chew with no teeth lunk head. Laughs twizzlick
And don't forget I owe you one as well ya big bearded oaf! Shouts fhex from his nest.
He called me big! Beams the dwarf to everyone.
Ha! Exclaims Rodrick. Found it
Mint anyone? He says holding up a green bag clearly labeled "mint"
I accept and look to Kayla and she watches me expectantly... nodding.
Sorry. I say, we had a rough night.
We know what happened sir fancy pants up front told us, that's why we were waiting but he quickly grew impatient.
I be surprised he waited at all. Twizz says. He spent the whole time pacing in the road yelling at people
Yes it seems our good sir Rasper is a bit of a stickler for the rules Rodrick says. You seemed to know him Mr. Dwarf or rather he knew you. Care to elaborate?
Aye. I know the man he is a tight ass to be sure but he has always been fair to me and me people so I can't fault the man for being a bit gruff now an again.
Those are quite kind words coming from a dwarf if you don't mind me saying. Says Rodrick clearly intrigued at Twizzlick’s uncharacteristically nice attitude towards a figure of authority.
Well it’s a long story...
We have time, it's a month ride to the desert if we don't make any stops, and trust me there is gonna be stops. Says Kayla
Why ye say that? Twizz says.
We worked this area, and this stagecoach looks like it belonged to the king she states plainly.
I don't get it Bubba says from the back of the wagon.
The wagon jerks to a halt and everyone stops talking to listen to the voices that have started speaking outside the coach.
Rasper can be plainly heard shouting.
I am on a mission from the king and have no time for ignorant bandits.
Twizz jumps to his feet and exclaims bandits! Time to show me stuff! He exits the wagon while putting on his spiked helm and the rest of the group follows.
Twizz steps around the back of the wagon and puts his hands on his hips and laughs only six o ye? Thems good odds fer any dwarf.
The bandits begin to advance, the leader a barrel of a man with the thick arms of a blacksmith easily carrying a long sword speaks,
Shoulda stayed in the wagon with yer friends Shorty!
SHORTY! Twizz shouts that's it!
The dwarf begins to paw the ground like a bull about to charge and right as his hand makes contact with the ground a great metal boot connects with the hindquarters of his sturdy plate sending him flying forward. The world is a blur for a short second followed by a neck jarring impact, disorientation follows when Bubba is running upside down past him everyone stops and stares open-mouthed as the dwarf begins to struggle to free himself.
Put down your weapons Rodrick says
Bubba continues charging the five remaining members of the group.
The first two attack as a team, one stabbing high the other swinging low with a club.
I watch as Bubba hops back avoiding the swing while kicking the club sideways taking out the legs of the man with the sword, he screams in pain as the bone in his leg breaks.
Bubbas arm extends grabbing the off balance man with the club by the face and picking him up and holding him aloft. He stands there for a moment glaring at the three remaining bandits, the man on the grounds screams gain Bubbas attention for a moment then, while not taking his eyes from the men takes two steps over and pins the man’s head to the ground then bringing his leg up and stomping down smashing the man’s head.
The remaining bandits drop their weapons and hold up their hands in an attempt to surrender. The stagecoach rocks as Bubba slams his struggling captive into the sturdy wall breaking his neck. The man in the middle is hit with the flying body of his compatriot. And they fall together in a tangled heap.
The remaining two start to run but Bubba easily catches up to them grabbing both at the same time by the collar and jerking back, causing the men to flatten out midair and come crashing down only to be brought right back up and smashed down again this time on the tops of Their heads.
The third and fourth times were unnecessary. Returning to the wagon Bubba locks eyes with the man on the ground attempting to dislodge himself from his companion’s corpse.
No! No! Please no! The man pleads
Bubba doesn't even break stride as he walks right over the man letting his massive body weight crush the man’s neck.
Impressive says twizz who had managed to struggle himself around still upside-down.
Now can someone help me down?
Breathing heavily Bubba picks up the upside-down dwarf by the leg,
That makes us even for insulting me. Bubba says putting the dwarf on his feet.
Never have my eyes beheld such ass kickery. I bow to your skill sir. Says twizz in a low bow.
You makin fun of me the enraged half ogre shouts bending at the waist to shout in the dwarfs face.
Twizz gasps no sir indeed not I have survived two wars against the goblin horde and saw the heroes of my kind in glorious battle and they pale in comparison to the display I just saw.
Twizz then puts on a three foot tall reenactment complete with roars and loud "BOOMS".
Is dat what I look like? Bubba asks the group.
No your taller, says fhex walking through the group as he begins to go through the pockets of the Fallen bandits.
Hey stop that! Rodrick shouts.
Why? Asks fhex
They are someone's brother, or father and they deserve a proper burial Rodrick says loudly looking to the group for support.
Well then, let me try another tactic
Fhex looks to the nearest bandit
Hey buddy, where is your camp?
How many of you are there?
Where’s your boss keeping his treasure?
Who is your boss?
I don't think this one is feeling very talkative today so let me do what I do and if it displeases your delicate sensibilities your welcome to wait in the wagon.
Your robbing them shouts Rodrick.
Yes, yes I am but I'm also looking for this. Fhex says while pulling a simple chain off a man’s neck and tossing it to Rodrick.
What's this? He says looking to the simple pendant.
It's a guild seal, well it's like a guild seal but it's actually from one of the smaller groups.
What's that mean? Rodrick asks.
It means he has friends and we should go. Kayla interjects.
Agreed I say but I have one more question.
What is it? Fhex asks
Why did you put all their hands down their pants?
Because it was funny, now can we go?
Yes, it’s time to go. Says Rasper from the driver’s seat.
But the bodies... Rodrick says pointing.
Leave them for the dogs.
I am in command of this mission and I say it's time to go, Rasper shouts
That means now. He adds through gritted teeth.
Bubba, Fhex, Rodrick, Kayla and twizzlick all make their way back inside the coach but I decide to learn more of Sir Rasper and ask permission to assume the empty navigators seat. He nods and spurs the wagon to motion as soon as I am seated.
Rasper’s reasons
Rasper sits holding the reins with a scowl on his face.
We won't need your navigation or tracking skills until we reach the desert He says.
I'm aware of that sir I just wished to speak to you. I reply
For what purpose? Rasper snaps
I am under your command for this mission and I would like to know the quality of your character. I reply plainly.
Fine, you may begin your interrogation at your leisure elf. The man says frowning.
Ok. How did you become the king’s right hand man? I say after a short pause.
I was trained from birth to be a king’s guard like anyone else born into the royal family.
A noble? I say
The king’s cousin to be exact but as close to royalty as a mule to a cart.
A cart won't function without the sturdy mule to pull it,
He actually smiles and thanks me.
I never thought I would be thanked for calling the Capitan of the king’s guards an ass.
Indeed, funny how the world works Rasper laments.
So you must spend a lot of time with the good king?
I did at one time but no longer.
Why is that? I say
The king, I'm sorry to say is a trusting fool Rasper says
I'm surprised to hear you say that I say
He indulges every man who seeks an audience and takes them at their word sometimes giving them hundreds even thousands of gold to piss away and rarely sees a return.
A king has a duty to his people I say
A man asked for a hundred thousand gold and a platoon of soldiers to go up to the mountains and study zombies.
Wow. I say and he agreed?
Yes I spoke out against the man and pleaded with the king to put the man in prison for necromancy but the king already made up his mind. Rasper spits through clenched teeth
That's scary, what was his purpose?
Sir Rasper's teeth grind as he growls" to use them to defend the kingdom"
He plans on weaponizing zombies? I gasp.
That's the conclusion I made! He nearly shouts in my face waving his finger in the air, I tried to get him to see reason but he wouldn't listen, instead he sends me out of the palace to speak further with the man and has not invited me back, only my duties bring me to the castle now, though it may be for the best in the long run.
Why? I ask
When the man left he gave the king his horrible jester he seemed harmless at first with his foolishness but time has revealed him to be a smug sneaky nasty little bastard if ever I met one.
I saw him during my meeting. He gave me a strange impression I recall.
He is more intelligent then he lets on. Rasper says.
I have run across him in my investigations repeatedly and he was even named as a suspect in the theft of the kings royal Scepter but unfortunately the man got drunk and was discovered at the bottom of the palace stairs with his head caved in.
That's unfortunate I say
Yes most untimely and I made this fact known to the king but he sees the fool as a harmless simpleton but I see the truth of the man. Rasper says
And what is his truth? I ask
He is dangerous. Rasper says.
I agree I say.
An issue to be dealt with at a later date, and he will be dealt with appropriately and tossed into the deepest hole in the deepest part of Costello island prison and forgotten about.
You would not strike him down? I ask
I am no murderer Rasper barks, leave the sentence to the judges I bring the criminals in it’s up to more educated men to pass judgment.
I feel the same way; there have been many criminals I have brought to justice that may have deserved death if it were up to the elven people. I say
The elves believe in capital punishment? Rasper says jaw hanging in disbelief.
Only for the worst crimes and it has been hundreds of years since my people put someone to the sword, we favor banishment.
I see, let the wilds do your dirty work Rasper scoffs.
Indeed I say, indeed
A brief rest.
The day continued easily and when the sun began to set Rasper guides the stagecoach to the side of the road near a quiet stream. I think this is a good spot to stop for the night Rasper calls to the back. Everyone out and set up camp while my new elven friend takes a bath.
Sorry handsome, I told you, Kayla giggles while exiting the coach. She is wearing a small wooden backpack that straps in the front connected by a red button I can only assume releases the clasp then I notice its Mr. Flex’s living room furniture folded neatly into itself. She wears it easily and I am surprised when she slips it off over her head and sets it up under a tree.
I take basically everyone's advice and remove my leathers and wade into the river stopping briefly to pick some mint and heather growing on the bank I mingle the small purple flower and the coarse leafs and make a fine smelling rub to wash the smell of the bar floor away.
In the meantime whilst my attention was diverted Bubba walks towards a small stand of trees and begins pulling the young ones out by the roots. He has torn three young oaks from their mother before my shouts gain his attention.
I must have been quite the sight sprinting out of the water completely nude with a fistful of flowers shouting at the giant half ogre who stood looking to the group for support and shrugging his shoulders.
What are you doing! I shout.
Uhh, firewood? Bubba replies
A sharp slap across the face brings a fire to Bubbas eyes.
Go to the river and look for fallen trees or driftwood while I try to heal them. I growl
Kayla quickly puts herself between the two of us and offers to help Bubba at the river and takes his hand and leads him in that direction.
I take a knee and examine the twisted roots of the nearest sapling and see the main lead has been broken and it is beyond help and will die and the same is true for the others.
By the time I have finished my prayers over the trees Bubba has returned with a huge load of driftwood. He sets the wood down and walks over to where I am seated.
Lady says trees like family to elves. Bubba begins, I... I didn't know dat. I sorry.
And I'm sorry I hit you, I say rising to my feet.
You hit me with flowers he says smiling.
Did I? I say.
Yup. It smelled pretty, Bubba laughs
We leave the trees to age after I explain that green wood won't burn.
Oops Bubba says
Don't worry friend I will have you speaking to trees before our journey's end I reply
Wait! Bubba says stopping
Trees can talk?
Camping with magic.
The group began to set up camp under the supervision of Sir Rasper. Kayla and fhex were in charge of setting up the tents. I was foraging for nuts and berries while I scouted the area. Bubba and twizz set to gather more driftwood and Rodrick sat cross legged before a small pile of wood humming softly.
When our respective tasks were completed we gathered around Rodrick and stood quietly until twizz grumbles,
Thought he was gonna light the fire, been near to an hour and all he's done is sit on his arse.
In due time sir dwarf I am trying to meditate. Rodrick says.
Getting cold. Twizz says in a mock shiver.
Still seated Rodrick holds his right hand up palm facing forward while he put his left into a pouch on his belt and pulls forth a small black and grey stone and what looks like a steel throwing dagger. Laying the stone before him and striking it with the dagger he produces a shower of sparks.
His right hand flexes and the sparks spring to life multiplying until a small flame begins to burn and spin. It begins small but in a few moments it is as big as Mr. Fhex.
Rodrick smiles as the flame takes the form of a house cat that nimbly pads over to the pile of wood and lies down and begins to purr. The wood immediately begins to blaze and soon the cat is just another part of the flames.
And it only took you an hour, Twizz laughs.
My meditation took me an hour, the spell was almost instant. Rodrick replies
We been in a wagon fer near ten hours! Twizz shouts throwing his hands in the air.
I can't concentrate with all the bumps. Rodrick says with obvious distaste.
Fhex and Kayla join us when the sun goes down. He is wearing a tiny baby blue house coat and is carrying a pipe. She is clothed only in a bed sheet and towel over her hair she carries a large wine flask and several cups
Lovely evening isn't it? Fhex says with a smile reaching into the fire to grab a half burnt stick to light his long stemmed pipe.
Kayla, from under her sheet produces the backpack and sets it down just inside the glow of the fire.
Fhex looks to twizzlick still wearing his plate mail and says,
You can let your guard down there sir I believe you are amongst friends.
Aye? Says twizz with a cocked eyebrow.
Your armor sir, why don't you remove it? Fhex asks.
Takes near to an hour with all the buckles and snaps and such so during adventurers I usually keep it on.
Gross, Fhex says producing a tiny golden key and inserting it into the backpack.
An audible click can be heard as the box unfolds and becomes a living room set once again.
Fhex briefly looks at the armor and comments, standard dwarf heavy plate. What is it ten generations old?
Fifteen by me paps word twizz says.
No, those buckles aren't over ten fhex replies.
Me own da' gived it and his da' gived it to him...Twizz begins.
Yeah yeah I get it, it's old. Who cares? Let me help you to take it off and I can fix it. Twizz begins the long unbuckling process while stopping occasionally so fhex can make a note on a small parchment and to set another piece of armor on the ground.
When twizzlick is completely free from his armor he stands and stretches his hands towards the sky.
Kayla, pinching her nose says, there it is!
The stench I been expecting,
Ugh smells like a raccoon drowned in a keg of beer that got left out in the sun! Rodrick gasps falling backwards.
Rasper stands. I command you under the direct authority of the king to go wash your filthy dwarven ass.
Twizz looks to everyone gasping for breath and lowers his arms slumping his shoulders
Ok, Twizz says
Take your armor and scrub it out while you’re at it nasty pants! Fhex shouts
Twizz gathers the pieces of his soiled armor while muttering I never smelt nuthin.
Mint and heather on the south bank and I can smell lavender on the western breeze I say.
Thanks, oh there's just one more thing tweez says but before it goes down I just wanna know, is that how ye all feel about me odor?
Everyone agrees.
Well then.
At this point twizz spins on his heel and bends over, rolls his shoulders and forces out a massive fart directly into our campfire. The force of the blast knocks the entire group backward off their stumps
That's an odor! Twizz says walking away towards the river. The plume of flames reaches twenty-five feet in the air and the flaming cat at the center of the fire hisses and spits and tears a flaming line through the grass leaving everyone in the dark
Ghaaaa! Fhex scampers off into the night.
Sweet mother! I gasp.
Kayla simply plugs her nose and quickly rolls away remaining mostly unaffected.
Nice push says Bubba, kinda burns the gums.
Attempting to hold his dignity while he walks out of the affected zone Rasper could be heard cursing for many moments out in the darkness.
Poor Rodrick must have had a delicate stomach and could be heard vomiting copiously in the dark for several moments, finally after the stench was cleared out and Roderick’s kind offerings of raw meat to the flaming cat who was easy to find due to it climbing up a tree and setting it ablaze the group met again around the fire.
Twizlick could be heard merrily scrubbing the gross out of his armor.
So, what are we going to do about him? Rasper speaks to the group.
Kayla says, leave him.
I agree, it's the only way. Rodrick agrees
No, I have a better plan. Fhex says from the darkness
No baby! Kayla pleads suddenly alarmed.
He needs to learn a lesson. Rasper puts in. You do what you need to do gnome.
A fine vegetable stew is just being prepared and cooking by the time the dwarf returns with his shining plates all neatly stacked and smelling like a freshly thrown elf punch.
Twizz sets his armor near to the workshop of Mr. Fhex and takes his seat near to the fire.
The gnome immediately goes to work on the armor with a screwdriver and pliers pulling off buckles and filing down rough edges with a tiny file.
By the time the stew is boiling fhex, sweating like a bad piece of ham, calls out done! Mr. stinky if you please.
Twizz scoffs don't know what you coulda' done in an hour’s time.
A lot. Says Mr. Fhex
The armor itself was laid out in the shape of a dwarf with the chest plate open.
Go ahead and lay down Mr. Dwarf. Fhex says motioning to the armor.
How? Says twizz
Put your feet where your feet go and sit down! Shouts fhex.
Looking to the feet of the armor the boots remained upright so the dwarf steps into them and falls back into a seated position causing the armor to sit up and wrap itself around him and ending with a loud click.
Twizz gets up easily and stretches himself out. Nice work, he says it's lighter but feels sturdier.
We can work out payment after dinner fhex says handing the fully armored dwarf a piping hot bowl of stew.
So no hard feelings? Twizz asks.
Payment after dinner. Fhex repeats
Well ok but if ye wanna fight I won't be taking it easy on ye. Twizz warns bringing the large bowl up to his nose. But yer right we can work it out after this fine meal.
There is silence while the group drinks their hot soup.
Fhex and Kayla sit a respectable distance away under the shade of a large oak tree and the rest of the group watches twizz expectantly as he slops soup all over himself.
We finish our bowls and fhex is there refilling them. The only person to take more than two bowls is twizzlick and midway through his third bowl we hear him breathing heavily and know whatever is happening is about to go down
Ooooooh me guts! Twizz moans
Ugh Mr. Fhex how do I get this armor off?
Off? Fhex asks
Ya I gotta go! Twizz shouts
Go? Go where? Fhex says with a straight face
I gotta crap! Bad! Twizz begs
I'd imagine you do, with the amount of brownberry I put in your soup I'm surprised you held out this long, Fhex explains.
Not funny gnome! Twizz shouts
Neither is farting on someone who is tied up! Fhex says standing up and pointing a finger at the dwarf.
I could crush you with this armor. Twizz says through clenched teeth.
You can try, but make an attempt and you will be stuck in that armor... till you drown fhex replies.
Drown? Wha.....Twizz begins but is cut short by the echoes from the inside of his plate mail.
Everyone might want to stand back for this fhex says with barely contained glee.
The noise is loud and varied but the look on the dwarves face never changes, and to the craftsmanship of the gnome, the seals on his plate did not leak... until it reached the neck joint and started leaking out of the top like a brown fountain only then did the dwarf give in and apologize.
I'm sorry I swear on my word I'll keep me gas to meself. Twizz pleads now how do I open this thing??
The magic word? Fhex asks
Wha? Magic word? You are an enchanter as well? Twizz asks with horror in his eyes.
I believe he means say please Rodrick says with his nose hidden under his robe.
Please please please! Twizz shouts
Good we are even now fhex says as he walks over to Twizzlick’s ever growing puddle.
Raise your arms above your head and stand on your right foot. Fhex says
Surprisingly the dwarf obeys and when the left foot leaves the ground a click could be heard and the armor falls off with a splash.
It's all connected so it's easy to wash fhex tells the dwarf who stood up to his neck in filth.
Well played gnome, I'm going to have to keep my eyes on you! The dwarf laughs as he grabs has soiled armor and drags it back to the river.
More stew anyone? Fhex asks smiling.
Someone approaches; I say when my elf ears pick up the sound of several sets of footsteps approaching from the north.
We might have some of your stew although it doesn't seem to agree with your friend a voice says from the darkness.
We have plenty if your numbers are few good sir Rodrick calls out.
The man dressed in hard leather steps into the firelight and says our numbers are many but we are just a small group.
Then sit and share a meal and a tale if you seek to pay for your food. I say
Eight large men step into the firelight and take their places amongst the group and bowels are distributed amongst the newcomers.
What brings you out this far? Rodrick asks.
Well... the first man begins, a few of our friends were brutally murdered on the road a fair distance back and we were following the wagon trail but it got dark so we were about to camp for the night but saw an explosion and decided to check it out and now I see you have a wagon of about the right size am I'm starting to wonder if you are who we..
Ah good sir I know what you’re thinking but we have come from the south Rodrick begins but is cut short by the first man
Through Varo’s land?
Varo’s? Rodrick asks
Wrong answer. The man says
He begins to pull his sword when I pull a small pinch of seeds from my pouch and throw them at the man’s feet. They hit the dirt and immediately spring to life growing a tangle of vines that wrap the man from head to toe before his sword leaves it’s sheath. I hold my hand out and tell the man I have stopped the sticker bush from reaching maturity. Would you like to know what happens when it gets a certain age? Six inch thorns friend, and it looks like you’re already wrapped up so it might be in your best interest to tell me what you know. And tell your men to stand down before I have my large friend rip their arms off.
The man manages to tell his men to stand down and they retreat off into the shadows.
Who is Varo’s? I say.
You are many days travel from his lands and I recommend you stay as far from him as you can. The man replies.
Why is that? Sir Rasper says as he steps towards the captive man.'s said he is a shade, a black shadow that sweeps across the lands, capturing some and killing others seemingly at random .
The last free village is two days ride south of here replenish your supplies there if you must but do not go further than the village.
I have told you all that I know, now please release me.
I look the man directly in the eyes and ask him, how many men between us and the town?
Twenty-five able bodied men eight of which accompany me now, He pleads.
You may go when the spell wears off in a few moments and when you do, gather your companions and let them know this wagon carries only death, I say.
O, o, okay, he says back th-th-thank you.
Take care and find a new line of work I say to the man.
I can smash him right where he sits and we can be done with it. Bubba says putting a giant hand on the man’s head and patting it like a small dog.
My friend wants to smash your head and I wanna see him do it fhex says.
I swear to mend my ways! The man screams.
Whad he says? Bubba growls grabbing the man by the hair
I promise to be good. The man says in a whisper.
That's what I thought you said. Bubba smirks.
The vines are beginning to shrink down and I believe you are free and should take this opportunity to leave our good company I say to the man.
He looks down just in time for me to pick up the seeds and replace them back into my belt pouch.
The man stands and runs off in the wrong direction.
Yer friends are the other way dumbass! Bubba shouts.
The man is almost in hysterics when he runs back through our campsite.
A few moments’ later twizz returns dressed in his armor dragging the same man by the foot.
Caught this one running from the campsite, he diddent even see me! Ran right into me fist an decided ta take a nap. Twizz laughs
The man is indeed asleep so I gather him up and lay him next to the fire.
He has had a tough night I say, let him sleep. The rest of the group settles down for the night and in the morning when the group wakes the man is gone and has left the sword that he carried on his hip.
On the road again.
The road to the town was an easy one a few scouts were all I could observe of the men we encountered and true to the man's word in two days we reached the village. Not much larger than a fort the high wooden walls encompass the small keep and the surrounding town. The drawbridge was up but was lowered as we approached it quickly covered the distance over the ten foot ring of six foot spikes.
Seems a bit excessive, Rodrick says looking down.
Not to my eyes I say pointing out the many varieties of tracks, a pack of wolves has been through here less than two days ago and... Oh! A dire bear, I would like to meet him. He looks like an alpha from the size of him, somewhere around the fifteen hundred pound mark, less than a day. I say to myself.
I believe I will be forgoing the town I say to Sir Rasper.
We will meet here this time tomorrow Rasper responds.
Yer gonna need me ta watch yer back. Bubba says.
I go to find a giant bear and try to make friends with it, I respond.
I fought bears before. Bubba exclaims proudly.
I am not going there to fight! I nearly shout.
So what yer gonna go in there and try to hug a bear? Bubba asks
A giant bear, and ideally yes I say smiling.
Ok have fun, I'm going to the cathouse if ya change yer mind Bubba calls out waving his goodbye.
I take my leave of the group as they enter the town and in a few hours I meet a new friend.
The tracks were laughably easy to follow and stayed near the outskirts of the village, and when I came to the deep mouth of a cave I knew I had found his den.
I whistle a few ranger bird calls at the opening of the cave in hopes they would be familiar to him but the roar issuing from inside for my reply made me think I was in for a tough time.
He exited the cave Squeezing his way out of the seven foot opening sniffing his nose obviously confused by what he was smelling. I live in a small stone house as well with a large family of bears and spend my free time with them, I am family to them and they are equals in my eyes.
Standing up on his hind legs he is nearly eleven feet tall with his arms out wide his reach is nearly that, I expect the urge to flee and am able to resist it as he roars once more. The very ground shakes with the force but I hold my ground and pound my chest two times and roar back which is a generally accepted bear greeting amongst rangers .
The great bear drops to all fours and sits down cocking his head to the side. I extend my arm and hold my hand palm facing him; I make my way towards him as he continues sniffing all around looking for the bears I smell like. My hand nears his great muzzle and he moves his nose past my hand to the backpack I wore I knew immediately that there was a large quantity of dried fish there and knew I was about to lose it.
I slide the straps off and drop the bag to the ground and he rips into it immediately.
You could have waited until I opened it, I say to the bear.
He ignores me for a short time so I sit down and make myself more comfortable, to his credit he brings me the last fish and drops it in my lap before laying down at the mouth of his cave and stretching himself out. I begin my meditation as he sleeps.
I enter a deep state of relaxation and open my mind to the forest.
The area around me is bathed in light but it's not from the sun but from the life in all its forms from the birds to the insects to the great brown bear sleeping before me.
Being a follower of Mekki my own light is considerable and I reach it out to the light of the bear and slowly merge them, as our lights become one I can see into the bears mind and he can see into mine.
I see the bear’s memories and he immediately recalls seeing a shape in the darkness moving without sound it moves fast and smells of death, I don't like it and turn away. Another memory now of cubs playing amongst the trees and a small she-bear watching them dutifully until an arrow hits her in the eye, she makes not a sound but I can hear the men shouting as nets are thrown over the cubs. I roar and the men poke at me with sticks of iron while I hear my cubs being drug away I eventually break the sticks and kill the men and follow their stink but they have already been taken into the walls of the town.
I roar and am stung with many arrows until I was forced to flee back to my safe cave.
The bear looked into my memories and saw much of my family and grew sad. I knew then what I was about to do and the bear saw my thoughts,
I broke contact and returned to my own light.
the world dimmed down to normal light while I came out of my meditation and the bear snapped awake as if startled, I stood and said I will be right back and the bear seemed to nod.
One more thing before I go.
I walk easily over to the bear and wrap my arms around his thick neck and tell him I'm sorry about his mate.
I made it back to the town in no time at all.
Trouble in town.
There are many side effects to bonding with an animal especially one such as a great dire bear, many traits of the bear were brought back to the village inside me, I could feel his strength in my stride as my feet tore deep gouges in the soft dirt of the forest floor at my swift passing, I knew those trails well and was greeted by familiar scents at all my favorite spots.
My senses almost driving me mad with information as my mind attempted to process the visual stimulus I was receiving. The different tracks seemed to put off a sort of glow each with their own color, it seemed prey animals were all blue and predators were different shades of red. The forest seemed more full and alive with the soft light these scents produced.
I ignored them all; it was my heart that burned.
My cubs,
My babies...
I reached the town from the east and easily scale the wall using nothing more than my hands and stand atop the wall and look down to the people that walked on the dirt street below.
The entire town had a red glow that put me on alert but I could see the front gate from where I stood so I jumped down and landed among the people.
Some were frightened and screamed or fell back and their color changed from red to blue.
I liked that.
MY BABIES! I scream to the heavens.
More people are afraid.
I walk to the gate and stick my nose close to the ground and pick up the scent of my cubs and it brings tears to my eyes.
What are you doing there? A man asks,
I growl for a reply and start following the trail.
They were so afraid.
I shortly arrive at a strange building that had the glow of prey, both familiar and unfamiliar and it temporarily confuses me and it was there I was standing , at the end of the trail with my hands over my eyes when I hear a voice say
Whadda you want?
I remove my hands and look up at the man he is a brick wall of a man wearing an exotic smelling fur. The red glow of this man and the room he comes from makes me want to run but I can smell the trail continuing inside and attempt to follow.
The man holds his arm out in my path and begins to say something but is too busy screaming in pain to finish his thought.
I had bitten the man on the forearm on instinct and watched his color change from red to blue in an instant so I finished my bite and watched the man fall back screaming clutching his bleeding arm.
His cries brought more men. The air currents of the room changed and there were more men but one of the drafts brought the smell of my babies so I followed the smell through the man and down a set of stairs where I saw them bound in chains. They are chained at the neck and are struggling violently but when they look to me they grow peaceful and sit looking into my eyes and then down to my hands and back up to my eyes.
I look down and see a dead man in my hands, his neck broken.
I drop the man and hear the jingle of keys and pick them off the man. There are more men coming down the stairs.
I stand and face the men they come armed with iron sticks and I grow enraged.
Two men attack simultaneously both clumsy swings I catch both and tear the flimsy weapons away from their grip. They look to each other and back to me as they hear Their weapons hit the floor but I have already begun my leap, bringing my arms out wide I land behind them with my arms around Their necks twisting with the momentum of my leap I swing one man into the ceiling where he collides with enough force to break the wood support beam I spin the remaining man into the wall where he collides and lands on the floor upside down in a heap.
Two more men are coming down the stairs I kick the man on the right in his shin when it comes into view and he tumbles down grasping at the other man for support bringing them both down in a tangled heap. I take a moment to listen for more men but don't hear any. I descend on the pile of men and beat them both to death before I can stop myself.
Covered in blood I slowly approach the cubs they have remained calm throughout the fight and wait patiently as I remove the steel collars and drop the keys to the ground.
Let's go home I say to the cubs and they walk with me up the stairs.
I have regained enough of myself to stop when I hear a booming voice say
What's all that noise?
A huge man enters into the room carrying a meat cleaver and wearing an apron. He steps forward and I hear the groan of the broken boards beneath him.
He raises his arm and walks forward to strike but I stomp on the floor and with his added weight it sent the man crashing through to the basement where he lands screaming on the broken pieces of floor.
We left him there and walked through backyards and out the back gate with the cubs leading the way. I guided them back to the cave where we were met by the alpha from earlier and as a group we rejoiced and wrestled for many hours before we finally left for a safer part of the forest.
I walked with them for awhile until we came to a clear stream where I bathed myself and my clothes and treated the family's wounds which left me feeling drained so I took a short nap on the bank.
After I woke up the family of bears left and I felt much more clear headed as I dressed my many wounds using up many of my herbs and decided to keep away from the town until the hour of our meeting and spent the time replacing my stock with the local herbs as I made my way back to the road and met up with the wagon less than a half mile out of town. I did not wish them to stop so I climbed a tree and waited on a branch for the carriage to pass underneath and dropped silently to the roof.
My stealthy approach was ruined when I dropped to the rear steps and opened the doors to
It was Bubba and he was glad as always to see me.
Catching up.
A fine mess we are in now! Rodrick says with irritation thick in his voice.
The straightforward approach took me by surprise and I had no explanation for what I did, so I try to apologize.
I...I...I'm sorry I...
During my pause for words I see the look on Roderick’s face change so I know I have misspoke.
You’re sorry? He says, you weren't even there!
And that’s why I'm sorry I quickly add.
Oh yeah, ok he assumes.
It's the lunk head...
Bubba interrupts Rodrick by slamming him against the wall of the carriage by the face and dropping him and letting him fall.
Watch it bathrobe. You just been warned bout Makin fun of me Bubba growls.
By the goddess Bubba. Stand down. I say attempting to calm the situation but Bubba is already seated with his giant hands resting on his thick legs.
What happened? I say to Rodrick who was picking himself up off the floor.
The man begins to glow with a blue light and I believe him to be casting an offensive spell until he looks up and his jaw is broken in several places. The look on the man’s face is agony as the glow surrounds itself around the man’s jaw and the place where his head struck the wall. Everyone but Bubba winces as the bones of his jaw snap back into place and he opens and shuts his jaw hesitantly, testing the mending.
Kayla puts her hand on Roderick’s shoulder.
Let me tell him sweetie that really looked like it hurt. She says running her hand over the man’s forehead. He smiles and sits back and she strokes his head as she begins.
After you left us we went into the town Bubba being the kind man he is went to the bathhouse and then went to meet twizz at the bar, Rodrick found an apocothary shop to buy some doodads for his spells, my snookums and I went to replace his brown berry and sir Rasper went to the general store to buy us all presents!
Presents? Really? I say.
Well, expensive supplies really. She smiles
But everything was going fine until we heard a commotion in the town square. We saw twizz standing outside the bar when we left the herb shop.
Speaking of that I picked up something that might help you with your face. Fhex says from his under bench apartment with matching carpet. He gets out of his plush chair and scampers over to a new addition in the form of a locked chest and inserts a small green copper key. It opens and the carriage is filled with a pleasant smell that reminds me of my youth. He takes some of the bright green herb and puts it into a long stemmed pipe and carries it over to the injured Rodrick this would be easier with a campfire but if anyone has a candle?
Iss mmm k Rodrick mumbles.
He snaps his fingers and a candle sized flame springs from his fingertip that he immediately uses to light the pipe shaking his finger out afterwards while drawing deeply and coughing thick smoke everywhere.
Open the window or it’s gonna get thick in here fhex says.
No, I say we could all use this particular form of medicine, although I have never seen it used in this way, my people have always cooked with it. There is special bread the elves bake when a family member passes from this world and the whole family will sit and eat the breads and talk of the one they lost.
Cooking with Kauf, sounds like a tasty cookbook to me laughs fhex my people always make different things to smoke it out of.
Kauf? The elves call it lethlarsia. I say
What's that mean? Fhex says
It roughly translates to sorrow root. I reply
Shitty name. Fhex mumbles.
I always thought so. I say back.
I sit for several moments and wait for Kayla to continue her story but she has found something on the ceiling incredibly entertaining.
I clear my throat and she looks down and sees me looking at her expectantly.
Your making me blush handsome she giggles.
Umm yes Uhh you were saying? I manage to stammer.
About? She replies obviously lost.
What happened in town? I laugh
Ohhh she suddenly grows solemn
It seems when Bubba and twizz came out of the bar our dear sweet smelling giant came across someone whipping their slave.
Oh I say.
Yeah, it was bad when we got there to twizz to ask He just pointed at the crowd and we could see Bubba towering above the crowd with a man’s shattered arm in his grasp waving him around shouting, how's you like it? Dat feel good? Hurting people hurts! And at the end of each sentence another section of the man’s bone was snapped.
I got there and managed to calm him down.
How? I say.
I have a way with men. She smiles
She really does! Fhex puts in from his apartment.
I got his attention she blushes.
How? I continue
She remains silent for a moment.
If you won’t tell me Bubba will.
No... She begins but is cut off by a smiling Bubba.
She showed me her boobies. He says turning an adorable shade of pink.
She turns a matching color.
They were nice. He adds
They really are! Fhex adds again
Anyway Kayla says.
After Bubba dropped the man sir Rasper arrived and spoke to the magistrate and got him banished from the town.
Banished? You say that like it's a good thing I say.
Well, it is considering it was the town’s mayor and he was punishing a prisoner.
Oh. I say at a loss for words
Yeah we all had to leave it was lucky Rasper was the responsible one and got our supplies.
Why did you attack that man? I say to Bubba.
He screamed like a girl. Bubba laughs
That was after ye snatched em up twizz adds laughing.
Oh yeah Bubba starts laughing as well. Soon everyone was laughing.
You said momma afore ye took off. Twizz says still laughing.
Oh yeah! She had brown hair like my momma and we made eye contact. I think I lost it a little.
A little? Everyone says in unison.
There is a short quiet pause before everyone is laughing again.
Rasper’s rest.
Wake up! I can't believe this. Sir Rasper's voice is frighteningly loud waking us all up from a pleasant nap.
We are on a vital mission from the king himself and you are back here smoking! The cloud that escaped when I opened the doors was massive.
Mmmmmm baked says fhex rubbing his eyes.
What? Says Rasper
Bread I want some baked bread fhex adds
Mmmmmm bread everyone agrees.
Rasper storms off shouting and waving his arms around and we all stumble out of the back of the coach into the bright sunlight and begin to slowly set up camp.
I approach Mr. Fhex as he lies under the shade of a tree. That is some good... Kauf? Is it? I say.
Yes and yes he replies looking at the branches of the tree smiling.
How and where? I laugh.
Any herb shop but you have to know what to ask for, that was gnomish, grown upside down in a cavern through cracks in the rock, usually underneath a bat roost. We Call it canababivitorip or translated "stinky rock flower" this specifically is mellow yellow.
Fascinating, I say.
Indeed he replies but aren't you supposed to be setting up camp?
Yes, but aren't you supposed to be helping? I say
I'm the cook, he says simply
Oh I didn't think...I begin
Wasn't my stew good? He asks
Yes but, the unfortunate...I begin to say.
That happened to the dwarf. Fhex says
Yes but how do we...I begin
Know that it won't happen to you? Fhex finishes.
Yes. I say
He sits up at this point and looks me right in the eye, don't give me a reason.
But... I begin again.
Trust me if I get a mind to, a case of the brownberry quicksteps is the least of your worries. He says laying back down.
And I believe him.
I go to gather wood but Bubba and Kayla are already returning with enough for a week in his great arms and soon as Rodrick summons his flaming cat to sleep on a campfire sized pile fhex true to his word begins cooking another stew and camp bread out of a special tin that soon enough has all our mouths watering.
Sir Rasper returns to the campsite from the wagon with a large burlap sack.
Before we were forced to leave town I had enough time to pick up a few things first he looks to me
I assume you know how to use one of these? He says pulling a hand crossbow from the bag.
No I say.
I thought your people were well versed in the repeating crossbow. He says
No that's the drow and they are nothing like the surface elves. I say trying to stay calm.
But aren't you cousins? He says.
Aren't you cousins to a monkey? I reply bringing gasps from twizz and fhex.
Rasper shouts that’s a lie!
Use it or don't, I don't care! He says throwing the strange weapon at my feet.
Yes, if the need arises I will use it if you will show me how. I say to Rasper.
Fine, continuing on Bubba, these are yours if they fit but only when I say it's ok.
Only when you say, Bubba repeats.
Rasper pulls a wicked pair of spiked gauntlets that extend all the way to the elbow.
They are black steel and have tiny barbs all the way from the knuckles to the large spike at the elbow.
Try not to stab yourself Rasper says carefully handing the huge steel gloves over.
Ouch! Bubba says grabbing them eagerly.
See that they fit and put them away Rasper says.
Bubba stabs himself repeatedly over the next several minutes trying the gloves on but they are a good fit.
How did you find those? Fhex says.
They were a leftover from a raid, the shopkeeper was glad to be rid of them.
Fitting, Bubba says to himself
What's that? Rasper says.
Dey fit good, thanks Bubba says.
Your most welcome just make sure they don't get used against any of us. Rasper says.
Yes sir Bubba says nodding eagerly.
And Rodrick I got this for you he says pulling out a small red book.
Roderick’s eyes light up. A flame tome?
I guess. Rasper says
Yes, yes I believe it is! He says taking the book and opening it he quickly glances at a page and his robes begin to smoke and catch fire.
Oops might be a little advanced for me at the moment I will meditate and try again later he says slamming the book closed and like a gust of wind his robes are extinguished.
See that your outside when you do Rasper says.
And Mr. Fhex they had nothing there gnome sized but I have a gift for you none the less. He reaches into his belt pouch and pulls a tiny folded piece of leather.
Fhex begins to jump up and down shouting with glee.
Rasper is not smiling when he tosses the leather to fhex who immediately opens the package and begins to examine the delicate tools inside.
I thought these were destroyed! He exclaims
I used them to teach myself how to pick locks Rasper says.
With my tools? Fhex asks
Yes. Delicate work requires delicate tools. Rasper responds.
Fhex nods and returns to his apartment and unlocks it and goes inside.
Kayla for you I have a whip and a short sword as well as a shield.
These are for defense only if we get in a fight I want you to stay back.
Concerned for my safety? Kayla says smiling.
Yes I believe you are our way in. Rasper says we will discuss it later.
Oh ok Kayla says suddenly nervous.
We can put that whip to good use tonight fhex shouts from his chair winking.
And finally Mr. dwarf for you a gift most fitting. He finally pulls out of the sack an axe of medium size almost matching the one he carried perfectly.
Handing over the axe Rasper says it's lighter than the one you use because it's for throwing.
Twizzlick takes off his helmet and bows before taking the axe.
Thank ye sir. He says as he swings the axe around to get the feel for it.
It's enchanted so it never needs sharpening. Rasper adds.
Nice twizz says running a thumb along the edge cutting it slightly
Ooh and sharp it be! He adds
I got these for you all to increase the group's harmony and teamwork but it seems you have already done that.
The group agrees.
The rest of the day is spent enjoying our gifts and being trained by Rasper in Their use I luckily became proficient in the hand crossbow quickly so Rasper could move on to Kayla’s training with sword and shield.
When the sun is finished setting we all enjoy the stew of Mr. Fhex although twizz has only one bowl.
Tomorrow, by the word of the shopkeeper we go into hostile territory so sleep well the desert is only a day’s travel from here.
The pits
My world is darkness, and from that darkness I can hear two men speaking from outside my cage.
Why did you cover his cage?
His staring was creeping me out.
He is in a tiger cage.
He isn't human.
Don't be foolish.
I saw his eyes; there isn't anything left there but murder.
Don't be a woman, you are trained and fully armed.
So we're his last guards.
You diddent hear?
No tell me.
His last guard got his thought ripped out.
So this is "the dog"
He is gonna like where he is going, bunch of animals tearing each other apart.
We are almost there now I feel like I been in the back of this cart for a month not a week.
I know but bringing a contestant gets us free admission.
I hear a loud slap that startles me and I begin to growl at the sound.
That's it killer, get mad.
They laugh as I continue to growl.
I hear a third man shouting, I see the mountain that holds the pits!
Use the side entrance! One of the men shouts.
A short time later my cage is rocked violently and there is an uneven rocking sensation followed by a drop and the cover slips down when my cage hits the floor.
The smell of the huge room I am in is horrid. It’s the smell of sweat, blood and fear. All around me are cages, large ones for the people and small ones for the animals; I am put with the animals.
It is hard to sleep with all the noise but I manage after a short time to find rest.
When I am awoken it is by a man with a collar around my neck and the strange feeling of it drives me wild I begin to thrash about but the man twists the collar cutting off my air and yanks me out of my cage to the cold stone floor
Put these on the man says and throws something metal to the ground in front of me I smell them and don't like Their stink so I growl and attempt to back away.
Suit yourself the man says again yanking on the pole pulling me forward. I attempt to resist but he twists the collar until I comply. I am led through a twenty foot steel gate and onto the sand. I am in a steep walled pit surrounded by screaming people the sound washes over me like a wave and I attempt to escape but the man is there pulling me forward. There is a man standing across the arena waving a sword to the crowd.
I am kicked over and the collar releases.
I go to attack the man but he is already past the gate and it is closing.
I run to the high wall and attempt to climb out but achieve only laughter from the crowd as I fall. I am on my third attempt when I feel a sting in my back and turn around. The man is standing behind me and tries to stab me again but I leap out of the way and attempt to claw the man’s face but only spin the man’s helm around. He takes a moment to slide it off and I see his neck exposed and leap onto him wrapping my arms and legs around him. I am hit twice in the face by a steel gauntleted hand before my teeth can find purchase on the tender flesh of his neck. The third time he connects I am knocked off and bring a mouthful of skin with me.
He cries out and puts a hand to his neck.
Stupid dog! He shouts but his eyes widen in horror when I swallow the chunk
I am circling the man as my eyes are swelling shut and I can taste my own blood and his.
He coughs blood as he swings at me and I easily avoid it.
He tries several more times and grows frustrated when the crowd starts to boo him.
He looks to them and shouts the dog runs like a coward!
And that’s when I leap and put my bare feet on his chest and push off knocking him to the ground and his sword from his grasp. He tries to retrieve it but I am already on top of him pounding him with my fists and raking with my claws.
He fails weakly for a moment before growing still. The crowd roars its approval as I beat the man to death with my fists. When the man is dead I begin to eat my victory meal but the roar of the crowd distracts me and I see they throw large chunks of cooked meat down into the dirt. I get up and grab several pieces and look for a safe place to eat when I see my dark safe cage out on the sand. I run to it and lay down to eat as the lid slams shut and is locked.
That was easy, the man says to me.
Good boy.
More uneven rocking as my cage is put back into place.
Again? One man says
Give him a day those eyes look bad. The other man says.
When he eats all that and falls asleep put the gloves and boots on him.
The wrong track
In the morning we broke down camp and got on our way after a breakfast of leftover stew. I could already feel the temperature rising as the forest thinned out and became a barren scrub land.
We traveled in that manner for a full day and a half before we got to the edge of the desert.
I tell Rasper of my encounter at wailing Winds Asylum and he agrees to look for the swamp.
I notice a group of clouds holding over one area and that means excessive moisture in the air and point it out. It's an hour in the wagon before we reach the spot and it is a shallow swamp being fed by an underground stream.
Ok people, sir Rasper says if this is the right spot there is going to be clues, you have an hour to find them or we move on.
Its a few moments before twizz shouts out from the edge of a pond.
AYE! I gots somthin' as he picks up the remnants of a broken wicker basket.
I try to tell him to not disturb the area but he has already done his victory dance all over the entire area by the time I get to him.
Yup half full of mushrooms it was, Twizz says.
It's agreed that this is the spot and we bring the wagon and set it on a southern course into the heart of the desert.
Mr. Elf if you please. Rasper says motioning to the empty navigator’s seat.
I'm sorry sir but my time won't be spent from the comfort of the bench seat I say
This, I think is the best way to look for track's. I say as I take a bolt of cloth and make a low slung hammock between the two horses just over the front legs, now I can ride out of sight and keep an eye open for signs of wagon trails.
Fine, if you would rather swing around near horses downstairs, that says something about my character. Rasper mumbles just loud enough for me to hear.
No, sir, it's not, I just, I say at a loss for words.
The Capitan’s smirk stops my babbling.
Was that a joke? I say smiling
Indeed he replies.
We are going to have to work on that, I say taking my make shift seat and just as I am beginning to get seated he spurs the horses into motion causing me to lose balance and fall backwards off my seat onto the ground.
That's your opinion he says pulling back on the reins to allow me time to pull myself off the ground and dust myself off.
Well played sir I say hopping nimbly to my seat.
He gently spurs the horses into motion once again and we begin our journey into the desert.
Wagon ride
We rode chatting quietly for the better part of a week and were beginning to grow more comfortable with each other’s company. Bubba and Fhex found a common bond in the misfortune and suffering of others when Fhex told a story of an adventurer named Drozz who had earned his wrath by addressing the proud gnome as a child while reaching down and tousling his hair, apparently the gnome waited for a week and slipped a sleeping potion in the barbarian’s stew. The rest of the party sat and watched the brute fall over asleep after his third tainted bowl, they watched as the tiny gnome stripped the hairy brute completely naked and shaved every hair from his entire body with a tiny straight razor he pulled from his boot, then casually binding the mans hands behind his back and shoving him out of the back of the moving wagon.
Bubba who was already roaring with laughter asked “dey didn’t try ta stop ya?”
Never give a gnome cause for revenge. Kayla adds also laughing.
I ask what happened to the barbarian but that is when the wagon was rocked violently to the side and everyone was upside down as bubba shot out the window of the wagon and everything went black.
I woke up sometime later from the intense throbbing pain in my hands. I attempt to open my eyes but there is dried blood that makes my eyelids peel slowly apart and when my vision comes to focus I see three men sitting at a table talking and congratulating each other on a perfectly timed tree stump.
I look around and see my companions are likewise shackled to a brick wall.
I don’t see Bubba anywhere or Fhex at first but spot him in a small cage used to haul pigs to market with a heavy chain covered in many different locks, he had apparently already tried to escape but was badly beaten and was laying motionless on the floor.
One of the men sees me looking around and throws a half full cup of wine at my face splashing the wine and smashing the cup against the wall.
Where’s Bubba? I ask.
The big one? The man smirked.
Yes I reply.
We lucked out with that one the man exclaimed proudly, musta hit the wall right behind him because we saw him fly through the wall and the wagon land right on top of him.
Only his feet was sticking out the other man says. Crushed him real good.
Rasper lifts his head and shouts “I am going to have you executed for this, I am a kings guard”
We know captain fancy pants says the second man.
And we don’t care says the first while picking up the bottle of wine and taking a long drink.
He looks like he is about to throw the bottle at Rasper when his friend quickly stands up.
Quiet! I think I hear something going on outside.
That’s nothing compared to what’s about to happen inside the other man says making a lewd gesture at Kayla who still hung limply next to rasper.
I’m serious I hear someone shouting. Says the first.
So am I says the second there is twenty killers and a wizard between camp and us so I’m sure they can handle whatever it is.
I suppose says the second.
Damn right says the first.
Everyone in the room pauses from the many panicked screams that can now be plainly heard from outside the cabin.
The silent third man walks quickly to the door and opens it a crack, gasps and slams it shut.
What did ya see? Asks the first man.
He presses his back to the door and says the big one! He’s alive! I think he saw me!
The door slams open and the man collides with the opposite wall as Bubba steps into the room covered in blood and arrow shafts breathing deeply.
He slams the sturdy door behind him and looks to the other two men as they begin to cower.
Two thundering steps puts the ogre right in front of the men.
We surrender they plead.
Ok Bubba says placing a massive clawed hand on each of their shoulders pushing them closer.
Your not going to hurt us? The first man asks.
I am Bubba replies bring his hand to each mans cheek.
What? One man manages to say before Bubba slowly pushes his hands together crushing each mans head , the two men struggle weakly before they are dropped to the floor where they spasmed for the remainder of the time we were in the shack.
Bubba who looks to the captive group all battered and bruised.
Hi guys he says.
The door bangs a few times and bubba quickly puts a steel booted foot at the bottom of the door pinning it shut.
Angry voices call out from the other side of the door.
Our wizard is on his way!
Twizzlick suddenly drops the distance to the floor and lands hard with a curse and an oof.
Up for a fight shortie? Bubba calls out to the dwarf as he tries to make it to his feet.
Me bum the dwarf groans I think I broke me arse.
The massive ogre braces himself and takes a quick look around for any kind of weapon before he makes ready to charge through the door when the dwarf makes it to his feet.
Bring me that table leg dwarf! The ogre shouts.
Hold yer self ogre, I have a bit o strength left in me. Let me give it to ye.
The dwarf limped over to the ogre mumbling and wiping the blood from his nose he finally slaps his bloody hand to one of the numerous wounds covering bubbas back.
The dwarf yelps as everything he had left was put into his dwarven spell and he falls to the floor.
The ogre stops and stands motionless as the spell forces his body to grow several feet taller and his skin to rip in numerous places as his already thick muscles doubled in size. The ogre laughs maniacally as his black nails grow several inches.
Power the giant growled.
The ogre stairs for a moment, flexing his hand before a hard crash against the door gains his attention.
His laughter is hearty and genuine as he kicks the wall and knocks it down crushing everyone standing on the other side leaving a prefect view of the slaughter I was forced to witness.
Bubba leapt into the crowd as it scattered before his might and everyone in his path was brutally eviscerated, arms were ripped from screaming men and used as weapons, the enraged ogre plunged his hand into a mans stomach and used him as a boxing glove to smash several men before he deteriorated into bloody wet chunks, heads were ripped from shoulders, brutal slashes from his black nails split men wide open and were left in the dirt to try to put themselves back together as his giant hand reached into the panicked bandits stomachs and ripped out the long red snakes of intestines, that man was swung by those snakes into a nearby tree and it was by those snakes he hung, screaming like a child for his mother.
I’m not sure if I am remembering it correctly but I have a memory of a head and spinal column flying through the air, mouth wide open.
It was screaming right up to when it splattered against the wall.
The bandit numbers were halved in seconds before the enraged ogres fury.
I stood chained as I watched a great cloaked wizard who stepped out of a nearby shed held his hand aloft and castto cast down a blue bolt of lightning that struck my crazed friend and several people attempting to make a stand.
Bubbas roar in response was so mighty it caused several grown men to drop their swords and cower in fear as bubba frantically whipped his head back and forth looking for his attacker.
With his skin still smoking from small spots of live embers, Bubba snapped his gaze at the wizard and plowed his way through the crowd, the wizard was at the crescendo of his second spell when Bubba crashed through his personal guard and slapped him in the mouth removing his lower jaw and leaving his tongue waving as he fell backwards gurgling blood.
Thankfully someone at the other side of the camp shot my crazed friend in the back with an arrow and caused him to run out of my field of view, I still had the panicked screams of the bandits as they were torn apart and the view of the wizards guards trying to save his life by dragging his limp form back into the shack to keep me company as I hung limply by my wrists.
I must have passed out again because when my eyes came into focus Kayla was crouched over me and holding my hand. The look of concern on her face vanished as my eyes met hers
Hello there she says smiling.
Hi I reply at a loss for words.
You were out for an hour and we thought you were not going to wake at all Kayla says stroking my hand.
The events of my time in the shack all flood my memories and I snap to attention.
Where’s Bubba? I ask concerned for my friend.
It’s been quiet for a while now but we were afraid to go out there Fhex says from the floor next to me.
I notice that everyone is free of their bonds and I accept sir rasper’s hand to my feet.
I should go find him I say looking to the group.
Please allow me to heal you first Rodrick says rubbing a nasty welt on his temple.
I nod to the magic user and he casts his spell that removes most of the throbbing aches that made it difficult to stand.
I feelll like I should see what I did with me spell Twizzlick says looking slightly ashamed.
Rodrick nods enthusiastically and asks the dwarf many inappropriate questions during our tour of the carnage that we followed to the unconscious form of bubba, back to normal size he was sleeping on several freshly gutted bandits. Dozens of arrow shafts littered the ground around the gruesome scene and he lay as a child sleeping peacefully and snoring with an innocent smile on his face.
There I stood not for the first time and certainly not the last, afraid to wake the sleeping ogre and unable to continue without him.
Bubbasha, Rasper shouts abruptly
At this Bubba’s eyes snap open and for a moment I still saw some of the fire from his rampage but he quickly calmed himself and grumbled don’t call me dat before getting back to his feet.
What happened? Bubba asks the group.
Rasper is furious.
Drawing in a great breath the knight points a finger at Bubba but I quickly interject and say a giant saved us all.
Rasper looks confused for a moment but remains thankfully silent.
Bubba looks at the carnage around him nodding in approval, he does good work.
The ogre snorts and points to a nearby victim, hey that guy have an arm up his butt?
We all look over and nod in agreement.
We should be going Rodrick says nervously.
Bubba is lighthearted and joking with Fhex on the way back to the wagon when Rasper catches my arm and asks, why did you lie?
I did not lie sir, I told him we were saved by a giant, and that is what happened, I feel the less bubba rememberers about today the better.
Agreed Rasper says giving a nod. Let us never speak of this again.
I think it might be detrimental to the development of his character if he knew what he was capable of. I say and Rasper agrees.
We scavenge a new wagon, have a quiet conversation with Kayla, Fhex and Rodrick who all agree to our secret .and set off like nothing ever happened.
Lost in the desert.
On my word we travel in a straight line for eleven days through dunes sand storms and the blistering heat we go on. Rasper growing more impatient with each passing day with no trail or sign of anything resembling a camp and on the thirteenth day his quiet discomfort finally broke.
When the sun set on that day Rasper stopped the carriage and the company piled out and met in a circle to discuss our predicament.
Rasper begins the conversation
How long have you been a tracker? He says
Fifty-five years I reply
And you couldn’t find one trail or track in a fortnight?
No, I say. I do not understand.
Did it cross your mind that she might be lying? Rodrick asks.
Her words were true. I say back.
If you would have brought me I could have cast a spell to make her glow if she utters a falsehood.
There are ways beyond magic to tell if someone is lying. I say
Such as? Fhex asks
The look in her eyes when she asked for the dagger she took from the man who brutalized her! I shout.
What? Rodrick says. There was a dagger? Why wasn't I ever told of a dagger?
I kept it so she wouldn't hurt herself I say
How'd that work out? Fhex asks
I begin to shout at fhex when Rodrick shouts you kept it?
Yes I...
I don't care why give it to me!
As I fish the dagger out of my bag Rodrick is livid and shouting.
You got me out here baking in the sun like a muffin in an oven!
No not a muffin!
You wanna know why not a muffin?
Why? I say handing him the knife.
Because a muffin is done in an hour! He shouts snatching the knife from my hand and plopping down in the sand cross legged and holding the dagger in his left hand with his right hand hovering over it until a blue light begins to emerge from the blade.
Rodrick stands and hands me back the knife.
What did you do? I ask
A simple spell to return lost goods. He says
The item will glow when we are going in the right direction.
Oh I say.
Yeah, Rodrick says walking back towards the wagon.
Muffins! Back to your oven!
Stupid kids spell, can bring a woman back from madness, can heal sick bunnies, can entangle a grown man in the blink of an eye with a seed but can't return a lost doll to a kid. What kind of society teaches people how to make a bear dance but not a spell of simple kindness? Rodrick went on for many minutes in that manner but was blissfully out of earshot.
I held up the dagger and spun in a circle and the blade did nothing so I took a step forward and the dull glow faded to nothing so I took a step backward and as I was in motion the blade glowed brighter so I turn around and walk with the blade for a short distance and the blade remains a steady color. It's back the way we came and to the east I say.
I take a seat next to Rasper and as we turn around I can hear, Son of a bitch! From Rodrick in the back of the wagon.
Right course wrong decisions
We followed the glow of the dagger for a full day and night before the mountain came into view. We stopped the wagon short of a tall dune and I climbed ahead to scout the area and was just below the rise of the dune looking down on a valley when I thought I had the right place in a large group of trees surrounded by a dense thicket of thorn bushes when I saw a man on a camel cautiously approach the thicket carrying a large package. He dismounted the camel and He pulls a stick from the sand and uses it to prop open the bushes and disappears from view for a few moments and returns empty handed quickly striding his camel and riding off In The same direction.
I go back down and describe what I saw to the group.
I tell them it is an oasis and there is most likely a hidden entrance somewhere in the trees.
Rasper agrees and we decide on a quiet approach, to go down as a three man team to see if it's safe to continue
Fhex, Rasper and I go down.
I lead us down to where I saw the man enter and use the same stick to gain us entry. They are many sticks in a row making a tunnel through the bushes the thorns had all been cut to make the way through virtually painless.
When we cleared the thicket we stood amongst the trees and saw a small pool of clear water.
Ok split up Rasper says.
We are looking for an opening or a hollow tree.
I follow the man’s tracks while fhex and Rasper go separate directions.
Off to the side I see the bag the man was carrying and it is laying empty a few feet from a chest where the man’s tracks end.
That's not very hidden. I think as a hear a squeal coming from the place where fhex was investigating.
Rasper and I both run towards the sound and what we see makes our blood run cold. It's the size of a cow with eight legs covered in a shiny black exoskeleton like a crab. It even has the large pinchers of a crab but the tail of the beast was long like an arm that perched on the creatures back. Fhex dangled there impaled through the leg by what looked like a seven inch spike squirting a thick milky substance all over the ground its own back.
Screaming fhex grabs hold of one of the skittering legs and pulls himself off the deadly barb dropping to the ground and getting trampled in the process.
Rasper already has his shield pulled and deflects a strike from the tail knocking him off his feet. Rasper brings his shield out in front of him again as the creature strikes at him piercing his shield and his forearm in the same motion. He cries out in pain as the beast tries to free itself and I grab the sword from my scabbard and drive it between the plates on his armored tail pushing it all the way through.
A dry hiss escapes the creature as it snaps it huge claws at me forcing me backward. The creature moves forward but is slowed by the unconscious body of Rasper. I step on the right claw and pin it to the ground and use my left foot to kick the beast in the face but its reaction time is faster than I anticipated and it catches my foot in its mandibles and clamps down causing me to shout out in pain and fall backwards.
The beast used its left pincher to grab hold of my leg and pull me forward; the pain is so intense it dulls my senses. I am doing everything I can to keep the creature from breaking my leg. I have one hand on each side of the claw using all my strength to keep it from snapping shut on my leg.
I can feel the creature begin to bite through the hard leather of my boot as I hear a roar of pain and the sound of the thicket being trampled.
I look over and pay for my distraction; the creature pulls his right pincher free and snaps it twice in rapid succession on my arm. I shout out again and see Bubba crashing through the thorns looking like a porcupine from Hades.
He stomps over grabs the beast by the base of the tip of its tail and yanks it out of Rasper's shield and picks it up dragging it backwards until I am free.
I point to my sword in the creature’s tail.
What? Bubba says as the beast turns its attention towards him.
He stomps on the creatures back and reaches down with his free hand and grabs the creature by the plates on its thick neck and begins to pull.
The beast hisses again.
Bubba grits his teeth
And roars
The plates separating the beasts head and neck finally gave way to Bubbas impressive strength and all at once with a loud snap and a wet crunch as the beasts head is removed.
I sit there in stunned silence as Bubba drops the thing and begins pulling thorns from his hands and face.
By the stones what was that thing? We hear from the sand a few feet away.
Fhex sits up and shakes the dust from himself like a wet dog.
A scorpion, Bubba says casually.
I have never seen the like of it before. I say
Nasty little shits, if you been stung we gotta get you some medicine or you gonna die. Bubba says growing concerned.
I been stung says fhex pointing to his bloody leg.
Your fine Bubba says if you were poisoned you would look like Rasper over there.
My attention shifts over to Rasper's form and I notice he is barely breathing.
I get up and run over, my prayers for the man already beginning as I fall to his side. His forearm has a black line in it and it is slowly making its way up his arm from his wound.
Take the arm. Bubba says.
What? What's happening? I shout.
Bubba walks over to the scorpion and takes the sword by the handle and rips it free severing the beast’s tail.
What are you doing? I say.
You’re going to tie a cloth round his arm at the elbow as tight as ya can.
I pause
Now or he is dead Bubba says tossing a cloth to the ground.
I do it and just as the line is about to reach the cloth Bubba brings down my sword and severs Sir Rasper's left forearm right below the elbow.
Blood squirting everywhere Bubba gets a disgusted look on his face.
Ya call that tight?
He reaches down and gives the cloth a good yank and ties it once again and the bleeding stops.
Get that in a fire as soon as you can get one lit.
Bubba reaches down and picks up most of Rasper and then walks over to fhex.
Need a ride?
Yes please fhex says climbing atop Rasper's stomach.
You ok to walk? Bubba says to me.
Yes I say
Then get the chest. Bubba replies
Chest? I say distracted.
That one Bubba Says walking over and giving the three foot chest a kick as he walks by.
I walk up to the chest lifting it and falling in line behind Bubba.
He makes it back to the wagon where thankfully Rodrick already has a small fire going.
He lays Rasper down and fhex calls for Kayla to come tend his wounds.
Bubba examine Flex’s wounds quickly and tells him he will live then sticks Rasper's stump in the fire and he finally wakes up long enough to scream in pain, only to fall back into a death like slumber.
Its shock Bubba says.
I am amazed at your skills as a healer I say to Bubba.
I tended my own wounds when I was a pit fighter in the mines. He says. I learned much from the older fighters, the ones who saw brotherhood where others only saw slaves.
Your own wounds must be great I say standing and seeing the hundreds of thorns he missed on his casual pass.
Rodrick and Kayla both help me pull thorns by firelight and by the time we are done his wounds have already closed up and healed.
I look to Rodrick as I notice and point it out.
Wasn't me he says
Nor I. I reply
I was always a fast healer Bubba says
Fast is one thing but you were covered in gashes less than a half hour ago, many that required stitches. Rodrick says.
I don't know. Just lucky I guess. Bubba laughs.
How did you know of the scorpion? I say
How do you not know of scorpion? He replies they common in deserts and in arenas.
Oh, I say I am unfamiliar with the inhabitants of the desert.
Well we to close to mountain to worry about sandworms so I tell you about scorpion.
Armor tough, but weak where plates meet. Bubba begins
Will Rasper live? Rodrick interrupts
If he makes it through da night I say bout half chance he live Bubba replies.
Why is fhex ok? Rodrick asks.
The poison is only in the tip and it went right through his leg. Bubba says
I'm not ok I have a big hole through my leg! Fhex complains.
I can fix the wound, I can mend broken bone but pushing the venom out of a wound is another matter entirely. Rodrick says. There is a spell for it but it is beyond my skill.
While Rodrick says his prayers of healing over Mr. Fhex I take a moment to examine the contents of the chest.
It has no lock and opens easily a few dozen gold pieces a handful of silver and copper and a large vial labeled anti venom.
I hold up the bottle and show it to the group.
A Lil late fer that doncha think? Twizz asks
No. Give them both some just in case Bubba says.
I pour some down Rasper's thought and allow fhex to take a large drink or a small sip, depending on your point of view.
Bubba stands and speaks to the group.
Everyone get sleep I guard till tomorrow.
Rodrick says perhaps we should do what we can for Sir Rasper before we retire for the night.
He in shock, might kill him, but if you wanna, go ahead. Bubba says plainly.
I can make a poultice to keep any infection he might get down I say.
Do it. Bubba says. He might have half a chance now.
You said that earlier fhex says stepping on his mended leg.
I was lying Bubba replies.
Rodrick and I collaborate on a mixture to use on Rasper's wound, apply it and change the cloth.
Rodrick and I are sitting for a moment with Rasper when Bubba sends us to bed, I will tend Rasper and you will be needed in the morning, go to sleep.
We each take our respective sleeping pads and leave Rasper to Bubbas care.
Hey Keebler, Rodrick whispers from his covers
Yes? I whisper back
Did Bubba just save your life? He asks.
I believe he saved both Rasper and I. I say in return.
He is really scary when he is mad. Rodrick whispers.
Let's make sure we don't get him mad. I reply.
I watched Bubba for some time before going to sleep and saw the genuine concern he allowed to slip when he believes no one is watching. I saw Bubba use his own water rations to comfort Rasper with a wet rag on his fevered brow. I heard Bubba tell him to wake up many times before falling to sleep.
Rasper’s regret.
When I wake up I see Bubba and Rasper speaking together near the stagecoach.
Rasper's stump waving around occasionally and Bubba seemed to be covered in blood and paced continually. I rise and roll up my blanket strapping it in its customary spot atop my backpack and take it over to the coach.
Good morning I say.
Rasper and Bubba both look to me and offer a return good morning.
I am surprised to see you awake good sir, I say to Rasper.
I been through worse, Rasper replies
I am attempting to form a reply when Rasper begins laughing.
Told you I have a sense of humor, Rasper laughs.
Been at the bottle since early. Bubba says to me.
One for me Rasper says drinking from the large glass bottle.
And one for you, he says pouring a drink on his stump causing him to wince in pain.
Mr. Bubba did you proud last night, I began
Everyone was down and Bubba charged in and saved us with no thought for himself.
Charging in with no thought? Sounds like Bubba to me, Rasper says staring at Bubba.
You know how important you are to this mission. You know you can't be controlled.
I know Bubba says looking at his feet.
Rasper's left arm flexes and Bubba winces as if struck.
Guess that won't be happening anymore Bubba says still looking down.
Rasper looks to his ruined arm and back to Bubba several times before continuing.
Get everyone together it's time you all know what we are up against.
Fhex and Kayla exit Their tent as I am coming to wake them she is wearing a sheer silk nightgown and is carrying Mr. fhex wrapped up in a blanket in her arms the only thing revealing the bundle to be a person was the long stemmed pipe sticking out smoking continually.
Twizlick and Rodrick are still sleeping and have to be woken up several times before they stir.
The group stands together before Rasper's stern gaze.
The man that you saw last night returned while we slept, Bubba saw fit to capture him and we have gained some insight from the man before he left us.
Left us? Asks twizz rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
The boss asked the man a question. Bubba says plainly.
And you diddent get an answer? I ask
He got an answer, but I had to pull off one of his arms to get it. Bubba says smiling.
It seems he was a forward scout,
It was his job to scout a certain area of the desert and report back if anyone enters it.
We caught him going to his secret stash.
It seems our friend was stealing from the guild and using the scorpion to defend it.
The bag was full of big fat roaches Rasper adds, he would throw the bag and send the roaches scurrying for the shade and while the scorpion was hunting the roaches the man would add to his treasure.
Oh, I say.
Anyways, Rasper adds
The stronghold is in the mountain.
There are at least two entrances one to the south for paying customers and one to the west for combatants.
I don't understand I say.
There is an arena inside the mountain Bubba says excitedly
I'm entering Bubba as a slave. Rasper says quickly
What? I'm no slave Bubba says loudly.
It's just to get us through the door. Rasper says.
So your gonna chain me? Bubba asks
Yes Rasper says, but the chains will be easy for you to break.
Ok I'll do it Bubba agrees.
The man says only two trainers per fighter the rest of you will have to pay to get in.
They charge for babies? Fhex says from under his blanket
No but babies don't have beards. Twizz laughs.
Got it right here fhex says popping up from his spot holding a Finley crafted fake beard.
Have you always worn that? I ask
Ever seen me without it? Fhex asks stroking his baby smooth chin.
Its a hundred gold entrance fee Rasper says tossing Kayla, Twizz and Rodrick each a bag of gold.
Where's mine? Fhex asks.
Babies don't need gold Rasper states.
True but they can be costly all the same; a crying babe attracts a lot of attention. Fhex says holding out a tiny hand.
Rasper sets his jaw but throws the bag to Kayla. If you were smart you would bet everything that’s left on Bubba. We all go in at the same time Keebler and I will take Bubba in the south entrance Kayla, fhex twizzlick and Rodrick all go in the main entrance and pay. Get a feel for their numbers the armaments they possess and where they keep the people.
I have a feeling you and I are about to find that out sir I say to Rasper.
Perhaps where they keep the men, but women and children are also a concern.
Remember people this is a scouting mission keep a low profile and make some money if you can. Get separate rooms and stay the night and Meet back here tomorrow at dusk with any relevant information to take back to the king
Any questions?
Lord Varos.
The shadow rose from its daytime slumber, this was the time when the hunger was at its worst. The blood inside the vampire boiled in his skin with the thirst. Each nightfall for two hundred years he had awoken with the same gnawing hunger urging him to seek out food,
Blood... sweet, sweet blood.
The thought of it urging him forward with unnatural speed to the cages that lined his personal bedroom. The food inside screams and pleads in a language he doesn't understand but the terror in Their voices is pleasing so he allows it to continue filling his senses as he reaches out with his mind and calls one forward to the edge of the cage. Her mind is laughably simple to dominate, visions of lost loves or family instantly spring to her mind when probed. He picks one at random and appears to the girl as a smiling young man with Sandy brown hair and the grin of a simpleton.
She sees the boy where the monster stood and immediately runs to it pleading and reaching her arm through the bars grabbing at him trying to pull it closer.
The vampire grabs the woman's arm with a grip of iron and leans down and gently bites down into her wrist. A look of pain and confusion crosses the woman's face as her life force begins to drain and as the illusion fades she sees the monster again and tries to struggle, her fear bringing new flavors and sensations to her blood. It drinks to the point of her death and she collapses to the floor of the cage.
The beast opens the cell door and kneels over the woman; her skin has taken on a beautiful pale color as the wound bleeds her last drops to the floor.
It takes a long nailed finger and cuts a small slit into his thumb and inserts it into the woman's mouth rubbing it along her gums and teeth for a moment until the beast hears her heart skip a beat and knows his venom has taken effect. It strokes the woman's black hair as the change takes hold, the pain is exquisite and she is screaming. The other food grows quiet as the woman's convulsions cause her to thrash about the small cell.
After a moment her cries stop and her body grows still. She stands almost immediately and brushes the hair casually from her eyes and looks around the cavernous room and to the cells that line the walls, I can remember the first time I looked upon a human with vampire eyes , with each beat of the heart her precious blood could be clearly seen pumping through her veins in a delicious pulse, my prey had not seen me yet and when I made my presence known the thundering of her heart was like music and the rapid pulse made a soft light that came from her heart and extended down her arteries into her fingertips and toes. I couldn’t control myself and ripped the woman's head from her neck before I even made the decision to approach her. I laughed aloud at my own strength as I bathed in the woman's hot blood. The beast was lost there for a moment in that memory when the newly made vampire began to convulse.
Her screams gained his attention; the vampire looks down and realizes his attempt to create another of his kind has failed. In frustration the vampire kicks the woman in the chest sending her flying into the back of the cage. She collides with the bars and lands on her feet in a full run in attempt to escape the cage but the vampire has already slammed shut the door. More convulsions rack the woman's body as she begins to scratch her suddenly itchy face.
The vampire looked briefly to the other cages that held his other failed attempts, what was he doing wrong? Why wasn't he shown?
It was no matter; he would figure it out in time. And time is something the vampire Lord has plenty of.
Final preparations.
After Rasper used the last of our water rations to clean the gore from the back of our wagon the party climbed back inside.
Ugh! Kayla exclaims, it smells like sweat and poo in here.
The little thief shit his pants when I pulled his arm off Bubba chuckles.
Do you enjoy torture? Kayla asks Bubba.
I been tortured my whole life, now it's my turn to hold the whip and you want me to just set it down? Bubba growls.
Yes Kayla replies putting a tiny hand on Bubbas massive one.
Bubba jerks his hand away.
Not in this life. He spits
I'm good at what I do. He adds. And I don't feel bad about it, if Rasper told me to I would do the same to any of you.
For your king? Fhex asks
For fun, Bubba replies. For revenge for my poor ma’. To prove I am stronger. Pick your reason.
Those are horrible excuses for what you do! Kayla adds.
Ees' a predator. Twizz adds, happens to us dwarves if we go through too much battle hardening.
What's that? Rodrick asks
It's where your arms be tied above yer head and six sturdy sons a bitches gather round and beat ye with sticks till yer bones start to crack. Then ye hang fer a few days ta heal.
That's crazy! Fhex exclaims
That's the legend of dwarven toughness. Twizz replies pounding his chest.
As if in reply a knock came from Rasper in the front seat.
We are almost there, everyone prepare yourselves, Keebler and Bubba up front with me and Bubba, it's that time.
The giant ogre reaches down and pulls out a large burlap sack and drops it at my feet spilling the shackles and chains out onto the floor.
I trust you elf, he says looking me in the eyes.
I understand I say as I band his hands and feet with a sturdy steel chain. Last is a spiked leather collar with a platinum chain.
You ok with this? I ask.
No, but it has to be done. Bubba replies.
I slowly reach up with the collar, and thankfully he obliges me by bending down and it goes on quickly.
There you go that wasn't so bad. I say and turn to walk away.
Hey, Bubba says, forgetting something?
I don't believe so. I say hesitantly
His eyes drift down to the platinum leash and then to me.
I don't understand I say.
He sighs loudly and takes the handle to the leash and hands it to me.
What do I do with this? I ask
At first Bubba is mad throwing his hands into the air exclaiming "really?"
Sweetie his people don't believe in slavery... or pets for that matter so he has no idea what a leash is. Kayla says over Bubbas shoulder.
That made Bubba smile, and jerk the handle from my grasp and walk over and speaks to Sir Rasper for several long moments before returning.
Change of plans elf your with bathrobe, the lady and her ugly baby.
Hey! I'm adorable. Fhex interrupts.
Quiet ugly baby! Bubba shouts. We are in character until we come back out. Dwarf I trust you know how to use a leash?
Aye that I do. Twizz says
Use it. Bubba says handing the leash over.
STEP IN LINE MAGGOT! Twizz shouts yanking the chain causing Bubba to stumble forward.
Dats good. Bubba says
No hard feelings? The dwarf asks
Just don't break character and we will be fine. Bubba says stepping into line and lowering his head.
Twizz struts to the wagon chain jangling noisily behind him but when he gets to the steps leading in he simply puts both arms out wide.
Bubba takes the cue to lift the heavy dwarf into the wagon, setting him gently down and waiting until twizz was seated and went over and sat on the floor of the wagon at his feet.
Rodrick, Kayla and fhex all sit on the opposite bench and the wagon jerks to motion and begins its final approach towards the mountain and its final destination.
The Arrival.
As the wagon drew closer to the mountain wagon trails began to appear in the sand only just discernible to my elf eyes.
It took nearly a day to reach the giant rock formation that served as the front gate to a massive cavern with dozens of sets of wagon trails leading into the torch lit cave. The smell of livestock and sweaty leather told me that this was the stables and Rasper drove our wagon inside. We were apparently stopped just inside the gates and Rasper could be heard talking to a pair of guards for a moment before continuing to our assigned stable.
When the coach finally stopped we all got out and gather our provisions. Twizzlick and Rasper take Bubba around the back where a sign is posted reading "combatants only" while Kayla, fhex bundled up in her arms Rodrick and I walked towards the large iron double doors. We stood for a moment wondering how to approach the situation when the door swung wide on oiled hinges and we are standing before the biggest security troll I have ever beheld. He is at least seven feet wide and nine feet tall weighing around a ton of pure muscle, and that's before the half suit of plate mail that he wore around his neck and chest.
Password? He grunts.
We all stand there in silence shocked.
I'm just kidding, hunnerdhundred gold a piece.
We try to laugh as we all pull the bags of gold.
Sorry ma'am I'm gonna have ta check yer baby. The troll grunts.
Excuse me? Kayla says in mock horror.
We had a Halfling try to pose as a kid so now I'm checking for hairy toes on kids and afternoon stubble on babies.
Kayla begins to protest but he reaches a long fingered hand as big as my chest out and pulls aside the blanket with the tip of a black claw.
Fhex coos adorably for the troll.
Awwww. Wittw cutie. He coos in return.
Check all weapons with the man on the left and don't lose yer ticket. He says as he waves us through.
Gonna be needing a fresh diaper babe, fhex whispers to Kayla.
We stop at a checkpoint of sorts and are each, except fhex stripped of weapons and given a small stone with a strange marking on it and are ushered through another set of filthy iron doors and passing through them a wave of sound washes over us, a band was playing a loud raucous music I have never heard before in front of a large crowd. The cavern we stood in was a huge open air slave trading market and, all along the walls were weapon and armor vendors, each smith claiming to have outfitted the champion of the arena.
Weapons of all shapes and sizes hung on racks or were displayed inside large glass cases. The center of the cavern was dominated by a huge smooth walled pit that was surrounded on three sides by rows of bleachers
Stay close and watch your coins, I say to Kayla.
Yes, let's go find some rooms and come back when it's not so busy. Kayla agrees looking at the multitude of people swarming the stands, shops and lastly but not least,
The slave auction.
It was nearly five hundred yards of cages, chains and screaming people and animals all surrounded by the Finley dressed picking and choosing amongst them.
Let's hurry I say.
We walk amongst the crowd for a while looking for a hotel or rooms for rent when Rodrick says, there is a personal guard working here, they are all wearing red cloaks.
I stop one and ask directions to the hotel and as the man presses nearer I smell death on him as he points to a set of stairs leading down.
Thanks I say and usher my companions in the right direction.
We walk quickly down the stairs and approach a small open wall room with a large man sitting behind a desk.
How many nights? He grunts.
Two. I reply
Ya want one large or two small?
One large is fine I think. Rodrick adds
Hunnerd and fifty gold for two nights. Cash up front.
I drop my bag of a hundred on the counter and Rodrick adds the fifty plus another twenty-five to have food delivered to the room.
Big spender. The man jokes.
Plan on winning it all back Rodrick replies taking the room key off the desk and waving the man farewell.
Tournaments in a few hours, mind you place yer bets afore then! And thank you. The man calls out as we follow his directions to the room.
The room.
You idiot! Kayla shouts at Rodrick as soon as we are within the safety of our room.
He begins to stammer but Kayla physically puts a finger on his lips and drops her baby to the floor.
Fhex rolls out of his blanket and runs around the room in a mad dash looking into every crack, behind every piece of furniture and even under the small rugs before nodding to Kayla.
We are clear he says.
What did I do? Rodrick says looking from me to the enraged showgirl before him.
You basically put a giant "rob me and put my wife and kid up for sale sign on yourself"
What? Rodrick gasps
Never let people know you have money to spend, never tip anyone for anything unless you’re leaving, and never pay for room service! Kayla's finger is almost inside Roderick’s nose at the last statement.
Why... I.... but....Rodrick begins.
You gave someone permission to enter our room, with a package. Fhex adds.
The man behind the counter was nice and helpful. Rodrick mumbles.
And that was the wrong thing to say.
A sharp slap from Kayla puts the initiate of the Eschvald School of magic on his ass and he sits there in disbelief rubbing his face while Kayla paces back and forth before him.
That's his job dumb shit! She says
Now if it's not him it will be one of the dozen people who heard you say that you were here to gamble!
I diddentdidn't know. I'm sorry. Rodrick says to the floor.
I know sweetie Kayla says to him putting a hand on his head, but. I think it's best if you keep your big fat mouth shut while we are in public.
Fhex baby can you set us up somewhere safe to put our bags?
Already on it pumpkin. Fhex says from inside a large chest at the foot of the bed.
A few awkward moments later fhex climbs his way out and says once it's closed only I can open it. So anything ya want safe and locked up while we go exploring, nows the time.
We each put our backpacks and equipment in the chest and Kayla closes the lid while fhex reaches in and makes a barely audible click and the lid snaps into place.
Fhex reaches into his diaper and pulls out a tiny lock and puts it on the chest. That oughta do it. He says patting the lock.
How much stuff do you have in there? I ask fhex.
That is a deeply personal question. Fhex replies.
I pausestop in confusion
That's a question people usually ask me. Kayla adds winking. And it's allot.
Roderick’s giggle draws my attention he points down to fhex and I get the joke, he is standing with his arms out wide waving just his cupped hands.
Roses amongst the thorns.
It was less than ten minutes from the time we left the room before I almost got us into trouble.
We walked down the aisles of slaves to get to the staging area for the combatants to take bets. When I saw a young boy being whipped mercilessly.
His screams cut through me like a knife and I am about to stop a large leather clad manhim midman mid lash when Kayla grabs me by the arm shaking her head while locking eyes with me and mouthing the word NO. I point to the boy lying bleeding on the floor.
Kayla pulls me aside and walks over to the man and puts a hand on the small of his back, gaining his attention and whispers in his ear.
The man looks her over and nods. He then picks up the boy and slams him forcefully into a nearby cage.
Kayla nods back and her exasperated glare tells me it is time to move on. After an hour or so the enclosed space , the stench, the constant screaming and the oppressive atmosphere were all weighing heavily on my heart and was beginning to get edgy when Rodrick points out an herbalist against the far wall.
I set off at a run.
As I neared the shop and that familiar shape on the sign I could smell that familiar comforting perfume I open the shop door and am hit with another wave, but it's not an assault of sound but a blanket of smoke.
Close that door man you’re ruining my bake! Says the smoke.
May I enter? I say to the smoke.
This is a business man. The smoke replies.
I enter and hear a pair of giggles from inside Rodrick Kayla with fhex in tow enter behind me.
I trip over a low table and sprawl over knocking down a tall glass pipe shattering it on the floor next to me.
The smoke was as thick as a cloud but the 3 feet between the floor and the cloud were clear and that is where I saw an elderly man smoking a long stemmed pipe.
Have a seat man. He giggles
What happened? Kayla says to the smoke.
Down here man. Says the old man
Ouch! Says another deeper voice from the other side of the room.
I look over to see Kayla jumping off the face of a troll who took up an entire side of the wall.
I'm so sorry Kayla says in surprise.
Don't be sorry I saw up yer dress. The troll says.
Kayla kneels down and gasps a troll!
The troll gasps back. A human! Causing the old man to laugh heartily who caused the troll to emit a high pitched giggle that made Kayla and Rodrick who was also on his knees and already smiling fall over laughing.
After a few moments the old man introduces himself as Tom and motions to a giant pillow on the floor.
I know my rug is comfy but there are a few empty chairs.
I roll over and sit down a few seats from tom as does Kayla and Rodrick.
Wow lady you brought a baby in here? That's messed up. Says the troll looking over from the floor a few feet away.
Kayla attempting to divert the question says you are awfully calm for a troll.
Yup he says.
I found him as an ugly baby and couldn’t just leave him there so I adopted him and raised him as my own. Tom says. Now he is my security troll.
You’re ugly, the troll says. You don't even have horns.
Now marn, let's not get personal. Tom says.
More laughter is shared.
We sit in the smoky room and talk and laugh for a while when tom mentions his supply of herbs is dwindling.
It seems the desert is no place for herbs of any kind man. Tom mentions off handedly.
May I take a look? I ask.
Sure man come this way he says walking through the smoke past a small fire pit in the floor. I walk around it and see an incense burner hanging a foot above the fire smoking merrily.
Nice I comment I'll have to remember that for later.
I sell those he says winking as he opens a door to a huge greenhouse.
I am temporarily blinded by the bright light coming from a jewel hanging from the ceiling the room is as hot as the desert and way to dry for plant life.
I tell him to bring four barrels of water and put one in each corner of the room to add moisture to the air and to reduce the facets of the gem or cover it longer.
Wow man. What was that first thing again? Tom says.
I'll write it down. I say smiling.
Hey you’re alright man. He says holding out a hand.
I'm not done yet I say and I walk out to the middle of the hundreds of varieties of plants and sit down and open myself to the beauty of nature and begin my prayers to Mekki.
Her blessings are apparent when the plants begin to revitalize themselves, budsflowers bloom leaves are returned to their fullest and the soil takes on a rich dark color and soon is black as midnight.
I sit up and stumble a little from the energy it took from me to revitalize the plants. I look over and Tom is laying on the floor passed out.
I call marn in and he squeals with joy when he first sees the beauty before him. He steps right over tom and runs over to me and picks me up in a giant hug that nearly snaps me in two.
Thank-you thank-you thank-you marn yells in my ear.
Air... I manage to squeak.
Oops he says as his arms slacken enough for me to draw in a great shuddering gasp.
Aren't you going to help him? I say
He's fine marn says glancing over to his surrogate father laying on the floor but look at this! He says running over to a particularly large plant.
She is the best and you saved her! He says beginning to cry.
Isn't she beautiful?
And the smell! I gasp.
Oops sorry he says dropping me to the floor and stepping over me to smell the plant up close.
I see tom sitting up and he is also crying.
Rodrick and Kayla walk in and help tom to his feet and I walk over and ask if he is alright he nearly falls over again and I catch him and I get another rib crushing hug as he tells me he feels a strange connection to the earth and plants around him.
He walks over to a plant and says she is thirsty. How do I know that?
My smile is as big as his when I tell him he is a guardian and this is his sanctuary.
I point to what once was a sand floor but it is now a patch of green grass with ivy growing up the stone walls.
He sits down and runs his hand through the thick grass for a moment before muttering it's real before passing out again.
Is he going to be ok? Marn asks from behind me.
He is weakened from the bonding. I say his strength will return and grow with his sanctuary.
We leave tom to his nap in the grass and return to the smoky shop.
Fhex begins to make a soft cry and it slowly gets louder until marn says ma'am I think your baby is hungry.
Oh Kayla says looking down to the bundle wrapped in her arms and to Fhex's smiling face and nodding head.
He is just fussy is all Kayla says smiling.
Fhex cries even louder.
If you’re shy you can take the little guy into the green house, I mean sanctuary Marn says.
No thanks he will quiet himself or he won't be getting fed for a long time. Kayla says to her bundle.
Fhex immediately shuts up.
We chat for awhile with marn before I notice that we are his only customers and we haven't spent single silver.
Not much business I say.
Yeah it was a mistake setting up a shop here. This crowd isn't mellow at all marn replies.
I was surprised to see one let alone three... or is it four?
I don't know what you mean. Kayla stammers.
That baby has been breathing awfully deep in that blanket ma'am and I never heard a baby laugh at a dirty joke.
I personally don't care if ya cheat your way in; the owner of this place freaks me out. Marn says.
You met him? Rodrick asks.
Yeah, diddent say anything he just swept into the greenhouse one day when we first got here and handed me a parchment, it said hold out your arm.
So I did. And the little shit grabbed my arm and bit me!
I tried to pull him off but he was stronger than me if you can believe it, but he Musta not liked my flavor cause he let go himself and spit onto the floor with a look of disgust on his face, hasn't been back to the shop yet and if that's all it takes to keep Mr. Pasty face away that's fine by me.
What is he? I ask.
Creepy? He replies.
We all laugh again.
He smelled of death and dust if it helps marn adds after we had calmed down.
He is a vampire fhex says sitting up and throwing off the blanket.
A god damned undead, filthy, blood sucking godless, soulless corpse.
I think I need to lay back down tom says standing at the door. I'm hallucinating.
Your fine friend sit down and meet Mr. fhex. I say. The man stumbles over to a pillow and drops down. That baby has a dirty mouth he says.
I ain’t no baby, I'm yer best customer! He says pulling out a large bag of coins from his diaper and dropping it to the floor
Late again.
Mr. Fhex spent a long while listening to tom and marn passionately argue on the virtues and shortcoming of each variety of plant until the problem was solved when Rodrick suggested a variety pack with a small quantity of each.
Genius! Fhex declares.
He is finishing his purchase when a bang at the door makes everyone jump.
I forgot that was there! Rodrick says laughing.
I KNEW IT! Shouts a familiar voice thick with irritation.
Sir Rasper? Kayla says
Who else would it be?
Where the hell is everyone?
Has there been a fire? Rasper rapid fires questions to the smoke.
Down here! Kayla giggles.
I have been looking for you for five hours, I assume your bets are placed and will see you at the tournament in a half hour. Rasper says storming out and slamming the door.
Five hours? I say
More like six. Laughs tom.
That's bad. Kayla laughs.
We never placed our bets...I begin
Or got a guard count. Rodrick adds.
Or saw where the exits were. Kayla adds
At least the elf didn't freak out fhex laughs.
True I say. But we should be going.
Well hey, stop in and see me anytime man. Says tom and if it helps there is a coal dust shoot on the bottom of all the forges, you can tell from the outside by the black dust on the grey rocks.
Nice, thank you good sir I say.
No problem man. Come back soon! He calls as we open the shop door to the noise and crowd.
The Tournament.
We made our way towards the tournament pit and the crowd in the "market" did not seem as oppressive. We found out why as we approached the stands surrounding the pits the crowd was cheering madly at a man wearing a suit of black plate similar to Sir Rasper's but covered in spikes. The spiked man was unarmed and faced three men at once.
Arms raised to the crowd he roars as they charge and it echoes off the full helm he wore giving it a distorted quality. One of the men carries a long pole arm with a forked blade and can be seen yelling orders to his sword wielding companions.
They both ignore his commands and rush forward looking for a fast kill. The two men swing wide on opposite sides of the big armored man and he quickly ducks and avoids Their swings while bringing a gauntleted fist to purpose shattering the man’s knee with a powerful blow causing the crowd to gasp then cheer as the man stands and brings a uppercut that sends the second man’s head spinning off his shoulders to smack wetly against the wall. The final man stands shaking but holds his weapon ready to use. At this point the man picks up the two men's swords a holds them aloft for the approval of the crowd. They cheer and the man sends a sword spinning the last ten feet into the man’s chest where he falls and does not stir.
The man raises the last sword and then points it to the man dragging himself away from the slaughter.
The crowd roars.
He stands holding the sword until the man reaches the gate some twenty five feet away, he pulls himself to his feet and begins to bang on the door but stops as the remaining sword pins him to the door to the approval of the crowd.
MORE! The man shouts pumping his fist in the air.
The crowd joins the chant.
the gate begins to roll up making a red smear of the man attached to it ...and ten able bodied men enter for the grand melee.
They all begin to walk towards the starting positions but the man charges the group; they look to each other for a moment and nod. They bunch together to form a tight group. Five swordsmen in front and five men with spears in back. One of the men throws his spear at the changing man but as it nears the man he slaps it aside without breaking his run.
The last ten feet to the group was covered in one giant leap. The man lands with a huge right cross that carried the weight of his body as he landed amongst the group. His victim is thrown backwards knocks the man behind him to the ground, at the same moment as his landing he extends his left arm palm facing outwards and hits another man in the sternum causing the victim to spray blood from his mouth and fall into a heap. One of the pike men in the back thrusts his spear into the armpit of the man in black causing him to lash out with both arms and grab the man by the neck shaking him out like a wet towel. Several sword blows are deflected by the man in black’s armor as the two pike men were circling around behind him but still he shook the man until he stopped his struggling and went limp. Smashing the man to the ground he pulls the spear from his armor with a roar and snaps it in half and using the wooden handle to parry another quick thrust from a spear , knocking the weapon out wide the man in black kicks the off balance man in the chest sending him flying backwards through the group of warriors.
The man in black turns to face the two Spearman at his back and is hit twice on the helm by the men with full force knocking his helm off revealing it to be a man with blond hair and a short beard of around twenty-five years of age. He intercepts the next swing grabbing the spear and yanking it out of the man’s hand spinning it and smacking the man in the temple and driving the point into the other man’s face and retracting it just in time to swat a sword away from another man who was swinging at his exposed neck. Clutching his torn hand the man falls back tripping over the body of his fallen comrades.
The four remaining men gather themselves and pick up weapons as the man in black casually reaches down for his helm and slams it down onto his head.
He motions for them to attack, when they hesitate he flips a sword out of the sand with his foot and catches it and throws it into the chest of the fallen man with the ruined hand.
He motions again for them to attack.
The man stands as a statue as the four men slowly advance.
He slowly brings up his hands to waist level and brings them in an arch over his head then back down and slowly out.
What's he doing? Rodrick asks
Battle meditation I reply
The man in black suddenly lashes out at the men bringing his hands out like a knife he chops a man’s spear in half and adds another chop to his neck crumbling him where he stood.
The man in black avoids a strike by pivoting and spinning to his left with a roundhouse chop to his opponent’s jaw sending the bone shooting out of the skin. Reversing his spin to avoid another slash he reverses his spin and throws another leaping punch spinning his victim through the air.
One man remained and he stares at the man approaching, he makes an awkward jerking motion, looks to his hand holding the sword and falls to his knees shaking.
Oh my Kayla says.
Indeed I reply
Fhex is peeking up from his blanket when he says this is gonna be bad.
Yes it is but why do you say that? I ask
The man just said he has a family. Fhex says staring at the man.
You can hear him? Rodrick asks.
No, I can read lips. Fhex says not breaking his focus.
Here it comes. Fhex says looking away.
The man in black walks calmly over to the man and sets a black gauntlet on his shoulder and the kneeling man looks up and mouths the word please.
The man in black helps the man to his feet, pats him on the back and walks off the arena floor leaving the man weeping and shaking in his wake.
You can look now. I say
Is it over? Fhex asks with his eyes pinched shut.
Yes, he was spared.
Really? Fhex says looking down.
I can't believe it.
Tournament champion the maraxus of gore! Says a man standing on a podium.
Impressive says a voice from behind us.
We turn and see a slightly drunk twizz standing atop a table to see over the crowd.
Where are Rasper and Bubba? I ask.
They got Bubba waiting in a cage for his match and Rasper is waiting with him.
Will Bubba have to fight the maraxus? Kayla asks in a nervous tone.
Har! A lowly rung one contestant like Bubba will have to fight a dozen times just for the privilege to die by that mans hand.
I have never in my life seen someone fight like that, like an animal. Fhex admits.
He was using a spell. Twizz interjects.
What kind of spell? Rodrick asks eyes wide.
It's called bull strength, dwarves use it afore battle, takes what ye are and doubles it.
Do you know it? Rodrick asks
Aye, that I do but it makes a person reckless and it only lasts a short time. I expect that's why he was in such a hurry to win.
Amazing, Rodrick says deep in thought.
Anyways twizz begins. Bubba fights tomorrow early in tha morning' in the opening bouts fer the next tournament.
But this one just finished Kayla says.
One every day from the words of the other slavers. Twizz says.
What components dose the spell require? Rodrick asks.
Just a bit o blood. Some from the caster and some from the target. Twizz replies.
You can cast it on others? Rodrick nearly shouts.
Yeah but it weakens the body if you use it on someone else. Twizz says grumbling.
Fascinating. Rodrick says to himself.
How long are the spells effects? Rodrick presses.
We can talk later on that later twizz replies. But fer now I gotta get to a bar. Seen one?
The Bar.
We wander along the far wall along a row of shops but do not see any place to sit and drink.
Just buy something from one of the wenches walking the stands they will even bring it to you. I say pointing to it happening a few feet away.
Nay elf I'm not fer open pitchers in a crowd. Twizz replies.
Why? I ask
Yer so durned smart about sum things but so naive about others. Twizz begins. Anyone could put anything in it.
Why? I ask
The dwarf puts a hand on his face and pulls it down ending with him tugging on his beard in frustration. Fer fun, to kill someone specific who drinks allot,
Put some sleeping powder in it and when they go to their room and fall asleep you follow them and they wake up in a cage for sale Fhex says from his blanket causing us all to stop and look at him.
Put much thought into that? Rodrick asks.
Goo goo gaa gaa fhex replies.
Hey twizz shouts to a passing man wearing a red cloak.
Be quick dwarf the man says.
Bar? Twizz asks.
On your left as you dropped off your weapons the man says pointing back the way we came.
Thanks. Twizz says flipping the man a gold.
Anytime the man says catching the coin.
We take a straight course in the direction indicated by the man and soon arrive at a shocking sight, amidst the chaos and crowd there at the far back wall was a magnificent double oak door standing open.
As we approached the smell of stale smoke and spilled drink tell us we are in the right place but after crossing the threshold of the door we see it to be almost empty. The barman stood leaned up against the rack of bottles breathing heavily and one other man sat against the far wall sipping something a dark shade of green.
Twizzlick points out a fine table on the opposite side of the room and we go and seat ourselves.
A bottle of yer strongest whiskey sir an five glasses twizz calls to the man.
So about the spell Rodrick begins.
Aye? Twizz mutters.
What's the range?
I dunno. Pretty close I guess, all I know fer sure is both people gotta be willing, in view of each other and bleeding, Twizz says tapping his fingers on the table.
Bleeding? Rodrick asks.
Aye is kinda a last resort, blaze of glory type of spell cause when it's over ye feel drained. Twizz says.
A loud thump draws our attention to the bar where the barkeep has fallen onto the bar.
I stand to investigate and can immediately tell the man is dead; I look behind the bar and see an elderly man lying there in a pool of his own blood.
We might want to leave before the guards arrive I say.
They have already been here says the man from the shadows.
How long ago? Asks twizz.
Close to three hours replies the man.
They left him here? Kayla asks
The man behind the bar attacked the old shopkeeper without any provocation. The man claimed his bar and his gold. I have killed him and now the bar and all he possess are mine, now if you...
But his thought is incomplete for fhex leaps from his blanket in Kayla’s arms wielding a tiny dagger and plunges it into the man’s neck the look of shock on the man’s face never changes as the crossbow he had hidden under the table fires a bolt that goes ricocheting across the walls , falls then to the floor. In a last desperate attempt he grabs the gnome by the throat and tries to slam him onto the table but a roundhouse punch from twizz snaps the man’s neck causing him to drop the gasping gnome to the table.
Ye aright? Twizz asks
No, he says standing up and wiping his dagger on the man’s shirt.
What's wrong? Twizz says walking towards the table.
We split it. The gnome says
Wha? The dwarf says looking to the group.
We share the kill we share the prize. Fhex says with a sigh.
What prize, sharing what? What in the name of Clangidinn are ye speaking of? Twizz shouts.
Bandit law says you keep what you kill. Says Kayla.
Ye mean the bar is ours? Twizz asks
And everything in it adds fhex.'s me dream come true. Twizz says beginning to tear up.
I will forfeit all claims on my half of the bar for any gems that may or may not be on the premises as well as all the silver you can keep the gold.
Really? Twizz asks sobbing.
Up to you. Says fhex smiling
Twizz extends his hand and says ye can drink till ye puke here anytime and I hope ye find a bag of gems so big ye drop a nut trying ta lift it.
So do I says the smiling gnome taking the dwarfs hand and shaking it vigorously.
Let's get wasted! Twizz says grabbing the dead man by the hair and dragging him off the table and onto the floor leaving a blood smear all the way to the door where he was tossed out a moment later with the other two men. All stripped of their belongings down to their small clothes.
Let's clean up a bit first and help fhex find some gems. Twizz says walking behind the bar to grab a bottle and a mop.
After a few hours and a few bottles we had the bar shining like a new coin and looking fine indeed with the sturdy oak tables and iron bound old oak doors.
We were all sitting around the bar enjoying a drink and a rest when the door opened and a man came in and sat down at a table.
Twizz from behind the bar calls out to the man.
What can I get ye? Always wanted to say that!
He says sumthin strong and cheap. Got a long way home.
Come drink with us and celebrate and ye can drink fer free! Twizz shouts to the man.
Thank you kindly says the man rising to his feet and taking a seat with the group at the bar.
I am celebrating myself he says
Aye what's that? Twizz asks
My life.
Rodrick recognizing the man first, says
You were the last man standing in the arena
I was the man says.
What did he say to you? I ask.
It will cost you a drink. He replies
Twizz pours a shot and the man puts his finger on the bottom of the bottle and lifting, filling the glass to the rim, he throws back his head and drinks the strong whisky in one gulp and sets his glass on the table.
He told me to go home and kiss my wife and child, and that is exactly where I am going. He says sliding the glass back to be filled.
Twizz pours the man another triple shot and sets it in front of him.
The man takes this shot in the same fashion and his eyes begin to well with tears as he looks to twizz and says with his voice cracking.
He spared me; I was a frightened rabbit on those sands. When he approached me I made a move to pick up a weapon and realized I already had one in my hands, I knew then I had no chance against the man and looked away... I could not look at him during those last ten feet and thought I was at my end.
As did we. Twizz adds.
I nearly shit myself when he touched me and I begin to say to him please please make it quick but he....
The man stares at the table for many moments with tears running down his face.
I am a fool, the dirt circle champion of my village and on those sands I lost my courage, and I do not think I will ever get it back.
Ye may. Twizz says refilling the glass and I set five more on the table.
That is the last clear memory I have of that night but I woke up the next morning on the floor of the our hotel room with an empty bottle in my hand curled up next to fhex and Kayla while Rodrick slept face down on the bed across the room.
I attempt to sit up but the spinning room makes me lose my balance and fall back to the rug and I decide to take a short nap.
Fhex lays it out for the group.
I was suddenly awoken some time later by a sharp pain in my side. My eyes snap to focus and I see Sir Rasper standing over me, his face purple with rage.
I sit up and everyone else was already awake, apparently he had been shouting.
You missed Bubbas match. He says plainly.
Did you place a bet? Rasper asks.
No I reply.
Did you do anything besides drink? Rasper shouts to the group. And where is the dwarf?
At his bar. Rodrick says walking past completely nude. Anyone seen my robe?
Sorry sweetie Kayla says I think I hung it up in the bath.
It's not a bathrobe! Rodrick shouts stomping to the chamber pot room to retrieve his robe.
Why is it wet? He shouts
I used it after my bath. Kayla says I'm sorry.
Excuse me but what bar? And who's bar? Rasper says holding up his hands in defeat.
It's a long story I will tell it while we sober up twizzlick.
Son of a bitch Rasper mutters under his breath.
The trip back to the bar was short and quick with Rasper stomping a path through the mid day crowd with occasional directions from me.
We reach the bar in no time and are not surprised to see twizzlick lying on the bar floor pale and lying in a pool of wine.
Wake up dwarf! Rasper says stomping over to the unconscious dwarf and giving him a kick.
A soft moan escapes the lips of the dwarf.
By... the.... stones.... you.... horses.... ass. I been attacked twizz manages to gasp.
He... took... carall.
Who? What's going on? Rasper shouts.
I take a moment to look at Mr. Twizzlick’s armor and see several deep dents in the armor each in the shape of a human fist and point them out to the group.
Mr. Fhex, can you help with his armor? I ask.
Arms above his head and lift the left leg fhex says.
Watch me arm twizz says through clenched teeth, I think it be broke.
Kayla gently lifts the dwarf’s arms into position and when I lift his leg the armor releases itself with a click and the dwarf is freed.
Oh that's better twizz says.
I lift the dwarf’s leather tunic and I can tell he is suffering from several broken ribs.
I have good news and bad news sir dwarf. I say.
Bad news first. Twizz growls
You have three broken and at least four cracked ribs. I say gently pressing the bones back into place with several loud crunches.
Oy take it easy elf! Twizlick shouts as the last rib pops into place. Ok what's the good news?
Your arm isn't broken, I say holding the dwarfs shoulder and wrist. It's dislocated I add with a twist and a shove that makes the dwarf groan.
Rest east sir dwarf I say putting a hand on his barrel chest and pressing him back to the cold stone floor.
I begin my prayers to Mekki and her gift of healing is bestowed on twizzlick as the soft blue light surrounds the stout dwarf.
Ooh that tickles, And it hurts when I laugh.
It is only a few moments before the sturdy dwarf is trying to get up. Patience sir, your wounds are severe I say attempting to push the dwarf back down but he is determined to rise so I risk him injuring himself further by letting him get to his feet.
Ye fixed me! How did ye.... Twizz begins but is interrupted by all the alcohol escaping his stomach all at once.
Gaah! Says the dwarf between splashes, what did ye do to me?
Must be the toxins, I don't know it's never done that. I say
After a minute and a full mop bucket I ask the dwarf how he feels.
Never better! He says hopping up and down.
I am surprised at his recovery, injuries that severe always take several different applications of healing magic to cure and the spell has never caused a drunken person to become sober.
The dwarf lifts his shirt and his deep purple bruises are almost gone.
Amazing Rodrick says.
Thank ye, I work out twizz replies with a Wink.
No...The..Spell. I diddent... Rodrick begins but is cut short by Twizzlick’s raucous laughter.
We gots to find carall. The dwarf says to the group.
No, our pressing concern is the vampire says Rasper; I am going to go pull Bubba out of the tournament while fhex fills you in on vampires and their weakness.
Rasper leaves us there and fhex begins by telling us there are but a few ways to kill a vampire.
First they can't be in direct contact with sunlight, causes them to burn up.
Second, decapitation
Third and the hardest is a piece of wood through the heart but it's damn hard to do unless you have trained for it. They are also weakened by fire and holy symbols but you must have absolute faith for them to work. They are fast and strong and show no mercy. Do not attempt to reason with anyone infected.
Infected? I say.
Yes, a vampire spreads his disease through a set of retracting fangs, kind of like a snake, Fhex replies staring at the table.
How do you know all this? I ask.
Back in my younger days I ran with a group of people just like us. The gnome begins; we were tasked by the mayor of a small keep to find out why all the village girls were disappearing.
We originally thought it to be a troll or other such nonsense snatching girls to eat. During our investigation we were led to a large complex of caves by the villager’s tales of ghostly screaming in the mountains. We had no directions to a specific place but had no problem finding it. We just followed the smell of death.
The small cave on the eastern side of a mountain. Our tracker kept telling us it was no troll because of a lack of any tracks or dung. But our leader, a head strong guard Capitan named Regis kept insisting on pushing forward. The cave seemed to go on forever in the darkness but we finally came to a cavern far below the earth and I will remember what I saw there until the day I die.
It was the missing girls from the village all sitting at the foot of a throne made from human bones. They sat looking up at a cloaked figure and never took their eyes off him even as the light from our torches illuminated the room.
We started to advance on him, he casually lays a hand on the girls head and runs his fingers through her hair gazing into her eyes and speaking a few words. the woman stood and ran screaming across the room towards the group, we thought she was let go and running in terror, our cleric opened his arms to embrace the woman and was met full charge with a tackle and dozens of punches and scratches to his face in the blink of an eye. We stood there in shock as the woman tried to bite the man on the neck but was held back by the symbol he wore on a small chain around his neck. Ragduruk, a beast of a man was the first to act swinging his club full force into the side of the woman's head knocking it sideways on her neck and sending her tumbling into the shadows.
We turn to face the man on the throne and see it empty. Everyone scans the room and we see our tracker holding his hand over his heart with a stricken expression on his face.
He was so fast...
The man’s hand falls and we see the gaping wound where his heart should be. When he falls we see the man holding a heart, the beast holds the still pumping organ above his head and squeezes the blood from it causing the blood to rain down over his face and outstretched tongue. The beast looks down with his eyes shining a bright amber and smiles and licks the blood from his lips.
He just stood there as Ragduruk charged and began to swing his club but it was intercepted by the other woman who jumped into the way and took the full force swing of it, caving in her head.
Noooooooooo! Screamed Ragduruk swinging his club again at the man. It was caught and yanked out of the big man’s hand and broken into splinters across his face in one swift motion, Bone and blood splashes everyone and everything.
The cloaked man drops the shattered handle and before it hits the floor he is standing with the Capitan held above his head by the neck.
I fire my own crossbow at the man hoping to make him drop our leader but the dark man simply puts the poor Capitan in the way and he is hit several times in the back and thrown onto the floor.
I can still hear the dark mans laughter at the look of horror on my face as I drop my crossbow and run like a coward. The screams of the rest of the party followed me down the long tunnel. I ran for many minutes without stopping until I was almost at the entrance to the tunnel, the first light of dawn was just peeking over the trees. I was feet away from safety when a great gust of wind caught me from behind.
I was kicked by the man, up over the trees spinning and spinning until everything went black and I woke up speared through the arm by the branch at the top of a tree over five hundred yards away. After I climbed down and scurried back to the town and a bottle of whisky it was three days before I returned to the cave. The only survivor was the cleric who in a last desperate attempt cast a sunburst and burned the devil down to his bones. It was too late to save his sight for the woman had scratched out his eyes and a good portion of his cheeks and nose and he lay there dying.
They couldn’t get close when I held out my holy symbol so they started throwing rocks... the cleric began. Take it he said holding out the blood splattered symbol. Hold it aloft and repeat this prayer before I go to meet my goddess.
He died halfway through his prayer.
I pulled him out of the cave and went back to town and got some guards to return and gather up the remains of my friends.
They asked me and I told them the whole story. They put me in Costello island prison for murdering the Capitan of the guard and deserting the team in their time of need. That was five years ago and I have spent every waking moment learning all I can about filthy damned vampires. The king knew it was a vampire that lurked in this mountain or else I wouldn’t be here.
But you can pick locks. Rodrick says
She can pick locks, fhex replies pointing to kayla and stab you with a needle in the junk in a way that will make you useless to a woman and she knows a bit of charm magic..
I think that's enough baby. Kayla says cutting of the gnome. A girl has to have her secrets.
Charm magic? Rodrick mumbles to himself.
Rasper returns with a fully armored Bubba and asks if we are all up to speed.
Yes. Fhex answers for the group.
We are going back to the room to discuss possible plans of action. Rasper states plainly.
Vampire lore.
When we returned to the room we found a small crowd around the doorway to our room we also found our lock picked to both our door and trunk and a smoking body laying against the far wall. By the looks of it he was instantly burned down to the bone from his mid torso all the way to the top of his head. Footprints could be seen stumbling around in the green dust on the floor. Whoever it was succeeded in picking the lock but failed to disarm the trap.
By the goddess. I exclaim
Powdered acid. Fhex says looking at the man and pulling a small broom from a closet and sweeping up the remaining dust and putting it back in a glass jar and handing it back to Kayla who put it in a belt pouch.
How did you come about that? Rodrick asks
Well fhex begins, it is a long process that involves lava, an adamantine bowl and running in and tossing in bits of iron dust without bursting into flames, but eventually it boils down and...
Enough babble. Rasper interrupts
Where does this thing sleep?
Somewhere underground, a big place like this will have a catacomb; also the body dump will be a good place to look for ghouls.
What's that? Asks Rodrick
A vampire who lacks age will attempt to make other vampires and fail. His failed attempts are called ghouls. They have speed and strength but are wild and fear fire because Their dead flesh burns easily.
And they drink blood as a vampire? I ask
No, they eat flesh. Fhex replies
So we can sneak up on one if it's sleeping right? Rasper asks.
No, from what I have heard is they have the ability to detect the life around them even during sleep.
What about... Rodrick begins
Forget about coffins, they just need a dark place underground to sleep. We put them in coffins to lock them up. Fhex says with distaste.
Jus get im' in front o' me. Bubba says flexing his spiked steel hands.
I interrupt Bubbas posturing by asking if anyone else can smell death.
Bubba says I can smell a little, it's coming from the dwarf.
Everyone looks to twizzlick.
Not me he says holding up his hands.
Bubba stoops down and gives a great sniff of his nose and follows it to the left hand of Twizzlick’s discarded armor.
It's this he says holding up the gauntlet.
I take it and see the mesh between the fingers is covered in burnt flesh.
Did you burn him? I ask.
No that's where he caught me punch. Twizz replies.
Everyone examines it in turn.
Cold forged iron. Fhex says after a moment. I didn't notice it before.
What's that mean? Kayla says.
This iron was never heated. Pure iron was beaten into submission with hammers of ice. Fhex says.
A secret passed down the generations of me people twizz says proudly.
Do you have any more? Rasper asks.
Me boots. Twizz says and a dagger, but it be in the weapon storage locked up.
Leave that to me fhex says. Give me your return stone, Keebler and I learned of a secret way inside that I can use to get back in.
Get all our weapons Rasper says.
How? Fhex shouts I'm a foot tall and there is only one of me! And how am I supposed to walk up to the desk with a half dozen stones? Have you seen what they do to suspected thiefs here? He adds pulling his hand in his sleeve and waving it around but stopping when he looks to Rasper's stump.
I can get the dwarfs dagger but the rest of his weapons will have to stay in storage for now. Fhex says quietly.
Me axe never tasted no vampire blood afore. Twizz says smiling at the grumpy gnome. An it's not too heavy, or big he says getting to his knees. Please?
I'll see what I can do. Fhex says smiling. You big oaf.
I like it when ye call me big. Twizz replies.
Ok Rodrick pay for another nights stay out of this he says dropping a large bag of gold on a table.
Where did you get that? Rodrick gasps.
I bet everything on Bubba.
There has to be a thousand gold here. Rodrick says astonished.
There was fifteen hundred before I bought Bubba his new armor; there is a little more than nine hundred now. Rasper replies.
Impressive I add.
You would each have one if you weren't lost in a fog, twizzlick has one. Rasper says pointing to the dwarf.
Had replies Twizz.
How much did you spend? Rasper asks angrily.
I dunno there be a bit left that I put in me pack.
What? How? Rasper begins
I went to a fine brothel last night after everyone passed out and met a fine lass an she did things to me that I won't mention in front of a lady.
You paid her a thousand gold! Rasper shouts.
Her price was five hunnerd, and if the service be good I be a good tipper. Twizz says with a wink.
Can we get back to the point? Rasper complains.
Fhex get the dagger, he goes to speak to the rest of the group but stops short and looks back to the diaper clothed gnome.
Put on some clothes first. He adds.
The rest of us are going to look for the entrance to the catacombs.
There should be an entrance in the holding area for the gladiators Bubba says unexpectedly.
Why? I ask.
Big arenas always have a way to dispose of fallen slaves, and I don't see a graveyard. He replies.
Sound reasoning I say.
Been to a Lotta arenas. Bubba says.
We have access to the slave pens Rasper says, we go look there first. We have six hours to find and destroy him before dark.
We only had to wait an hour for fhex to return carrying a huge bouquet of flowers and walking very stiff legged.
These are for you fhex says hefting the flowers to twizz.
I have your axe wound up in those flowers; it should conceal them for the day.
Twizz takes the bouquet and yells ouch! What was tha fer?
You said it was light! It must have weighed ten pounds!
I guess that's not so light fer ye is it? Twizz says apologetically.
You guess right. And here is your dagger. Fhex says pulling the short blade out of his pants. Now that we are armed, the plan is to find him sleeping and kill him instantly.
How can we do that? I ask
We will all have bows. Fhex says matter of factly.
How? Rasper asks.
My dear if you please? The gnome says looking to Kayla.
Leave that to me. She says smiling.
Kayla’s contribution.
We follow the directions of Mr. Fhex all the way to the back of the vast cavern and see a man selling bows. Kayla walks over to the man and engages him in small talk about the make and quality of his bows. She expresses an interest in purchasing a set of bows but has never actually shot one before.
I can help you there young lady the man says looking her up and down.
She smiles back at the man and removes her traveling cloak to reveal the tight fitting low cut leather suit she was wearing.
Can you bring me out different sizes to try out sweetie? She smiles at the man.
Of course darlin' he says scurrying into the back and returning with an arm full of bows and several sets of quivers.
Oh, pretty she says looking at all the colors.
Yes my dear, beautiful. He replies looking down at her cleavage.
She tries out a few and separates the discarded bows into three piles. I notice one pile is smaller bows all of good quality. She flirts shamelessly with the eager man, allowing him to guide her hands from behind as she attempted to draw back on a huge black bow.
Where can I shoot a few arrows? She asks gazing up at the man.
Right over here little lady. The man says guiding her to a large stack of hay.
Hold my cloak she says to Rodrick who was standing back with the rest of us as she tosses it back to him.
She giggles and fawns over the man for quite a while trying out the different combinations of bows and arrows each time setting the smaller sizes aside before looking to the man over her shoulder with a pouty expression. I think these are all too big for me. Do you have anything more my size? She says rubbing her ample backside butt against the man’s groin.
He puts a hand on her hip and and his face flushes red.
I think I have something back there. Care to join me?
He turns towards the storeroom door and begins to lead her by the hand. She quickly detaches herself and clumsily picks up two bundles of bows obviously too large for her to carry and begins to awkwardly handle them. Don't forget these sweetie she says handing the bows over.
I totally forgot about those! He says.
It's ok she says putting a hand on his back. Oh! You’re so tense! I can give you a back rub for all your help. She says closing the door behind them.
A few silent moments pass.
Is she going to be ok by herself? Asks Rodrick
Oh yeah replies fhex.
How long will she be? The worried cleric presses.
I'm surprised she's not back already. Replies the gnome.
As Rasper is telling Rodrick to put the bows under his robe Kayla exits the storeroom.
Sorry it took so long. The poor dear had a slipped disk that I put back into order.
Everything go ok punkin? Asks fhex
No, I had to kill him. Replies Kayla
Really? I almost shout.
No, I rubbed his back then pressed his fifth ganglion nerve cluster at the base of his skull and he fell asleep. She smiles, as a bonus I whispered dirty things to him while I did it to give him sweet dreams, when he wakes up in an a few hours and changes his small clothes he will feel better than he has in years.
That's a fine job baby. Fhex says hopping up to slap her affectionately on her rear.
So, why the extra bows? Rodrick asks there are five of us able to shoot a bow and you have nine bows.
And the hand crossbow the guy in the bar dropped. Twizlick adds.
I couldn’t decide on a color I liked. Kayla replies smiling.
The slave pens.
Now on to the gladiator pens? Rodrick asks.
Yes, this way. Rasper says motioning towards the crowd.
We arrive at the checkpoint and are stopped by the two guards standing at the door.
Slaves and masters only. one man says.
Rasper walks over and speaks to the man in private for a moment before the guard looks over his shoulder and laughs out loud and waves the group forward.
Ya got a half hour, no more the man says and good luck wizard. The man adds still laughing.
We pass through the iron doors and Rodrick asks, what did you say to him?
You were thinking of entering the tournament and I am the man hired to protect you and I am trying to talk you out of it. Rasper replies.
Oh, quick thinking, I guess. Rodrick says looking crestfallen.
No, replies Rasper. I knew that's how we were getting in the moment I saw the guards yesterday.
Oh that’s... nice.
There is a short hallway between the outer door and the larger double doors to the slave pens.
The chamber to hold the slaves was huge and crept off into the darkness. There were many chambers to this cave all blocked off with thick bars of iron and a few shadows could be seen pacing in the darkness or reaching through the bars pleading for release.
We have to help them Rodrick says.
Our mission has changed. Rasper replies, we kill the vampire first then worry about the people.
The body chute is this way says Bubba. Waving the group forward.
Have you seen it before? Kayla asks.
No, I can smell it from here. The ogre replies. We follow Bubbas directions around several corners till we arrive at a long corridor lined with cages on either side. The cages are mostly empty except for a few down at the end near a large hole in the wall as we near I can hear a woman crying softly at the back of one of the cages. I pull a torch from a sconce on the wall and hold it near the bars of her cage.
The woman sits with her head down with her bloody hands in her lap and her black hair wet with blood.
You chose a convenient place to trespass a voice calls out from behind us.
We all as one freeze in place and slowly turn to see the maraxus of gore standing before us blocking the hall.
We got lost. Rodrick begins.
Your lying, he states plainly walking forward I don't like liars. The chance at Immortality shall only be given to those worthy of its gifts, the cripple and the tiny one will have to die but the rest of you are for my master when he wakes.
To hell with this fhex says grabbing a vial from his pack and throwing it to the floor in front of the man.
He stops and laughs. Acid? My armor is... he is interrupted as his foot makes contact and his boot slips on the grease and stone floor. He catches himself with one hand but it slips as well causing him to slam his face into the floor.
Bubba! Shouts twizzlick. Bandits! He says bending over in a three point stance.
Bubba takes his cue and runs up and puts his boot to the ass of the dwarf sending him shooting towards the man attempting to get up. The spike on the dwarf’s helm pierces the man’s chest knocking them both backwards and slamming the greasy duo into the wall.
The maraxus has a shocked expression on his face as the dwarf unstraps his helm and falls to the floor.
I cannot be defeated by peasants he says in disbelief. I have the blood of a dark god inside me
An its .getting all over the floor bubba says pointing to the slowly growing pool.
True gods do not walk this plain. I say to the man.
Mine does. He says coughing blood, and you will fall by his hand.
The man grabs the helm and pushes it away causing him to scream in pain as the spike slides screeching out of the back of his armor.
The look of pain is replaced by rage as the man grabs the spike and starts to pull it further but the dwarf, bracing himself on the wall kicks the helm back in causing the man’s arms to jerk wildly until the long spike is sticking out of the top of his head. The dwarf leaves the helm and crosses the grease by pushing himself off the wall and sliding on his stomach.
That's original laughs fhex.
The credit goes to you good gnome. The dwarf says with a deep bow.
The woman's sobs draw our attention once again and Roderick’s attempts to near her cage.
I told you to wait until we are through here Rasper commands pulling the cleric away from the cage; this is our next task he says pulling Rodrick towards the body Shute.
Anyone bring some rope? Fhex asks
Everyone is quiet for a moment when Bubba nudges me in the back.
Yes? I ask
You got rope. Bubba replies.
I remember waking up on the bar floor and Bubba had gotten us supplies, it seems so long ago.
That I do friend. I say pulling the forgotten rope from my bag.
We tie the rope to the middle of a steel crossbar from an empty cell and are about to lower the rope when fhex suggests we drop a torch down there to see what we were getting ourselves into.
I have the torch from the wall already in my hand and toss it down the tunnel where it slides easily and lands on a pile of bones.
Strange, I say.
What? Kayla asks.
With all the bodies down this hole there should be millions of flies and all manner of insects, but I see none. I reply.
That's the undead, even flies know better than to land on the fhex says as Dozens of shadows can be seen illuminated in the torchlight briefly before it is snatched away and taken to a dark part of the cave and extinguished.
That's not good. Rodrick says.
A howling could be heard from a single coarse voice, soon followed by many and they all came towards the hole screaming for blood.
Blaze of glory.
I quickly grab another torch and hold it to the edge of the hole and what I saw made me wish I hadn’t.
Dozens of pale faces all ripped and torn with sharp fangs and clawed hands climbing on top of each other to get to the hole.
Bows! Rodrick says dropping the pile of stolen merchandise as he takes a seated position on the floor.
Aim at the back of the tunnel I say firing an arrow at the downward sloping Shute causing it to ricochet down the hole.
Sir dwarf I have an idea. Rodrick says.
What? Yells twizzlick over the roar of the ghouls.
Use your bull strength on me. Rodrick shouts back.
Twizzlick spins around smashing Roderick’s face with a roundhouse punch causing blood to squirt out of his nose, the dwarf then slides off a gauntlet as Rodrick is sitting back up and slides an arrowhead across the palm of his hand causing it to bleed freely.
Never liked this part the dwarf mutters as he puts his bloody hand into contact with Roderick’s nose and begins to speak in dwarfish. Our arrow supply is already growing short by the time the spell is finished and still they came closer to the edge of the hole.
Finally the dwarf drops to a knee and Roderick’s eyes turn a dazzling glowing white. The once initiate calmly stands and extends a hand summoning his house cat but instead a great flaming lion who leaps nimbly down the hole as the ghouls were clawing Their way through our arrows to the top, screaming they fell backwards down the hole, some running away on fire, some falling to the bones adding Their own to the already great pile.
Rodrick says stand back! In a deep voice that rattled the walls.
We all quickly comply as Rodrick reaches into the pocket of his robes and retrieves the small red tome of magic.
No! Shouts twizz. It's to strong fer ye!
Rodrick smiles and says its ok I understand it all now.
And opened the book.
Flames erupt from the book as soon as the cleric’s eyes make contact with it but Rodrick leans down into the fire and inhales the flames. The book turns to ash in his hands as he walks towards the hole in the wall and bursts into flames.
Wait a twenty count. He says looking back over his shoulder and climbing down the hole and dropping to the depths.
The next fifteen seconds were filled with the agonized screaming of the undead as they burned but it was the high pitched yowl that suddenly erupted from the flaming lion that made my skin crawl.
We dropped the rope down the tunnel and quickly each made our way down.
Rodrick stood still burning brightly with both hands out in front of him shooting a gout of flame back at the far wall.
A hulking figure could just barley be seen at the back of the room.
I woke it up! Rodrick shouts as he advances.
What? Rasper asks holding his good arm out in front of him.
Not a vampire! Rodrick shouts back.
The figure breaks into a full run right through the flames. Its heavy footsteps causing the ground to rumble.
Rodrick couches down and begins to scream in fury trying to burn whatever it was.
The figure in flames runs right through Rodrick picking him up in a clawed hand and slamming him against the wall causing his arms to go limp. Two more times the beast slams the dazed cleric against the wall then tosses the still flaming man against the opposite wall twenty feet away where he lay screaming for a moment before he appeared to explode into a fireball the last of Twizzlick’s spell having worn off.
As the flames die down the beast is revealed to be a half dragon wearing a full set of custom plate mail.
Red's don't burn it growls. Idiot.
Roaring it charges the group.
Bubba roars and charges right back.
The two clash and sparks shoot out from the colliding metal and a flurry of punches from both Bubba and the red cause our ears to ring as the heavy blows connect with the sturdy plate. The two looked evenly matched until the red swings both hands together on either side of Bubbas helm cupping them slightly causing the sound to force its way into his ear holes causing the big ogre to drop to a knee. The giant red slams his fists into the helm in a similar fashion three more times before taking a hop back and a step forward kicking the ogre directly in the face mask pinning it to the wall and stomping it again before kicking Bubba in the side of the head. Toppling him over to the floor.
He turns and looks to Rasper.
Die cripple! He roars and charges.
Rasper holds his ground as the nine foot tall red runs straight at him but quickly spinning at the last second and slamming the crippled knight against the wall with a powerful swat from his tail and charging on to Kayla where he attempts to smash her face with a punch but the nimble woman ducks out of the way and he smashes the wall behind her instead but manages another great swat with his tail on the girls shoulder slamming her to the hard cold stone floor.
Kayla! Nooooo! Fhex screams throwing a vial of green powder at the advancing dragon smashing it on his breastplate and face
Roaring at the gnome it advances and stomps its boot down attempting to smash the tiny gnome but the gnome is ready and quickly pulls a thin spike from his pack and sets it on the ground beside him causing the half dragon to impale its own foot.
Roaring in pain the dragon kicks the gnome with all his might but the kick slips off the gnome but sends him spinning through the air. When the gnome hits the floor he slides all the way to the wall and I realized he must have slid in the grease before going down the rope.
I pull my flask and squirt it at the dragon causing him to turn his back on the dwarf who appeared to be armed with a bouquet of daisies.
Afraid of fire elf? It roars.
Yes I say truthfully.
Then use your squirt bottle to quench these flames! He says then takes in a deep breath.
His breath weapon never goes off because when I squirt his face with the water and it activates the powdered acid on the beasts face sending smoke immediately from his red scales.
A roar of pain shook the walls and the partially blinded dragon swung wildly attempting to grab me but I calmly reach into my belt pouch and pull forth a tiny seed and give it a kiss before throwing into the half dragons roaring maw.
I reach out to the seed causing it to grow inside the beast’s throat
His roar of pain and rage turns into a pitiful squeak as he trips over his own feet and grabs his throat, falling to the floor.
Coughing smoke through his nostrils the dragon begins to claw at his own throat tearing the scales away.
As the deadly vine winds its way down his throat and out of his mouth I can hear him say,
No, not like this. Please no.
It was the please that caught my attention, manners from a beast such as this?
I stop the seed from reaching maturity.
Coughing and gagging the beast looks to me with blind eyes.
Why did you stop? He asks biting through the thick vine.
I do not wish to take your life. I reply
I would take yours if I could. He snaps.
I know, it is in your nature to do so.
I killed the woman. I felt her back snap under my tail and I hit the other girl in the dress so hard she exploded when she hit the wall.
If what you say is true I will mourn them. I reply looking to Kayla’s crumpled form and the smoking pile of ash that was Rodrick, but if there is hope of saving you I will.
Mercy is for the week, I am ruined! He screams leaping blindly at the sound of my voice.
I step to the side and with a heavy heart I allow the seed to grow.
The thorns pierce his scales and he let's out another pitiful yelp and falls to the floor as hundreds of times he is stabbed internally.
I run over to twizzlick and he is kneeling over Kayla’s prone form.
She Ain’t breathing. The dwarf says.
I try to roll her over but there is something on her back. It is the backpack and it has a broken hinge.
I tilt her back into a seated position and breathe into her mouth a few times and she springs to life gasping and coughing in a panic.
Where's fhex? She asks immediately
I point to fhex who was just beginning to stir, as was Sir Rasper. Bubba however was out cold his head swelling so horribly we had to remove his helm to allow some of my hollow thorns to be punctured into the lumps to relieve the pressure.
Is he alive? Rasper asks.
Yes I reply. Rodrick is not.
He looks over to the smoking ruin that was Rodrick and shakes his head.
Rasper, fhex, Kayla, twizzlick and I all walk over and bow our heads in silence for a moment before fixing our collective gaze on another solid iron door at the far end of the chamber.
Let's finish this. Sir Rasper says.
Ducks in a row.
We start towards the door but are stopped by a pair of voices from behind us.
What is going on here?
We turn and see a pair of guards staring open mouthed at the bodies strewn about the room.
The first is short wearing a Capitan stripe and a suit of hard leather he has a short beard and mustache the other is tall and bald with eyes with the dull glow of a simpleton.
So what I'm guessing is, begins the first guard. From the dozens of pointy toothed skulls laying about the room and whatever that used to be. He says pointing to the red half dragon lying on the floor with his tail twitching occasionally.
That there is a vampire sleeping on the other side of that door.
You are correct sir. I reply
Is the big one dead? The second man asks.
No, but he is badly injured. He fist fought a dragon. Fhex replies.
Wow, the first guard says.
Give him this vial and he should be up in no time. He adds tossing the vial to me. It is a powerful elixir given to guards for exemplary service.
I open the vial and sniff the contents and it tickles my nose and refreshes my senses so I kneel over Bubba and pour the vial down his throat.
Pull the thorns. The second guard says kneeling down and pulling a few, the spell will heal over them.
I quickly pull the remainder and when the last is removed Bubbas eyes slowly flutter open.
Did I get him? He says looking at me through swollen eyes.
You softened him up for me I reply smiling.
Shit, I thought I had him. The half ogre says sitting up.
He cheated. I say laughing and offering my hand to help the huge ogre to his feet.
He accepts my hand and stands up.
My face hurts. Who are those guys? He asks suddenly noticing the two guards.
Where is your third? He asks the pair.
Up above the body Shute, he slipped on something and hit his head. The second guard says happily.
Why are you helping us? I ask
We saw the maraxus of gore up there, that guy was a lunatic, and personally he scared the crap out of me. The boss, who I can only assume is the vampire you are here to kill, tasked him to train the guards in his "style". The first guard begins.
He killed half of us on the first day! Shouts the second guard.
We were a team of conscripted soldiers sent here for guard duty. Continues the first.
Conscripts? Rasper asks under whose stewardship?
Reginald Barclay the king’s second cousin.
Outpost city. Rasper replies.
Yup, the second guard replies.
Gather your men, says Rasper you are all pardoned for your crimes and now in service to the king.
As your first order of business you are to form a caravan and take all prisoners to the outpost where you will arrest the steward and distribute his wealth amongst the slaves then provide safe passage for each and every one of them to Their homes. When that task is completed you may return to the kings keep and stay in his service under my command or you may go home yourselves. Failure to do this will result in your immediate and permanent incarceration in Costello island prison.
Yes sir the first guard agrees.
Give me your return stones say the second guard. I will get your weapons and bring em back for you.
We hand the man our stones and he takes off at a run climbing his way up the rope.
I will remain until he returns. Says the first guard,
I am Arrod and my helpful friend is smiley.
Did he just rob us? Fhex asks
I don't think that would even cross his mind laughs Arrod.
You better hope so. Bubba growls.
What are we to do with the slavers? Asks Arrod changing the subject.
Send them home empty handed and if any resist put them to the sword publicly. Rasper says.
Make sure they have proper directions and plenty of water, I add.
Yes sir. Arrod replies.
Moment’s later smiley returns with a large leather sack full of our weapons.
Good job smiley I say
He knows my name! Smiley says to Arrod.
I told him. Replies Arrod.
We all grab our gear out of the bag and make sure it is all in order.
How do I use this contraption again? I ask Rasper holding up the repeating crossbow
Fhex says. Down here elf!
I kneel and the gnome pulls the heavy repeating crossbow down to floor level and pulls forth a tiny screwdriver and begins loosening bolts.
The gnome then pulls a metal plate aside and reaches his hand in with a pair of sturdy scissors and makes a cut.
That oughta do it fhex says sliding the cover back into place.
Pull the trigger once and all hell is gonna fly outa the end of this thing the gnome says tightening the small screws.
Yes thank you I say, but how do you use it? I ask.
Line up this and this he says pointing to the sights and this end at whatever you want to die. Pointing to the barrel.
it's gonna shoot itself dry as soon as you hold the trigger but with the safety off its going to shoot faster and further, so hold it against your shoulder when you... fhex stops and looks at my blank expression and grows angry.
Let Rasper use the crossbow, you stick with the regular, slow bow. Fhex says looking to Rasper for approval.
Fine, Rasper says taking the crossbow from my hands.
Can we finally get going? We are burning daylight.
Small Acts of Kindness.
We ready our weapons and finally move to the large door.
Kayla reaches the handle first and gives it a gentle tug.
Locked she says.
I look around the room for a key and decide the safest place would be around the neck of the dragon.
I walk over and see the golden chain around his neck and reach down to remove it when the dragon's eyes flutter open.
You are a tough one, I begin. Blink if you can understand me.
A single tear rolls down his scaled cheek as his eyes close for a moment.
You wish to live correct? I ask
You have much to answer for. I say locking gazes with the red.
I reach out to the vine lodged within the throat of the red and return it back to a seed. The red lies for many moments on the floor coughing blood.
Bad idea Rasper says we should finish him and be done with it.
Did you hear that? I ask the red. My Capitan thinks you are too dangerous to live. You, I trust will not prove him right, he is an insufferable ass when he is proven correct, and I would very much like to avoid that if possible.
The red looks to me and nods his head.
You are free to go. I say but this kindness comes with a price, I may call upon you again someday for help or assistance or even advise, if you deny that service your life will be forfeit. If you raise a hand to an innocent person or participate in evil acts I will know and your life again, will be forfeit. Do you agree to those terms? I ask.
Yes. The dragon croaks.
You leaving? Bubba asks the red.
The dragon nods again as he stands.
Me an you pal! Bubba shouts to the departing dragon causing the dragon’s bleary eyes to snap to focus.
Rematch! Bubba says pointing to the red.
When you’re all healed, of course
The red looks to Bubba for a moment and tries to speak but coughs up a mouthful of blood and spits it to the ground. Shaking his head he manages a thumbs up before walking over to a unremarkable section of wall and pressing on it causing it to slide open to reveal a ladder going up into the arena.
Bye Kain! Smiley calls after the departing dragon.
You know him? Arrod asks in disbelief.
Well. Yeah, remember my birthday when you all got me drunk? Smiley says bashfully.
And you fell down the body Shute. Arrod finishes.
Yep. Smiley replies.
Eight months. Arrod says to himself
You knew we were living above a half dragon for almost a year and never mentioned it? Arrod asks.
He asked me not to. Smiley replies.
May I remind everyone that we are burning daylight fhex interjects.
Indeed Rasper replies.
The door.
The stench is immediate when the large door is finally opened. A wave of rotten meat smell washes over the group and everyone else except Bubba recoils in disgust. Low burning torches provided the only illumination for the large natural cavern and there sat at a table was a pale man, the fine quality of his garments made him look like royalty but the blood covering his silk shirt took away from the effect.
Kandara foosh-pa donde osset. The man speaks in a language I don't understand.
The man suddenly appears directly in front of Rasper, the crash of the chair he was sitting at smashing against the wall from twenty feet away caused the group to look and when we look back there he is, holding Rasper aloft by the neck and examining the stump of his ruined arm. Rasper manages to bring the crossbow to purpose holding it up to the man's chest and pulling the trigger. The bows recoil causes Rasper's good arm to jerk wildly as bolt after bolt was released into the vampire’s chest.
Nixa, the vampire says flinging sir Rasper against the wall causing it to crack in several spots. Rasper hung there for a moment before sliding down leaving a smear of dark red blood on the wall.
The vampire stood looking at the bolts then to Rasper before reaching up and casually pulling a bolt out of his chest and throwing it into Rasper's neck where it impaled him onto the wall.
Open fire! Fhex shouts.
Kayla fhex and I all start firing our bows as Bubba charges through the arrows at the vampire. Many arrows miss but a few hit the mark, the vampire did not show any signs that he even noticed the arrows as they pierced the flesh of his chest and face, he simply stood there looking at Bubba as he charged roaring.
Midway through Bubbas charge he skids to a halt and stands looking around the room before his eyes settle on the vampire.
Momma? Bubba says.
How? Tears begin to flow down Bubbas cheeks.
The vampire points to me and then takes a finger and runs it along his throat.
Bubba spins around with murder in his eyes.
You took her from me! Bubba screams.
What? I say.
I hold my hands out defensively but Bubba charges right at me. Quick thinking by fhex is what saved me from the full force of his charge. The little gnome, the closer of the two reaches into his belt pouch and removes a vial of liquid and throws it to the ground at my feet. Bubbas charge carried him right through the puddle and as soon as his foot touches down it slips out from underneath him and send him flying past me to slam against the wall.
Kayla begins to rush to Bubbas aid but stops as he howls. You killed my mommie! I'm gonna tear you to pieces! His attempts to stand only spread the magical grease further to his hands making it impossible for him to rise.
The vampire looks to the tiny gnome in disgust and in a flash he is standing next to fhex and reaches down picking him up by the scruff of the neck and giving him a hard shake.
I could hear his back snap from where I stood fifteen feet away.
Baby Noooooooo! Kayla screams as she runs at the vampire holding her sweet fhex
The vampire smiles at her cries and holds the little gnome above his hand shaking him gently, taunting her with the pitiful moans of Mr. Fhex.
Bastard! She screams as she pulls two wooden stakes from her robe.
She leaps with Surprising agility and the vampire is almost caught off guard but swats her aside with a backhand slap that sends her tumbling to the floor and the stakes bouncing across the stones.
Leneenda pochour. The vampire purrs to Kayla.
To the girls credit she was already attempting to rise when she looked to the vampire with hatred in her eyes. The bottom of her jaw was slacken and misshapen, a drastic contrast to her natural beauty.
In a flash he is upon her dangling her three feet off the ground by her neck.
I charge the undead devil but am hit in the chest by a cannonball named fhex. It is at that point the hardest I have ever been hit in my life and was completely unprepared for it.
I am staring at the ceiling trying to breath and before I know it I hear Kayla scream.
I look over the body of fhex still lying on my chest and he is awake tears streaming down his cheeks
Did he bite her? He squeaks
I look past fhex and see the vampire had spun the girl around pulling her close and was licking the blood from the two puncture wounds on her neck.
Yes I say.
She still wearing my apartment? He gasps.
Yes I saw it. I reply
Push the red button on her chest. He says closing his eyes.
What will it do? I ask but the gnome has grown still.
Twizlick, brandishing the dagger in one hand and his axe bouquet in the other, runs at the vampire.
The vampire takes a swing at the dwarf but at the last second the clever dwarf leaps directly at the vampire’s knees.
I stand and fire my bow as the dwarf makes contact and bounces off the vampires knees; the arrow enters his left eye socket and jerks his head back almost causing the vampire to drop Kayla. He reaches up and grabs the shaft of the arrow and gives it a yank pulling it and a great chunk of flesh out of the inside of his skull.
Reeling the vampire staggers back and pulls Kayla’s body closer.
The vampire’s fangs flash in the torchlight as he sinks his teeth into Kayla’s neck once again but this time ripping out a great bloody mouthful of flesh.
At this point Kayla regains her senses and slaps a hand over her wound.
I look over to Bubba who still struggled to get off the floor sobbing "mama" in a rage.
I look to twizzlick lying on the floor attempting to shake the stars from his vision.
I look finally to Rasper staring blankly at the wall and see the repeating crossbow on the ground a few feet from his hand, just outside the puddle of blood.
I dash to the crossbow and feel the vampire move behind me from the gust of wind his movement produced, I instinctively roll but am clipped on the shoulder with a glancing blow and feel the heat spread from the wound as blood splatters the floor where I make contact and land in a crouch with the bow aimed at the vampires chest.
I pull the trigger and nothing happens.
The vampire throws his head back and laughs. I can see Kayla flailing weakly in his grasp, her skin has gone pale and her wound has stopped bleeding as her hand falls limply to her side.
The vampire kicks me in the chest causing me to black out but awaken again when I make brutal contact with the wall behind me.
When my vision clears I see the vampire dangling Kayla from her neck like a broken toy. It sticks a finger inside it's torn eye socket and stabs a bloody finger inside Kayla’s chest.
She immediately begins to stir, and scream.
Flailing wildly the vampire tosses the undead Kayla at me, she hits with the force that dislocated my arm and cracked ribs. I knew she felt nothing from the impact, her eyes were black and her teeth were already starting to lengthen. I hold the massively strong girl back with my good arm and see the vampire walk up casually behind her and whisper something in her ear. What he said I will never know.
I push the red button hidden underneath the woman's robe.
The effect is an immediate explosion of shards of wood, like a million deadly toothpicks the apartment disintegrates.
The vampire is blown off his feet from the force and a dusty skeleton by the time he hits the floor. I look to my legs and swoon for they were covered in splinters of wood and the bones of Kayla.
Bubba falls to the floor and lays flat.
What happened? He asks
Tha elf exploded the vampires. Twizz says shaking his head.
Did we win? The ogre asks looking up to me lying on the floor to weak to move with my legs torn to shreds under the bones of a dear friend.
No, I am afraid we did not. I reply
Who's still alive? I ask.
I be. Says twizzlick
Yup. Bubba says lying flat on the floor again.
Gaaaah. Says the crumpled form of fhex.
Ye tough son of a rock! Twizz exclaims running towards the gnome.
Don't touch me! The gnome shouts to the advancing dwarf.
My back is broken. He says in a tearful burst.
The elf can fix ye. Says the dwarf looking to me.
I am near death myself sir dwarf and I fear I may be too weak to heal, but at least I die knowing we rid the kingdom of a great evil. My eyes begin to grow heavy and I start to pass out when I hear twizzlick say.
I got the little one, you grab the elf... sorry little buddy this might hurt a bit.
A squeal and an exhale of breath from the gnome.
Tha wasn't so bad, what? He's tryin ta say something.
A short pause.
Grab Tha elf, fhex has an idea.
I feel rough hands slide beneath me and when I lift off the ground the pain makes me pass out and I know no more.
Choosing a path.
I walk in a sun lit meadow, I don't recall making the journey there but I am home. The warm breeze and the smell of wildflowers brings a peaceful comfort and I begin to look for a place to sit down and get my bearings when I notice a hammock strung up between two trees.
It looks delightful with the ivy growing up the trees and the patch of lavender growing beneath it so I decide to take a rest.
The hammock is comfortable and swings gently in the breeze I close my eyes for a moment and when I open them I see a large white horse with a glistening ivory horn.
A unicorn, the symbol of my goddess.
Did I die?
The unicorn walks over to where I am laying and puts her head in my lap.
I gently stroke her nose and feel the softness of her hair for a moment before she pulls away walks towards the sun, stopping for a moment to look back at me giving her head a little nod.
She must be here to take me to the gardens of Mekki. I am not ready to pass from this life I think as I start to rise but I find that I cannot, I look down and see my legs are already covered in the same thick vine that covers the trees but I do not panic, instead I feel a sense of calm and warmth so I lay back and let the vines cover me.
I can feel the vines pulling me down into the earth and the movement stops.
I wait for a moment and open my eyes and immediately have to shut them from the dirt that covered them, I open my mouth and it fills with dirt.
I panic.
I begin to thrash my arms and find they free from the dirt easily; I can feel the roots of a tree all around me and use them to pull myself out of the ground.
I take in a great shuddering gasp as my face clears the dirt and my head hits the bottom of a small tree that had apparently grew over top of the mound I was buried in.
I look about the room and after a few moments I realize that I am in Tom's sanctuary underneath a small oak tree that was not there before.
I pull myself from the dirt feeling well rested and calm. I see what looks like a bark armor covering my arms chest and legs and remove them easily. Tossing them back to the dirt.
I look around the sanctuary for a moment and judge my absence to be a few weeks by the growth of the plants.
I see they are well taken care of and are now being fed through a pipe in the wall. I see the work of Mr. Fhex in the sprinkler system that went off every time the large water barrel became full. I sit and meditate and find the deep level of peace quickly, almost as if it were second nature.
During my meditation I find I have the ability to open my eyes and see the flow of energy between the plants, in various multi colored currents they swirled about the room and mingled before being absorbed into all the living things in the room including myself.
I enjoyed the light show for a long period of time but when I saw the door open and Tom enter I instantly broke my meditation and rose to greet the man.
I knew you did not die man, tom says
No I say I think I chose to return.
When Bubba brought you into my shop I thought you were already dead, your legs had a thick bark, like a tree and your feet were sprouting roots so I did the only thing I could think of.
You buried me. I say.
Yeah, when you put it like that it might not have been the best idea man, sorry wow. Tom replies
You were correct in your guess sir. I say shaking the man’s hand.
So what's with the tree? Tom asks
I believe it was my way back to the land of the living I say
I then tell tom of my experience and what I believe it meant. He sits quietly listening and at the end of my tale he shrugs his shoulders and says the guys will be happy to see you chose to live man. Tom says.
They remained here? I ask.
Yes, twizzlick and Mr. Fhex have set up at the bar and Bubba is cleaning out the slave pens and turning them into a proper place to train gladiators
By himself? I ask.
No, he has put some of the more disagreeable slavers to work. Tom replies.
I will wager they are not pleased about that. I reply.
Some protested, but Bubba roared in a man’s face so loud he has lost his hearing, after that everyone else fell in line.
That is disturbing. I say.
How so? Tom asks me.
What will he do with them once their task is completed? I reply. I never asked. Tom says with a shocked look in his eyes.
I better go see him. I say to tom.
Ok man, good luck. Tom says waving his hand in salute.
I believe I'm going to need it I reply and leave the sanctuary
The New Arena
I exit the herbalist shop and see for the first time the immense size of the cavern that made up the bulk of the mountain. A large town could easily be built and have room to spare.
Finding Bubba was an easy task for his shouted commands could be heard echoing through the empty cave followed by the sounds of hammers. I go through the large double doors to the slave holding area and see it completely changed, instead of cages, separate rooms had been built for gladiators to wait for Their turn on the sands, a large common area with furniture was being built and it was there Bubba stood, commanding a large group of chained prisoners.
Make it comfy! He shouts to a trembling man stuffing straw under the cloth of a long seat.
Bubba begins to follow a man carrying a large water jug when he spots me and comes charging over.
Keebler! He shouts causing the prisoners to cringe.
Hello to you good sir! I say before I am picked up in a bear hug that takes my Breath away.
We thought you buried and gone! He exclaims before setting me back to the ground.
I see you have been busy in my absence I say to the ogre.
Yup a few slavers tried ta gang up on me, called me a mindless beast and said I was going back to the mines.
And they live? I ask skeptically.
Figured I'd teach em a lesson, figured it's what you woulda done.
Good job friend I say reaching up to place a hand on his shoulder.
Thanks Bubba replies. Now ya wanna see what we been doing?
Absolutely I reply smiling.
BREAK! Shouts Bubba
All the prisoners walk away from where they are working and line up at a table to receive a bowl of stew and a piece of bread and go and sit together on the finished furniture to eat.
One man puts down his bowl to add more stuffing to the seats before resuming his meal.
Take pride in your work! Bubba shouts. Your break is extended until I return for that mans pride in his work. So eat up and be ready to get back to work.
The prisoners do not speak but several nod at the man and he smiles back at them.
Follow me Bubba says waving me over to the passage leading to the body Shute and there at the end was the crying woman and another person whom I mistook for an animal at first, both in separate cages.
Didn't know what to do with em, Bubba says to me. Bat shit crazy is my guess. Think the one on the right is a man, saw him brought in and out of the arena a few times in one day.
He fought repeatedly on the same night? I ask
Yup Bubba says looking to the form cowering in the far back corner of the cage.
They called him dog.
Making Connections
I am going to need time to meditate I say to Bubba.
Don't get too close to the bars, one of my guys damn near lost an arm. Bubba replies before taking his leave to return to his prisoners.
I sit cross legged just out of arms reach of the cage and slip almost immediately into a calm peaceful state.
I open my eyes and see a bright aura flowing from the crouched man. It is that of a wild animal, a predator. Glowing red and green I attempt to reach out to the man with my own light.
The surrounding room and cage fades from view and it is just the two of us floating in the darkness.
I am Keebler, I begin.
The man’s head jerks to attention and he begins sniffing the air he follows the scent and looks behind him and sees me sitting there.
A deep growl issues from the man as a warning his face is covered in cuts and his eyes are almost swollen shut the yellow and green tint of the bruise told me it was healing but there might be some infection in it from the thick pus that rimmed his eye lids. I begin a prayer of healing to Mekki but for an unknown reason I could not direct the energy towards the man it simply circled him and flowed all around but stayed away.
I have never encountered this before.
Who are you? I say.
I see two amber eyes light up in the darkness and from that darkness a growling voice replies.
The elves turned from my path long ago.
I begin to feel a panic wash over me that I am not used to and it causes me to recoil.
That's right little rabbit. The eyes bore into me and see my light.
A follower of Mekki? You are to wild for such a tame deity. Come forth and be embraced into my loving paws elf.
I cannot, I begin. I can sense the wickedness in your words and I cannot in good consciousness follow an evil presence.
I am of nature. The eyes step into the light and reveal it to be a massive wolf.
Nature is neither good nor evil, kind or cruel. It simply is.
Why do you hold this man? I ask
Hold him? I saved him. The wolf growls.
If not for my kind guidance and loving paw this one would have laid down and died having never fulfilled his destiny.
What is his destiny? I ask.
The wolf laughs and shakes her head. Release my pup and allow him the freedom he so rightly deserves.
A series of images play out before my eyes of a clean cut farmer laughing and playing with several children. I see a woman waving to the man; she has fear in her eyes. Behind her a group of soldiers wearing red cloaks ride up on horseback. The man screams as she is run down and trampled, the riders do not stop until they reach the man. He tries to shield the children but he is surrounded. Whips crack and a child falls and the man howled like an animal and leaps on the man exposing the back of his head to a sharp blow from the hilt of a sword.
The next visions are of torture and slavery.
I feel every emotion as if it were happening to me, the hopelessness of watching others suffer and powerless to effect change. The fear and anger of captivity and slavery. The weight of it begins to crush me and I say.
No, growls the wolf. There is more to see, more to feel.
The visions are in my head now as I feel the rage, being thrown into a pit and beaten and put in chains. Two rough hands grab the sides of my head and a glowing iron is pulled from a forge and pressed to my face. I scream in pain and feel a sharp blow to the side of my head and it makes stars appear before my eyes.
More hands grab my arms and I feel the sensation of free fall as I am tossed down another hole to land on a pile of dead people and poked with a stick, when I react to the prodding I hear, he's alive take him to the pits.
More hands drag me and I open my eyes and see a torch lit cave. I am pulled to my feet and left to stand for a moment before hearing the crack of a whip. Forward dog!
I am led to a small hole in the cave wall. There is a dead man slumped face first against the wall pickaxe still in hand.
Finish his work.
I am myself again and the tears are rolling down my cheeks.
Do not weep for my pup; it was this suffering that brought him to my attention. The wolf says silently padding her way to the crouched form of the man. She licks the man’s face in passing and says good boy as she sits down in front of me.
I am above you. She says
Yes I reply
You will release my pup.
She leans over and i expect her to whisper to me but instead she licks my cheek.
I pull away quickly and fall over.
The wolf chuckles.
Little rabbit do not fear me, yet.
Everything goes dark and I am alone.
I open my eyes and I am sitting in front of the cell once again, face to face with the man. His eyes are locked with mine and I see the number twenty-five burned into his cheek I touch the same spot on my cheek and am relieved to feel the smooth skin. I stand and open the bars to his cage.
The man crawls out on his hands and feet sniffing the air and growling softly. He looks around for a moment before crawling calmly down the hallway towards the exit.
I set my gaze on the woman weeping in the next cell with her back to me and her hands on her face.
Excuse me miss? I say.
I'm here to take you home. I add
I reach out and place my hand on the lock on her door and several things happen all at once.
The lock clicks.
The woman's head jerks away from her hands.
I am hit from behind and knocked away from the cage.
The woman is at the cage door in the blink of an eye with the skin ripped and dangling from her face to reveal her grinning skull and her sharp fangs and hollow eyes gleaming in the torchlight.
She exits the cage in a leap but is knocked aside by the leap of the wild man. He barrels her over and lands on her back and immediately rips off the woman's head in one fierce jerk.
The ashes from the ghoul fill the air and by the time the dust settles the man is gone leaving no trace but his footprints in the ash.
I need a drink I say to myself.
While On The Way
I get up and dust myself off, shaking the powdered ghoul from my hair and set off for the bar where I knew I would find twizzlick and perhaps Mr. Fhex. I walk past Bubba and his prisoners and a few run over to me and ask if there is anything they can get or do for me. When I decline they quickly look to Bubba who was watching them and then back to me.
Some water perhaps? One of the men asks.
I notice how dry my mouth is and graciously accept. Both men set off at a run, one goes and gets a tray with a pitcher of water and a glass, the other gets a chair and a wet towel.
Both men return to where I am standing the first sets down the tray and pours me a tall glass of water and hands it to me while the other uses the wet towel to clean the large amounts of dust off my back then handing it to me so I can clean off my face.
After the remainder of the water is used I am mostly free from dust and thank the men kindly.
I give a nod and a wave to Bubba as I take my leave and exit the fighters lounge.
I cross the vast empty expanse of the cavern to walk towards the bar but on my way I hear the beginnings of an argument at the entrance so I make my way in that direction.
There at the door I see the same security troll blocking passage to the gates.
The tournaments are temporarily postponed due to the wishes of the new management. He grunts for what I assume is the hundredth time.
We travelled for three weeks to get here shouts a man; we need water, a place to sleep! Our mounts need shelter and rest! We might die out there!
The troll sighs and repeats his speech once again.
I approach and the troll notices me and says you were the elf with the baby with crow’s feet around his eyes.
Yes I say at a loss for words.
The crowd behind the troll begins to shout again and cuts off what he was about to say so he turns around and roars SHUT YOUR FACES! At them that several fall over backwards and all grow silent.
As I was saying don't worry I hated working for that pasty freak so I let you through.
And it's a good thing too. The troll adds now he is dead and you and Bubba are the bosses.
I am? We are? I stammer.
Yes sir he says smiling revealing a mouthful of razor sharp teeth. You keep what you kill.
Bubba said your group killed the maraxus so he runs the tournament and you killed Varo’s so you own the mountain.
Oh my. I say still at a loss for words.
When everyone ran out screaming I called it an early day and went to my room and went to sleep when I woke up the next day everything was so quiet until the dwarf and Bubba ran past my post here so I followed them to the herbalist and found out what happened from Bubba and he said the iron fist was closed until he or you said otherwise. The iron fist? I say
Yeah that what he calls this place now. The troll replies.
I like it, I say.
Me too. Replies the troll
In that case allow people to enter and get supplies and rooms. See that their mounts are taken care of and...
Hold on. Interrupts the troll. I just guard the door and make sure everyone pays.
Not anymore I say, you are promoted.
Really? The troll says smiling.
Yes see Bubba about finding people to fill empty positions and offer them a fair percentage for payment.
Oh ummm, ok says the troll.
I'm going to the bar if you have any questions. I say in farewell.
Been hearing that allot lately. I hear the troll say to himself as he opens the door allowing the group to enter.
I walk around the corner to the bar and see twizzlick through the glass polishing the tables.
A Fallen Friend
I enter the oak double doors and a bell rings causing the dwarf to look up from his table.
Oy elf yer awake! He shouts to the empty bar.
Yes sir dwarf I yet draw breath I reply walking over and shaking the dwarfs extended hand.
Great ter see ya! Care fer a drink? The dwarf asks.
Indeed good dwarf. I reply.
So what did I miss? I ask the dwarf as he returns from behind the shining bar with a bottle and two glasses.
Bah! Not much. The last of the slaves were escorted by the red cloaks bout a week ago. Some of em stayed on and work for Bubba rebuilding the arena, says he is gonna make a new non lethal tournament.
Commendable I say.
Yes we are gonna make a fortune.
Fhex will be pleased to hear that. I begin. Where is he? We owe our victory to him.
He has a place in the back room but he isn't doing so well. Twizz replies.
Can I go see him? I ask suddenly worried.
Been a few days since we seen him but his chair is there so he's gotta be.
Chair? I ask.
The little feller broked his back. Twizz says looking at the table. There were nothing we could do fer him. He spent three solid days and nights building a special chair with wheels ta get himself around. But he don't ever use it except to roll out here and grab another bottle and then it's back to his room where he locks himself in.
Kayla. I say.
Yes, he saw the whole thing. I think more than his back is broken to be sure. Twizz says.
Let's go, show me to his room. I say
It be right back here but it be locked the dwarf says pointing to a room off of a short hallway.
I walk over and give a sharp knock before trying to open the door but it is indeed locked. Fhex open the door it's Keebler I say loudly to the door.
No response.
The frame of the door shatters from my kick.
Me door! Durn ye elf I had a key! Twizz says dropping the keying he had just pulled from his belt to the floor.
Sorry sir. I say
Not a problem. Replies the dwarf I'll have
A few of Bubbas men fix it tonight afore bed.
We enter the dark room and see it in shambles everything the gnome could throw was broken against the wall the wheelchair was pulled up next to a tub amongst several large bottles but it was the note on the bed that drew my attention and made my stomach knot.
I hurry over and light a torch on the wall and grab the note. I read aloud
My dear friends,
I have failed you I knew what we were facing g but said nothing and now Kayla Rodrick and Rasper are all dead and it my fault. Keebler if you read this I don't blame you for Kayla I blame myself. I go for one last drink farewell, your friend fhex.
No, I whisper as I walk over to the tub.
I see the golden color of whisky in the tub and sunk to the bottom was the corpse of our dead friend fhex.
I knew he was sad but I didn't think he would.... Twizz trails off and grows silent.
I reach down and pull the gnome from the whisky and lay his cold body down on the bed and wrap him in Kayla’s robe.
He woulda liked that. Twizz says with a smile and a tear rolling down his cheek.
Let's find Bubba I say picking up our friend and walking out of the room.
Me people always build statues to commemorate the fallen heroes.
A fine idea I say when I return to the kings keep with a report I will hire a sculptor.
There should be one fer each o them. Says twizzlick.
Indeed a hall of champions. I reply.
We walk to find Bubba and see him sitting down with his workers. Enjoying the view of the last finishing touches to the fighters lounge.
Bubba waves us over and calls out, came to see our fine work?
I am afraid not. I say.
I tell him of the door the note and the tub.
He simply agrees to the hall of champions. Can any of you sculpt? He asks his men.
Two men raise Their hands.
You any good? He asks.
They both nod.
Step forward and take my dear friend to be drawn for his statue.
The men come over and gently lift the bundle from my arms.
Go to see the door troll. Bubba says. He can get you the supplies you need. Return here when you are done for my approval.
The men nod and go towards the troll.
It's just us left says Bubba
Yes, but tonight we drink to our lost friends and they will be with us in spirit. I say.
We all go to the bar and drink many toasts to Kayla, fhex, Rodrick and Sir Rasper. Four days and nights are spent in mourning and celebration. I spent much of my time directing the door troll on small matters of staffing. It seems the clever troll found slaves hiding in the stables but instead of banishing them to the sands he offers them jobs and pay. All twenty five men and women found there decided to stay so at the end of our mourning period we exit the bar blind stinking drunk, with a special emphasis on the stinking to a fully staffed town complete with a hotel, a pair of blacksmiths and a woman who was sold to slavery when her master was assassinated. it was decided after she punched another slave in the heart and stopped it cold when his advances were turned away and he attempted to insist his company on her. She should train our security forces, over the next week there were a lot of guards with black eyes. The girl Ayame took no back talk and was soon feared and respected.
Back Down the Hole
Five days after we sober up we went back down to the vampires lair to examine it further. We had sent a few men down to remove the remains of our fallen friends but they only returned with the body of Sir Rasper who was to be returned with me to the kings keep.
On our way down to the crypts we pass a group of prisoners working on repairing the bleachers that surround the arena when a man leaves his assigned spot and makes his way over to the group and asks permission to join
Why? I ask
I was a holy knight sent here to rescue my brother in arms when I was discovered and put with the prisoners. I believe the goal to my mission lies down in that crypt.
I allow him to accompany us and he is grateful and steps into the back of the line as we make our way through the fighters lounge to the body Shute and make our way down.
I walk over to the spot where Rodrick hit the wall and exploded and see amongst the bone and ash was the book he had absorbed. I pick it up making sure to keep it closed and put it in my pouch for further examination. His and Kayla’s ashes were taken upstairs and blessed by a holy man who had also stayed.
Bubba and his men take care of the dozens of bodies hidden in the shadows.
Several metal boxes were discovered at the far back wall. When opened the first was revealed to be twizzlick's friend currian. Stabbed repeatedly and left to bleed out in the box through a spigot in the bottom into an overflowing goblet. The look on his face was of terror even in death.
The next box contained a man wearing white plate mail adorned with symbols, his skin drawn back and burned.
Mathias, the prisoner mutters.
The man nears when the body of his friend begins to scream in pain.
We all jump back as the plate mail clad ghoul runs with unnatural speed right into the opposite wall.
My faith brings him agony the man weeps stepping back, please end his suffering. Pull the sword strapped to his back if you have faith.
I run to the ghoul writhing on the ground and pull free the short sword strapped to his back and am nearly blinded by the light that it produced; the ghoul in the armor is immediately and lies peacefully silent on the cold stone floor of the crypt.
He was turned while he wore his armor, the man begins. It burned him as long as he had faith. Go in Peace brother. The man says with sorrow deep in his voice. The man introduces himself as Quint Mc Castle.
He looks then to me, your light is the brightest I have seen since my time in the temple. Take my brothers sword and use it to vanquish evil.
It will, in the hands of the faithful burn and scorch the undead and once per day will produce a bright sunlight that will also harm the undead. But take note elf, if you lose faith you will lose the enchantment of the weapon. Now if you please I must pray for my fallen brother and must do so in solitude.
We leave Quint to his prayers and open the last of the chests.
I stand at the ready with my new sword in hand but am pleased to see a mound of silver and gold filling the chest. Several large gemstones were lying atop the mound.
There's yer gems fhex. The dwarf says quietly to himself.
Bubba and twizzlick carry the huge chest over to the Shute and tie the rope to the end of it.
We will be upstairs counting Bubba calls back as he begins to climb up the rope.
You can count? I hear twizzlick ask as he begins his way up.
Yup. All the way to seventeen. Bubba says proudly.
Why seventeen? Asks twizz.
Eight fingers, eight toes and one...
OK OK I get it. Twizz shouts climbing out of view.
The chest is pulled up shortly afterwards and I look over to see if Quint has finished his prayers and I see the man gathering vampire dust into a large leather bag.
I walk over to the man and ask, what is that for? And startle the man causing him to drop the bag.
C.. consecrated, they are to be blessed. He stammers out quickly.
There is a priest, I believe upstairs. I reply.
No, I mean no thanks. It must be done by a member of my order. He replies.
Take it all if you wish. I say.
Really? Yes, yes I suppose that makes sense. He says quickly picking up his bag and soon has it stuffed full of the horrible ash.
Walking away from the man I spot the repeating crossbow and bring it with me upstairs hoping I could find someone to take a look at it later and add it to the provisions to take with me on my journey.
A Small Matter
Quint and I eventually make our way back up to the arena floor and he asks when I will be returning to the kings keep.
I will leave later today if you wish to accompany me. I reply.
Yes I will go as far as the outpost but from there I must go east, back to my order's temple. Quint replies.
I will see you later I say. Get some rest until then.
We part ways and I start to head for the bar when I am approached by the guard smiley he runs over and tells me that Bubba needs me at the weapon check room. The large man and I quickly make our way to the front entrance but smiley directs me to a side door that leads through security where there was already a group sitting around a table apparently on break but they all snap to attention when the door opens and ask if there is anything they can do for me.
Bubba? I ask.
They point to a heavy steel door slightly open on the other side of the room.
I pull the heavy door aside and see the back of the weapon check room, there are hundreds of weapons in numbered baskets along with barrels of daggers and crossbow bolts.
Quite a treasure I say.
That Ain’t why I called you here. Bubba says smiling.
What is? I ask
That he says pointing to another open door.
I go over expecting the worst and am pleased to find it full of gold, stacks upon stacks of it. Bars, coins, statues and jewelry, all ours.
This is it I say.
The beginning, a thriving community and tournament, a safe harbor in the wastes of the desert. This gold will fund the desert side outpost we will set up to bring our customers to and from our town. I will handle the management for the hotel and kitchens. You can supervise the tournaments and twizz will run the bar and serving wenches that walk the stands.
Agreed Bubba says smiling.
I will go back to the kings keep and report our findings and return the body of Rasper to the care of his family. I say.
I'll have my guys bring a few bags of gold for maybell, Bubba says.
Maybell? I ask
Rasper's wife. Bubba replies.
I begin to speak but am cut off by Bubba again.
And his two sons dean and Garrus Jr.
We will see them taken care of I say. The portion belonging to Sir Rasper will be given to his family the same for fhex, Rodrick and Kayla.
Not fhex. Bubba says. He a coward who could not live with pain of victory and took his own life.
He was crippled during that victory. I say.
His brain was fine! Bubba shouts. That's what made him good.
True, but his legs.
He made better ones. Bubba says crossing his arms.
His wife I say.
That's what whores are for.
He loved her! I shout.
In time he loves another. Bubba says back.
I throw my hands in the air and exclaim, it's like talking to twizzlick when he is mad!
Thanks Bubba says.
Not a complement! I shout.
I know. Bubba says smiling.
I have to return Rasper to the king care to journey with me? I ask
Sorry, too much to do here. I wanna make banners ta hang up at the towns to let people know we are here for a good time.
I can drop some off I say.
I already got my guys working on it Bubba says proudly.
Speaking of that, I say after some thought.
What do you plan to do with them once their work is finished?
I freed them three days ago, most asked to stay and keep making improvements. Bubba replies.
And you pay them? I ask
Yup the more you work the more you get.
Got a few that make gold a day plus free room and food. Bubba says proudly.
They asked to build a second floor of the hotel for employees so I'm gonna let em. But what Dey don't know is I already found a nice vip section in the back with bout fifteen rooms I'm gonna give em.
A VIP section? I ask.
Yup, from what it looks ta me it's what the richest slave owners used to stay away from the crowds, whoever originally set this place up before the vampire took it over did it nice.
Where is it? I ask.
Bubba walks me over to the arena and shows me a two story building right at the edge of the arena wall each floor had a recessed balcony for an unobstructed view of the action.
There is a casino on the roof Bubba says pointing up.
Let them build Their addition Bubba. I say.
This will be your palace from where you will grand Marshall the tournaments.
That might be a good idea. Bubba says smiling.
Do whatever you wish I say patting the giant ogre on the arm. I am off to the kings keep for a report and to take care of Rasper's final arrangements.
Making a Trail
I go and gather my things for the road as well as extra provisions and have them taken to the cart ahead of me. I make my way through the giant cave to the stables and see Quint sitting atop the stagecoach waiting for me.
That's quite a lot of food and water and gold for a three week journey. Quint says looking down at the barrels and chests and sacks. Also why are we bringing so much wood?
I expect us to have company shortly. I reply.
Escorts? Quint asks.
Of sorts, are we ready? I ask
One more thing, what are these? Quint asks.
I look to the stack of wooden signs and see them painted with the image of a clenched fist wearing a spiked gauntlet just like the one Rasper gave Bubba, underneath it was wrote in big bold letters "The Iron Fist". And beneath that were non lethal tournaments daily. Cash prizes at the heart of the sands. Wagons bearing this symbol will escort you there and back safely.
Nice touch Bubba I think out loud as I strap two to the sides of the stagecoach.
Advertising my friend. I say smiling as I climb my way up to the driver’s seat next to the Holy knight and spur the stagecoach into motion.
We head directly north from the entrance of the iron fist and make our way into the desert.
As we pull away from the mountain we are distracted by the sound of hammering and look back to see a giant twenty foot logo for the iron fist being hoisted into place over the door. Also the natural face of the mountain was being chipped away and left smooth.
That's gonna take a long time. Quint says.
You might be surprised I laugh as we pull away.
A few hours roll by and the mountain is just in view for Quint when I stop the carriage and stab a long pole into the ground topped with a large spun glass ball that shines in the sun.
I jump back and we continue like that for the rest of the day and when night falls we stop the wagon to water the horses.
Let’s build a fire I say.
I have not understood a blessed thing you have done all day so, yes let's build a fire! Quint says throwing his hands in the air and grabbing a handful of the wood from the back.
Easy friend or we won't have any for tomorrow night. I say smiling.
What about bandits? Quint asks as I take out my tinderbox and begin to light the fire.
They are out in the cold as well. I say.
We have gold! He whispers excitedly
We have enough perhaps, to share. I say blowing a hot ember to life.
You would do well in my order sir. Quint says laughing. I chose well when I gave you his sword.
Thank you sir, I reply adding a small bundle of sticks to the small flame causing it to grow.
Seriously sir elf, any brighter and it is going to attract every bandit for fifty miles. Quint says looking into the gloom.
Indeed I say throwing a good sized log onto the fire.
The night passes quietly, except for Quint constant pacing and jumping at every noise he heard. We wake up the next day and continue in a similar fashion planting a shining globe at the top of every dune we came across we continue on into the night and the next day before we come across our first night of company.
I told Quint to be on alert because we were out of the vampire’s territory as I light the fire for the night.
Our fire was burning merrily and I was telling Quint about the flaming cat of Rodrick when I hear the sound of leather against steel and whisper to Quint that we have company and to remain calm.
Greeting travelers. I say to the darkness.
Greetings. Replies a chorus of voices.
You may sit and warm yourselves by the fire if you wish I say.
A group of nine armed men step into the firelight.
We were going to anyways but thanks says a man wearing an eye patch that steps forward alone and takes a seat.
You are the leader of these bandits? I ask.
Of these scoundrels? Eye patch says in a mock surprise. Yes I do believe I am.
We have a business proposal for you. I say loud enough for the group to hear.
A few chuckles issue from the gathered men.
We have opened an arena at the heart of the sands. I begin.
Varo’s land? Eye patch says with surprise.
Varo’s is dead and we have claimed his mountain as our own.
Horse shit, shouts a voice from the men.
From behind me is dropped the fanged skull from Quints backpack into the firelight to the gasps of the men.
It's quite a tale if you would like to hear it.
I don't believe...begins eye patch.
Three more skulls, those of ghouls drop to the sand.
There are fifteen more in a bag in the wagon says Quint.
Eye patch looks to the wagon and sees the logo for the iron fist on the side.
Tell your tale. Says eye patch and he motions for his men to sit.
I tell the man everything that happened since my meeting with the king and by the end he has it figured out.
You want us to take your customers across the desert. Eye patch says running his hand across his face and pulling the black strap to reveal two working eyes.
Yes I say smiling.
No, we won’t. My guild master would never agree to that.
That’s disappointing. I say.
But he might be willing to parlay. He says smiling.
We will leave the coaches with the fist logo on it alone but anyone on their own is fair game.
And your compensation? I ask.
Free entrance for anyone wearing a clan sandstorm medallion.
And free booze! Shouts a man from the back to the applause of the men.
That I am afraid you will have to sort out with the barkeep.
We have ways of dealing with shop keeps. Says the same man. Don't we boys?
More laughter.
You will find the security of the fist more than capable of defending any person who is employed there. I say.
That's unfortunate laughs the man.
Yes, but we have enough food and water to share with you all as well as a token of the good will of the iron fist I retrieve a bag from my backpack and throw out small bags of gold to each of the men. Take with you this sign bearing the iron fist logo so your comrades may familiarize yourselves with it. There will also be a wagon once a month that is meant for your guild, it will contain supplies and gold if our terms are honored.
Agreed. Says the man.
If you have ale new friends I have many tales to tell.
A pudgy drunken man stumbles into the firelight and pulls a wine skin out from under each arm and holds them above his head.
The last clear memory I have of the night is the man replacing his eye patch and giving me the chain he wore around his neck that featured a cloud with a swirling sand motif at the bottom.
In the early morning we left clan sandstorm still sleeping in the sands around our campfire and continued our journey across the sands making a trail of glass globes as we went.
Setting up An Outpost
After a few more friendly encounters with bandits and a few weeks travel we reach the edge of the desert and pound a sign into the first clump of dirt we see. From that spot I can see the smoke from a small town in the distance almost directly to the north.
The woman from the asylum must have come from that village.
Our first stop I say pointing towards the smoke.
It is less than a day’s travel before we come to the swamp that she was taken from, I could still see twizzlick's Footprints all over the area
But we do not stop, we decided to keep going untill we reached the town.
It was a small town with no more than fifty buildings and a hundred people and when our coach rolled through town people ran away in terror, windows were barred and doors locked.
Bar? I ask
Bar. Quint replies.
We direct the carriage towards the center of town and hitch our wagon to the rail in front of a small tavern and walk into the dusty shade of the bar.
The bartender stands in shock when the two of us enter.
Two glasses of water will start us off nicely I think. I say walking forward and sitting down in front of the shaking man.
There is no one left. The man says with his voice shaking.
Pardon? I say.
You can't have her! The man shouts as he reaches underneath the bar and grabs a thick metal tube with a handle on it.
Shaking the man points the tube directly at my face.
Alarmed I hold my hands up, the elfish sign for surrender.
I said you can't have her. The man’s says.
We are here for a drink friend. Nothing more. I say looking down the tube at the man.
We don't trust folks who come to town with wagons. He says taking a step back.
You’re from the mountain? The man says in a whimper.
Yes... I begin.
BOOM! The tube spits fire and I am knocked backwards off the barstool to the floor by the force of the explosion as the weapon breaks apart in the man’s hand.
I am laying on the floor with my ears ringing and see Quint stand up for a moment before turning around to me and helping me to my feet. I can barely stand but Quint sets me down on a stool and I look over to the barkeep and he is clutching a bleeding hand and has a bright red slap mark across the left side of his face.
I look to Quint and his lips are moving but I can hear no sound except for the ringing.
Quint holds the smoking weapon and is examining it when the barkeep brings two glasses of water and sets them down in front of us. He then pulls a towel out from under the bar and wraps it around his hand. His lips are moving and he looks apologetic so I smile and try to speak but the sound I make causes the man to look uncomfortable and look to Quint.
I look to Quint and he looks furious.
I hold up my hands and smile and excuse myself go sit outside in the scrub grass and meditate.
It is almost dark before I awaken from my deep healing sleep and I can hear the birds again.
I reenter the bar and see Quint and the barkeep sitting at a table with a young woman.
I am so, so, sorry. The barman begins. Can you hear me?
Yes I reply.
Thank the gods. He says looking to the heavens.
What was that thing? I ask.
An aquibus. The man says looking at the table.
A what? I ask
It's a new invention being used by people with more gold than brains. Quint replies.
How much did you pay to have two of your fingers blown off? Quint asks the man.
Five hundred gold. The man says ashamed.
And what were the odds the man who sold it to you gave you?
One in four. The man says looking at his ruined hand.
Twenty-five percent. Quint repeats. That you would blow off your own hand. Was it worth it?
No the man says.
Buy a crossbow. Says Quint.
Indeed I say.
From the words of your companion this town owes you a great debt. The man says looking ashamed.
It was my pleasure to rid the world of such an evil. However I will ask a favor of you and your community I say.
Hold a moment friend, the mayor is my brother and town business goes through him.
The man stands and begins to walk towards the door but I stop him by asking several questions.
A breeder of horses,
A maker of carriages,
And a village constable.
He stops me; I could call a town meeting with the emergency bell.
Please do I say.
I follow him out and we walk over to a large bell that he rings twice in a row, then twice more. The doors to a large two story building open and a few people stand at the ready armed with farming tools.
Go to that building, he says pointing to the crowd at the doors and wait until I arrive to make sure everyone is there.
We walk cautiously into the crowd and stand waiting at the front of the room while people slowly wander in and find seats. It is a half hour later when our friend finally walks in guiding a man at the small of his back whom he makes room for in the front row and takes a seat next to him and nods.
There is way more seats than people.
I clear my throat.
We have slain the vampire in the mountain.
I hold aloft the skull of the vampire. I say.
Cheering from the gathered townsfolk fills my heart with pride as mothers hug their children and men weep in relief.
We have destroyed the slave trading operation in the desert. I say.
The crowd stands and applauds.
I lower my hands to settle the crowd but one man remains standing whilst the others sit.
At what cost to us? He shouts.
A few claps and "yeahs" follow.
It was done at the request of the king himself. Quint shouts silencing the crowd.
Thank you Quint I say.
My companions and I have turned his den of evil into a non lethal tournament open to all.
What we need from your fair town is safe transportation to and from the mountain.
For this you will receive ample compensation from both the people you transport and the iron fist.
What of the bandits? A woman shouts.
Arrangements with the clan sandstorm have already been reached. I say, they will provide extra security
Bandits for security? Shouts a man in the back.
A well paid bandit is a loyal bandit, and you will also be fairly compensated for your efforts. I say.
A hand on my shoulder gives me pause and I listen closely when Quint whispers in my ear, small town try to keep it simple.
You take care of us, we take care of you. I say simply to the applauds of the crowd.
After Quint advice the rest of the town meeting went quickly and at the end we had settled on a price for new carriages, men to drive and guard the people and a dedicated outpost for travelers.
I think of the girl I met at the asylum and describe her to the crowd giving the time and circumstances of her disappearance but most of the missing girls fit her description and all I achieve is making several mothers cry.
I distribute small bags of gold to get the workers started on their respective tasks and we part ways with the small town on good terms.
That's more than half the gold we brought Quint says looking into the bag of bags.
More than half of what we have to spend, and that's exactly where I intended us to be.
Theology and Confrontation
We continued on our way for a few days having casual conversations.
I asked him of his order and what his faith represents and he replied that his faith is based on the sun and all the warmth and love it produces.
My prayers are addressed to the bright mother. He says. It is her light that shines down upon all of her creation and gives it life. Without her we would fall to the darkness and be lost to the denizens of evil, that's why my order is sworn to destroy evil in all its forms.
Not much negotiation room. I say half joking.
There is no compromise with evil. He says sternly. Tell me of your goddess.
She adopts a more compassionate approach, she believes all things great and small have a place in the world and it is my job to keep the balance. I can only intervene if an opposing force for evil is shifting the balance.
A goddess defender, how quaint. Quint says smiling. My order is knights sworn to track down and vanquish all evil at whatever cost.
So if you needed someone's farm to use to track evil? I begin.
I would take it in the name of the sun. He replies immediately.
Won't the farmer see you as evil? I say.
Only the goddess can pass down judgment on a holy knight. He replies.
That's convenient. I say
Indeed it is replies Quint.
At dusk that night a group of bandits approached our campfire.
Sit and warm yourselves at our fire. Quint says finally accustomed to greeting thieves.
No thanks, says a man. We are here for your gold.
I'm sorry I reply we have an arrangement with the clan sandstorm for safe passage.
Through Their land. Laughs the man.
You are in jackal territory, and we don't like trespassers.
You will not receive any gold from us Quint says sternly.
Then we will take it. Says another man.
You may try. I say smiling.
A single man steps forward and in a flash Quint has drawn his sword and holds it above his head and proclaims.
By the holy order of light I command the forces of darkness to retreat!
The sword immediately lights up the scrub land causing the bandits to cover their eyes some even began to scream in pain and run away. Of the fifteen bandits four ran and one young lad remained unaffected, he stood marveling at the bright white blade without even covering his eyes.
As the glow faded the bandits began to find their courage and some even began to advance.
Quint brought his sword down in front of him and held it at the ready. Two bandits stood before him. Quint looks to the men and says this is your last chance to put down your weapons. The men laughed as they advance. Holding his sword in both hands Quint Parries a blow from the man on the right then swats his feet out from underneath him with a well Placed kick in the back of his knee. Spinning the sword he causes the other man to step back and bring his own sword out in front of him to block but Quint easily slaps it aside with his blade and punches him in the face with a gauntleted hand causing the man to fall backwards. He then uses the flat of his blade to slap the fallen man across the face. Then a similar backhand puts the first man down hard.
Two men rush to me and I barely have time to stand before they are swinging their swords causing me to roll backwards onto the stump I was sitting on and leap into the air to avoid their continued attack, rolling between the two men I have time to pull my sword and make it to my feet sword in hand. I use the flat of my blade to slap at their hands and wrists attempting to knock the sword from their grasp but they are skilled swordsman and I soon have to resort to stabbing motions just to keep them at bay. They're smiling as they force me back into a defensive posture and they think to herd me back into the group. The sword from the order of light is a lot heavier than I'm used to using and this is the first time I've held it in combat so it’s unsteady in my hands. And when one of the men scores a minor hit on my wrist it causes me to drop the sword into the grass. Shouting in triumph as they attempt to score killing blow but I quickly roll to the right away from them and jump back into combat with a move I learned from Bubba, the flying punch. The blow connect solidly with the first man's chin knocking him to the ground and a swift kick to the second man's wrist sends his sword spinning up into the air where I catch it as it falls, this sword is much lighter and easier to use for me so I hop back a step and spin it to get accustomed to its weight. Finally throwing it and hitting the man in the forehead with the hilt knocking him unconscious.
I walk past the downed men and continue towards the group pausing briefly to flip my sword off the ground with my foot catching it easily and pointing it at the men.
Run while you still have the legs to carry you I shout.
Three members rush forward to attack as a group.
I let them advance to distance myself from the remaining three as they were about to engage Quint.
I leap forward and send my sword crashing down upon the lead man's sword knocking it from his grasp. Both of the men on the right and left attempt to swing at me clumsily but I easily avoid the strikes by hopping backwards. I swing the flat of my blade connecting with the man's cheek opening a deep gash unintentionally and he screams clutching his wound. The man on the left sword swings wide and almost dismembered the man in the middles arm as he grabs at his face. The look on his face is shock as I take this opportunity to knock him unconscious with a sharp blow to the temple with the hilt of my sword. My final combatant sees the chaos and drops his sword to the ground raising his hands in a sign of surrender. I tell the man to kneel and he obeys.
I look to see how Quint is doing and he has one man pinned to the ground on his stomach with his boot on his back another man lays on the ground bleeding from a wound in his throat. The third man had apparently been disarmed he stood before Quint with his arms open wide. The Knight had the man grasped by the face and it looked like he was whispering something until the man began to scream and fall backwards with a smoking Black Hand print across his face.
There was only the young man left and he had not moved an inch.
Quint strides purposefully towards the young man and reaches towards his face.
No! I shout.
Do not dare to intervene in the goddess’s judgment. Quint replies calmly.
His hand touches the boys face and for a moment Quint stood still whispering before grasping the boys face and ending the whispered prayer in a shout.
A soft white light surrounds the boy before slowly fading.
The boy has a look of utter contentment as he stands swaying like a tree in the breeze.
You will come with me to my temple. Quint says sternly to the boy.
Yes he smiles.
What is your name boy? Quint asks.
Merit. The boy replies, you fixed my arm.
Yes, you are worthy of service to the sun goddess. Quint says. That feeling you have is her love. Do you wish it to continue?
Yes, yes sir please Mr. Sir. Merit stammers.
Good, get in the wagon. And Quint or sir Mc castle will do.
Yes sir Quint
. Replies Merit smiling as he runs to the wagon.
Quint smiles and shakes his head and takes a small gold locket out of his belt and opens it.
He takes a small pinch of something and puts his fingers up to his nose and sniffs.
He sees me notice and snaps shut the lid and say it's a sacrament from my order.
Is it medicine? I ask growing more interested.
Yes of a sort. He replies putting the locket away.
May I examine it? I ask. I have an interest in herbs.
No, it is sacred to my order.
Do you know what it is? I press.
Yes, but I cannot tell you. He says as he walks towards the wagon.
I follow behind him and do not press the issue any further.
Hints of Darkness
When we return to the wagon Merit is Excited and full of questions but Quint has grown quiet and sullen and refuses to answer any of those questions. It is not my job to instruct you, only to bring you to the people capable of doing so he replies.
Shortly after we camp for the night and in the morning Quint is back to his good spirits and makes several failed attempts to teach the boy to meditate but his young spirit would not cooperate with sitting still.
Quiet your mind Quint would say.
My mind is quiet merit replied but my legs won't listen.
Focus on the blackness and from that blackness try to see a glowing ball of your own energy. Quinn said from a seated position in front of the boy.
I see it merit shouts!
A sharp slap across the face causes the boy to shout again.
Do not lie to me, ever. Quint says calmly.
Sorry Merit says rubbing his cheek.
Do you wish to learn to meditate? Quint asks the boy.
Yes sir. Merit says eagerly.
Then you will do as I say without question or complaint, is that understood?
Y...yes sir. Merit stammers.
When we return to the wagon you will follow behind on foot that should cure the ants in your pants.
The whole way? Merit asks.
That sounded like a question. Quint says sternly.
No sir. Merit says quickly.
After a quick breakfast Quint and I got inside the wagon and set off at a slow pace while merit jogged along behind.
After a few hours we stopped for lunch and merit was allowed a new flask of water as he said he had drank his days ration.
After the break we set off again and merit ran behind sneaking sips from his still full flask.
When Quint observed this he became worried.
The boy lied to me. Quint says looking straight ahead.
He is used to stealing to survive. I reply.
I could not tell, the boy looked me in the eye and lied and I saw it as truth.
He is skilled I say.
It is more than that I think, I have been away for too long, I must return to my temple and resume my studies.
Will you postpone your journey until after I return to the kings keep with the remains of my fallen Capitan? I ask.
Quint hand falls to the pouch on his belt and he takes the tin out and sniffs a pinch up his nose.
I can accompany you there if I can have an audience with the king. Quint says blinking his eyes several times.
I'm sure the king will not be in the mood for visitors after I tell him I lost the Capitan, but I think if you went first I could arrange a meeting. I say watching him carefully.
Good, good he says chewing his lip nervously.
My order deserves the king’s patronage and a chest of the king’s gold can buy much needed supplies and gold for travel.
I am sure the king will agree to that, I have heard that he is a very reasonable man. I reply.
Quint smiles at the notion and we spend the rest of the day in silence.
During our meal time break later that night Quint and merit try again to meditate but the boy quickly falls asleep.
There may be no training this boy Quint says to me.
Wake up boy! Quint shouts startling merit awake.
I reach into my belt pouch and remove a small red berry and toss it at the groggy lad.
He catches the berry in his yawning mouth and almost swallows it whole but coughs and chews the delicious fruit down and is immediately refreshed.
Tell us I say where you come from and how you managed to end up in the scrub lands with those bandits.
It'll cost ya a' meal. Merit replies.
Your breakfast is provided, not a tool for negotiation Quint says sternly.
Oh.... Ok then. Merit says smiling.
My dad was a town guard; he was killed by a dragon. And my mom gave me to an orphanage when I was still a baby.
A dragon you say? Quint says raising an eyebrow at the boy.
That's what I was told. Merit replies looking down at his hands.
No, it is not. Quint says sternly. Do we need another lesson?
The boy puts a hand across his cheek and looks to Quint with a haunted look in his eyes and we knew his words to be the truth when he spoke.
My dad was a drunk; he and mom were fighting about money like usual and he grabbed my grandfather’s sword from the mantle and stabbed my mom. I ran away. Merit says quietly.
When did this happen? I ask
What's today? The boy asks.
Ockvember the tenth. Quint says
It was five days ago, it seems like longer. The boy says. I ran until it was dark and ran into a tree, or a rock, I'm not sure. When I woke up I was in the back of a wagon
The bandits took you in? I ask.
Yes sir merit replies.
What was the name of your town? Quint asks.
I would have words with your father.
Havertown, its east of here. On the edge of the water.
A fishing village. I say.
Yes sir. Merit replies.
I am familiar with that place. Quint says growing sullen.
Pack up camp boy. Quint says abruptly. He then reaches into his pocket and pulls the tin out and takes several large pinches of the powder and sniffs it up his nose.
Snapping it shut he looks to me with the firelight dancing across his glazed eyes.
A detour. He says simply.
The remains of sir Rasper will not keep I begin but am cut off abruptly by Quint outstretched hand.
I will purify the remains in holy fire and the blessed ashes will be enough to return to his family.
I do not know if the is their custom, I begin again.
The blessed mother put this boy in my path for a reason. Quint snaps.
Do not dare to,
Interfere in her judgment. I finish.
Indeed, Quint replied
That night we put the good Capitan’s body to the fire and Quint consecrated the flames turning them a pure white and burning the remains to a fine white ash, it was that ash that was collected in a small wooden box and set aside with the sword of Rasper to be given to his family.
We set off at first light for Havertown after merit, under the close instruction of Quint gathered our tents and supplies and packed them into the back of the wagon. I take my seat behind the reins and Quint and merit sit in the back
Now sit, Quint tells the boy. And close your eyes and tell me about your home.
Merit sits quietly for a moment before beginning his tale.
Well. He begins,
My village is small compared to the other fish towns I been to. My mom and dad have a small farm on the outskirts of town where they grow grain.
Your father isn't a fisherman? Quint asks.
Well, he was until his accident. Merit replies.
What happened? Quint asks.
The way he tells it, he jumped overboard to save a drowning shipmate and was attacked by a shark, after that he said he lost his love for the sea. The word at the bar is he attempted a mutiny against his Capitan and was thrown overboard and fed to the sharks and had to swim five miles back to shore through Open Ocean.
And which one do you believe? Quint asks.
I don't know, merit replies. But what I do know is the sharks missed a good meal on that day.
I believe we are close to the village I say to the duo sitting in back.
Merit grows quiet as the town comes into view in the distance.
Directions? I ask over my shoulder.
Take the second road to the edge of town my dad's place is the last on the right. Merit replies while looking to the floor.
I follow the boy’s directions and we arrive at a small run down shack with broken windows and a middle aged man wearing the clothes of a farmer drinking from a large jug on the front porch.
That him? I ask merit.
Yes that's my dad. Merit says glancing up briefly before looking back to the floor.
I leap down from the wagon as it rolls to a stop and discard my sword and dagger to the ground.
What's your business here elf? The man asks standing to his feet.
You have a son? I ask the man.
Yeah, the little son of a bitch ran off a week ago. The man spits.
I walk directly up to the man and send an uppercut flying to his chin connecting solidly and sending the man stumbling backwards through the front door causing a fair haired woman to shout in surprise.
Who are you? I ask the woman in shock.
This is my house and you just broke my husband's jaw! The woman shouts in hysterics.
You are merits mother? I ask.
Yes she says growing excited. He ran away from home a week ago and I have been worried sick.
Confused I step inside and look to the mantle and see the sword the boy spoke of.
Are you well? I ask.
I don't know what you mean. She replies.
I recount the tale told to us by the boy.
That's my pumpkin, such an imagination. She says smiling. Is he well? Is he here?
Yes to both ma'am. I say.
What were the circumstances of his departure? I ask.
His what? She replies confused.
Why did he run away? I elaborate
My boy is always bringing me presents. She says smiling fondly at the memories.
Stolen presents? I ask.
My boy might be forgetful but he is no thief. She says growing stern.
A light tap on my shoulder gets my attention.
I look and the man has already started to walk towards a door against the far wall.
He looks back and motions for me to follow. Gently examining his jaw he quietly whispers, not the first time the boy has gotten me into a fight I diddent deserve.
That familiar knot in my stomach tells me I won't like what I see and when he points to a floorboard under a small straw bed I know what is there.
Open it he whispers.
I bend down and pull a few boards before I grasp one and easily pull it up.
Dozens of bags litter the crawlspace under the house all of the same size. I reach down and pick one up and can tell it is full of gold
Damn. I say
How much is here? I ask.
The man shrugs his shoulders.
You never counted it? I press.
Can't. The man says honestly.
Did you spend any? I ask replacing the board.
Afraid to touch it. The man says.
And your wife? I ask
The man throws his hands in the air and sighs deeply.
She sees no fault in the boy? I say
No. he replies.
Why did he run away? I ask afraid to hear the answer.
The wife and me was fighting he begins,
Over money? I interrupt.
Over the boy. He replies.
He gave his mother a gold and diamond tiara and told her she looked like a princess.
Oh. That a problem. I say.
Yes, I told him to take it back and that's where things went south. After a long shouting match. I set to punish the boy and my poor wife tried to stop me and I knocked her over and the boy ran off.
I leave the bedroom and walk back to the wagon and see Quint and merit in deep conversation so I return to the house and take a seat on the couch.
In my long life I have had many frustrating conversations but the next three hours sitting on that woman's couch trying to convince her that the sheer quantity of the bags under his floorboards indicated that they were stolen, but the woman would hear none of it, her special little baby boy would never do such a thing and that gold was from being a hard worker doing jobs for the people in the village. I went to the wagon and retrieved the boy and reunited him with his parents. After a tearful and extended homecoming feast of cabbage, stew and bread, We eventually came to the agreement that he was high spirited and in need of some guidance so his mother agreed to let the boy journey with us to the temple to learn the ways of the order of light.
After a hard fought interrogation we finally got the stubborn boy to tell us where the gold came from but only after Quint suddenly stood and walked towards the boy pulling a piece of chalk from his pack,
What's that for? Merit asks nervously
A circle of truth. Quint says drawing a three foot circle on the floor.
What's it do? The boy asks backing away.
Right now nothing, but in a moment I will bless this circle and you will remain within the three feet while I ask you questions, you will find yourself unable to utter any falsehood
A horror stricken look passes over the face of the boy.
Crever, he literally spits.
An equally horrified expression passes over the faces of the boy’s parents.
You sell drugs? The boy’s mother wails.
No, mommy I'm just a delivery boy! He says with crocodile tears rolling down his face.
Quint sees through the ruse and holds his hand over the circle and mumbles some words I can't hear.
The glow softly illuminates the room and the boy begins to wail louder and makes a move to run to his mother but Quint stops the boy and shoves him stumbling into the circle where he stops and regains his balance.
His face calms and the tears stop.
What did you do to him? The mother asks.
Merit, what did I do to you? Quint asks
You pushed me just hard enough to make me step into the circle so I would stop fake crying. The boy says calmly.
The parents stop in their tracks and look to each other.
Who broke my grandmother's lamp? The woman asks quickly.
No... Begins the man.
Dad did, he was drunk and fell over and knocked it on the floor, and then he did all my chores for a month to take the blame.
I knew the yard looked to nice! The woman shrieks.
I interrupt the ensuing argument with a question directed at the boy.
Where is Crever now?
At his house. The boy replies, two roads down third house on the left across from the town dump.
I look over to Quint but he is already on his feet and walking out the door.
Pack your things and be ready I say to merit; we may be leaving in a hurry.
I exit the house and see Quint putting the tin from his robes back in his pocket.
We follow the boy’s directions and come to a nice quiet street and a lovely little one story brick house with kid’s toys on the lawn and laundry hanging on a line to dry.
Quint doesn't break stride, doesn't stop, doesn't knock.
He simply reaches his hand into the wooden door and rips it off the hinges. Laying the door against the wall he steps inside and begins to pray to a filthy room full of shocked people.
Merits Boss Is a Jerk
Quint wait! I shout as I begin to walk towards the holy knight.
Be at peace he says extending a hand directly in front of my face.
I fall backwards into a seated position and my heart is bursting with love and contentment. The sheer beauty of the wooden planks I am seated on brings tears to my eyes and for a moment I am lost there in the intricate swirls of the wood.
I want to show Quint so I look up and see him holding his hands towards the heavens and he is shouting but I don't understand the words. I am knocked backwards again by the wave of blinding white light.
I sit up immediately and see the look of shock fear and confusion over the seated occupants of the room, some even look angry.
What the shit! A nicely dressed man says standing up rubbing his eyes.
Quint stammers, at a loss for words.
Think I was gonna burst into flames did you? The man taunts.
Yes, Quint says
I'm not evil stupid. The man replies.
The laws... Quint tries to say.
No such law here friend, I work for the town magistrate. He says smiling.
You hurt people, Quint says grasping at straws trying to explain to himself why his spell that was so effective in the desert had no effect.
People hurt themselves; I don't make anyone do anything. He says simply.
But you, Quint begins.
What? Provide for my family? Give jobs to a dozen people who would otherwise be living on the street? I donate half the gold I make to the town orphanage you arrogant piece of shit. And you come in to my house, break my door and scare the crap out of everyone with your wicked voodoo magic. No, I think you have no power here cleric, and it's time for you and your elf to leave. The man says stepping forward. Unless you wanted to buy something. He adds smiling bringing nervous laughter from the other occupants of the room.
Quint is furious in the face of the man’s logic but the man was correct. The man did not sin and could not be punished by Quints holy magic.
Let's go quint says finally defeated.
One moment I say standing up.
My companion has no authority to punish you, that is true I say.
Lay one hand on me or any of my men and I will have you thrown in a cell with no window so fast it will make your pointy ears spin. The man spits.
I would never do such a thing! I say in mock horror. You, sir are doing this community a favor by selling them drugs and instead of thanking you we damage your property.
That's right the man says somewhat nervously.
Let me be the one to thank you by getting some friends to clean this mess.
No thanks. The man begins.
I insist, I say as I call out to the swarms of mice and rats nearby in the dump.
Within seconds I can hear them clawing at the walls as they stream in the open front door.
I believe my friends have arrived. I say politely.
What's going on? The man shouts in a panic as the rest of the people scream and run away.
They are cleaning your house and building nests for themselves. I say smiling.
In seconds the mice removed everything in the small house that was not nailed down. Stop it! Stop it! The man shouts as he makes a move to step on one of the mice scurrying past with a mouthful of stuffing from the couch.
I reach out and grab the man by his face with one hand and pull him close and whisper into his ear.
I'm sorry I think I remember introducing them as my friends. Am I mistaken?, the man stammers in a panic his eyes wide with shock.
You will let them finish their work. Correct? I say
If you try to stop, or harm any of my friends a few mice will be the least of your worries.
We both glance over when the crash from the dining room table falling to the floor gains our attention.
My, my, gaaak. The man spits.
Oh sorry I say loosening the grip I had on his face.
What were you saying?
The man draws in a deep shuddering gasp and almost falls over but a hand on his shoulder helps to steady the man.
My stuff, destroying it. Cough cough.
Property? Your concern is property? I laugh releasing the man where he falls to the floor coughing.
There are dozens of filthy disease ridden rodents spreading their filth all over your house, where you sleep and eat. And you are worried about a little gold?
Gold? The man says from the floor.
I point a finger to a small hole in a dresser to a small hole in the wall a few feet away.
Noooooooo! The man screams as the last mouse exits the house with a golden coin in his mouth and the dresser collapses.
The man gasps and runs over to a small picture hanging on the wall and rips it down.
NOOOOOOOO! The man screams as the picture is thrown to the ground to reveal mouse crap and an empty shelf.
Where are they going? He demands.
To your neighbors I believe. I reply.
Ha! I own Frank's place too! He laughs and runs to a side window.
Wrong neighbors I say pointing to the ripped open front door.
Shit! He says stomping his foot down.
I should kill you. The man says through clenched teeth.
You are welcome to try I say smiling and throwing my hands out wide in invitation.
Just leave. He says turning away.
I begin to walk out the door when a knocking gains everyone's attention. We look to the wall and see a single mouse attempting to pull a table leg through a hole in the wall sideways.
The man walks over and I think he will kick the mouse and I am prepared to end his life for it but he puts a single toe on the end and slides it out, allowing the mouse to pull it through the hole
I leave the man and his empty house to think about what got him to where he was at in his life.
Quint was smiling for the first time in many days as we walked through the broken door and down the path covered in rat feces to the street where several town guards were standing staring at the dump.
Hundreds of em! We heard him exclaim as we quietly walked back to merits house.
You can control animals? Quint asks when we are out of earshot of the confused guards.
Well, yes and no I reply. I can give suggestions, I can calm or enrage an animal but they still have free will.
Can you make them obey you? He presses.
No, taking away any form of life's free will is akin to slavery and my people believe individual freedom is a gift from Mekki,
Your balance goddess? Quint asks.
Yes. I reply simply.
We arrive on Merits Street and see the boy pacing nervously at the end of his front porch.
He sees us and runs over glancing nervously around.
What happened? He asks.
We talked and he decided to mend his ways and get a real job. Quint replies.
Now who's lying? Merit says smiling.
In the blink of an eye Quint has closed the three feet between the pair and slapped the boy directly across the mouth sending him tumbling to the ground.
I do not lie. The Knight growls. You may go look for yourself but I do not think he will be glad to see you.
The boy gets back to his feet and stares defiantly at Quint.
I will. He replies dusting himself off and walking through back yards towards the home of his former employer.
He may be hurt. I say when the boy is out of sight.
If that is his fate then so be it. Quint snaps. Although I think the boy will be alright. He adds in softer tones.
We wait for a short while before the boy comes running up wide eyed and covered in cobwebs.
His whole house, empty! The boy shouts excitedly. Even in his crawlspace where he hid his gold! He was just sitting there on his floor!
I think he was crying. He adds in a whisper.
When faced with a life altering decision some individuals become afraid. Quint tells the boy.
Yeah it’s that, or it’s the fact that his boss is going to have his legs broken for the coin he owes. Merit laughs.
People rely on him. I say becoming upset.
When the dog dies his fleas find a different home. I think those people are at least that capable. Quint replies calmly.
I begin to speak but Quint cuts off my thought.
Your goddess knows your intent, if she did not wish it to be. He leaves the last thought hanging in the air in his place as he walks away and finishes packing the wagon.
Merit goes under the crawlspace of his house and quickly retrieves three heavy bags. One is set at my feet and one at Quint’s. If it makes you feel better accepting this I earned it and invested it and this is my savings.
I have gold Quint says placing a hand on his belt to feel an empty pouch.
What is the meaning of this? Quint shouts at the boy.
I picked your pockets on the first night the boy says apologetically.
Pockets? I say reaching down in astonishment to find a pouch full of small rocks.
Amazing. I say to myself.
How? Quint asks.
The boy holds up his arms up and says tiny hands.
I grow stern with the young man and growl,
You will never steal from me again; elfish law requires that I remove one of your fingers.
My, my what? The boy yelps.
You heard me I say pulling a short knife from my boot.
You can’t. The boy cries
I grab the boy’s wrist and turn it upwards putting pressure on the first knuckle of the pinky forcing it upwards.
Yes I can, I reply calmly.
First I snap your bone right at the base I say pointing to the knuckle with the tip of my knife then I just slide the blade right through and you have a new scar that will remind you and tell everyone you meet that you are not to be trusted.
Is that what you want? I ask the boy.
I will never steal from you again the boy responds.
Good answer I reply releasing the boy’s wrist.
He reaches into his belt and hands me back my pipe my Kauf and the symbol I got from the king.
Sweet mother! I shout. I have had my bag with me this whole time. How? HOW!
You walk faster than me! The boy shouts excitedly.
You pick pocketed all this? I say stunned.
Sorry. The boy says looking ashamed.
Go to the wagon I say sternly sending the boy scampering to the wagon.
I, still kneeling look over to Quint.
He simply shakes his head.
Should we really give someone like this training?
What will we be creating?
He will learn the right way to conduct himself. Quint replies.
His need to steal may have grown to a compulsion. I say standing.
You mean to take the boys finger. Quint says matter of factly.
He is a danger to himself and everyone else he meets. I reply.
Allow me to take the boy in his entirety to be trained. Quint says. I will do my best to keep the boy in line until we reach my temple.
That is acceptable. I reply.
Quint and I walk back to the wagon and see merit sulking in the back.
I was prepared to remove your finger. I say not looking at the boy.
Quint spoke for you; do you know what that means?
I see the boy shake his head out of the corner of my eye.
It means that you break your word and it's his finger I will be taking; don't make him regret his decision.
Quint is behind the reins as I leave the boy to his thoughts and jump into the navigator’s seat.
My temple is a fortnight away. He says.
That's our final destination together? I ask.
Yes. He replies.
I casually glance in the back at merit and see the boy sharpening a small knife against a new whetstone.
It's going to be a long two weeks I say to Quint.
Indeed. He replies
Merits Good Deed
Sir's? Comes a squeak from the back of the wagon.
I can hear the fear in his voice and think I may have gone too far.
Yes, Quint replies.
If we could make a quick stop before we leave town? I might have stolen something from someone, it was a long time ago, but it's the only thing I have ever stole that I regret. Could I give the man his dagger?
Absolutely, Quint says smiling. And we are proud of you for taking the first step towards redemption.
The boy says. Good pull over the cart.
Merit reaches into one of the bags and retrieves a set of black silken clothes. In the light of dusk they look like a black void in the boys hands.
What are those for Quint says after I nudge him and look pointedly in the back.
I can't just walk up to the Capitan of the guard and apologize for stealing his honor dagger.
Oh my. Quint says.
What's that? I say confused.
Every soldier in the kings employ is given a dagger that represents his upstanding character and moral compass, to steal one is akin to taking someone's dignity. People who lose their honor dagger are subjected to ridicule and are often beaten, sometimes to death.
Why? I ask the boy
His daughter was a friend. The boy says getting dressed.
Was? Quint says.
Yes. Merit replies quietly.
But no longer? I press.
No merit replies. Pulling on black gloves.
Nice outfit I say still pressing the boy to speak.
Its spider silk the boy says hopping out of the back of the wagon and disappearing into the darkness.
That's not good. Quint says.
Why? I ask
An outfit that size has to be custom made. Quint reasons.
Presumably, I reply.
Spider silk is three times the price of regular silk and is highly sought after by assassins. Quint says looking into the darkness.
And thieves. I add. And the boy has a king’s ransom under the floorboards of his parents shack.
I don't know anymore. Quint says it’s been too long; I've been away to long.
You mentioned that before. I say remembering an earlier conversation. What was your order training you to do?
To look into a man’s heart and know what is inside. In battle and at rest I, when fresh from my order could see everything there is to know of a man the second I saw him just by his posture and the way he carries himself. When I first saw Bubba in the pits I thought him evil and was going to kill him as a last act of good.
I laugh despite myself.
Indeed. Quint smiles.
He is not evil, just simple and abused. Quint says with a faraway look in his eyes.
Indeed I say.
But this boy, I saw him broken and filthy in the desert amongst those murderers and I knew I had to help him,
The way he looked into the holy light,
He must be good.
He has to be.
I am. Merit says from the back of the wagon.
That was fast. I say in shock
I'm fast. The boy replies taking off his night camouflage.
I catch the boys face in the candlelight and see his lip is swollen and bleeding.
What happened Quint asks sternly.
The boy smiles innocently and says I had the dagger in my teeth and knocked it against a support beam in the crawlspace.
You’re not dirty. I say holding up the black clothes.
I have used that rout a few times I guess. The boy says sheepishly.
Just then our attention I drawn to a small light bobbing down the road.
Let's go merit says suddenly worried.
We can hear the voice of a young girl calling out in the darkness merit, merit! She calls.
Just go! Merit pleads.
No Quint says. I want to know what she wants.
Damn. Merit mutters.
The girl is running barefoot holding a guttering candle that quickly goes out and is presumably discarded by the time the girl reaches the wagon.
Merit says go to your grans house tiff as he hops out of the wagon.
She ignores his statement and tackles the skinny youth to the ground covering him in hugs and kisses.
Aw damn it stop, the boy says laughing.
I love you merit the girl says regaining herself.
Stop it I'm sorry it took so long. The boy says blushing.
They both stand and she hugs him tight and whispers take me with you!
No tiff I'm going to train to be a holy knight. The boy says proudly.
A holy knight? The girl says smirking.
Yes it's my destiny. He adds matter of factly.
Okay? She says with a thousand questions thick in her voice.
Go to your grans house and tell her what happened, but leave my name out of it. The boy adds.
Thank you so much. She says turning to leave with tears in her eyes.
The boy gets back in the wagon and sits back down. I know I feel better. He says.
That girl’s father's honor must have been very important to her. I say to Quint.
Honor means everything to some Quint replies.
To some I hear merit mutter as the wagon jerks to motion and we leave Havertown.
Merits Good Deed?
She seemed nice I say trying to start a conversation.
Yeah tiffs ok I guess. Merit replies
You’re not her friend? Quint asks.
I just said she was ok diddent i? Merit replies in annoyance.
You also said you used to be her friend but you aren't any longer. Quint adds.
No I diddent. That's Jens younger sister tiff.
Jen was my friend, merit replies.
Where is she? Quint asks.
Merit looks around and says we should be going past her place on the left as he lies back down.
The last and only thing on the left side of the road was the town cemetery.
The rest on the night and day were quiet as we made our way east towards the temple of light.
We traveled for a few days before we realized how much trouble we were in.
We had just set up camp in the shelter of a small outcropping of rocks and had a fire going when I heard the approach of several sets of footsteps. I get Quint’s attention and go to look at merit but he has already disappeared.
What? Quint asks.
Trouble. I reply. Pointing towards the sound.
Where’s, Quint begins but is cut short by a group of six men talking loudly and laughing.
I sigh deeply and begin to try to speak to the men.
Shut your carrot hole you pointy eared bitch. One of the men says stepping forward.
Perhaps Quint begins.
Just give us your gold or we kill you and take it anyways. Puts in another.
We have no gold I say.
Then you have a problem says the man drawing his sword.
Hey goobersmoocher! Shouts merit from atop the wagon.
The young lad is holding the broken repeating crossbow.
Drop it boy! Shouts the man pointing a finger.
The boy holds the crossbow to his shoulder and pulls the trigger.
The weapon discharges bolt after bolt shaking the skinny lad almost off his feet but the boy held on and his aim was true.
All six men are cut down where they stood by the young boy.
The last man in line saw his companions die and he turned to run and took several bolts to the back but the weapon was far from empty so the boy swept the weapon back across the bodies riddling them with bolts until the weapon clicked empty.
Quint and I stared open mouthed at the boy as he casually sets the weapon down and climbs down off the wagon.
I catch a brief smile of a killer on the boys face and it shocks me to my core.
I have seen that look before on a man who I had taken back to prison for murder. Hollow, his eyes had nothing behind them and his smile was that of a predator and he bragged to me of the people who he had tortured and killed the entire journey.
What? The boy says. It was them or us.
It was broken I say pointing to the crossbow.
No, it was empty. I saw it and been tinkering with it and figured out how to reload it.
I don't know what to say. I say to Quint.
How's bout thanks? Merit snorts as he walks over to the bodies and starts pulling bolts and checking pouches with brutal efficiency.
He takes a few pouches and recovers most of the bolts from the bodies.
Did you kill the Capitan of the guard? I ask to the point.
That scum sucking mother... Merit begins.
Answer the question! I roar into the night.
The forest is quiet.
No sounds of the birds or insects.
The seconds tick by.
I stand in a rage.
I won't ask again. I say teeth popping.
The boy stands there chest pushed out In defiance. I already know the answer to my question; his head gave the slight nod of someone keeping a secret each time I asked.
Boy. Quint begins with anger and sadness in his voice.
I told him when I took it that I would be back. The boy begins.
What's that even mean?
Merit starts pacing the campsite like a caged animal as his thoughts are drawn into the past.
I have never felt....
I don’t....
It's not like I enjoyed it....
Dear sweet mother Quint says. Pulling the holy sword from its sheath and slowly holding it almost sadly above his head.
The boy doesn't even flinch.
Quint says his prayer and the sword fills the surrounding area with holy light.
I expect to see the boy in cinders like the worst of the bandits but again he stares open mouthed at the blade.
I don't understand. Quint says. There must be evil in you to do what you have just done.
The boy snaps out of his trance and snaps to attention.
Do you want to know what's evil? Merit asks.
Yes Quint replies.
Evil is abusing your daughter so horribly for so long she hangs herself on her own birthday.
Oh I gasp.
You wanted this story, so shut up and listen and you might learn something about humans the boy snaps.
Jen was my best and only friend. Merit begins smiling at the memory. But she was always so sad and would never tell me why.
I thought it was because her father was so strict. Until one night I went over to her house and saw her dad the Capitan of the guard. Strangling my dear sweet jen. I leap through the window and grab the closest thing I could. The knife from his boots by the door.
I stab the man in the back. I wanted to kill him there but the confused girl protected him.
As he lay on the floor moaning and bleeding I grabbed him by the turf of his hair and whispered to him.
One night you’re going to wake up and see me sitting on the edge of your bed. And on That night I will return your knife take your miserable life with it.
I jumped back out the window and ran off.
Jen never spoke to me again.
She was mad? I ask
She hung herself a month ago, on her birthday. Merit says.
Tiff was the only one left in the house.
I should have acted sooner. The boy says.
It is my fault.
We sit in silence for a long while.
All that wolf chow is starting to stink. The boy says interrupting the silence.
Can we please move camp sirs?
Without saying a word Quint and I stand and gather the provisions, tossing them hastily in the back of the wagon.
I see merit pick up the crossbow and I resist the urge to snatch it from his hands and smash it to pieces on a rock.
The clever boy notices my reaction and stops.
No more humans? He says to me.
Pardon? I say hoping the boy will elaborate.
You’re mad because I used this against the bandit’s right? Merit says holding the heavy weapon out.
I am not mad. I'm disappointed you automatically went for the biggest weapon you could find as soon as there was trouble, I'm afraid for your soul that you opened fire on those men pausing only to shout.
Why did you shout first? I ask.
I don't know. The boy replies looking down.
Look at me when I am speaking to you boy. I growl.
Merit looks up and I speak softly almost as a whisper.
It was so you could see the looks on their faces as you took their lives.
No. He begins but stops. Yes. They deserved to die.
I drop to one knee and put a hand on the boy’s shoulder.
No one deserves to die. I say looking into the boys eyes. Every living thing has a purpose, and taking someone's life leaves that purpose unfulfilled.
What if it's a shitty purpose? The boy says.
Then it was meant to be. I reply.
YOU TELL TIFF THAT! YOU BASTARD! The boy shouts suddenly losing control.
Everything that poor girl goes through as a child will make her the woman she will become later in life. You helped that girl, hopefully that is what she will remember as she gets older not the horrible abuse and neglect. But the kind person who risked his life to save her, and you are a kind person merit. I can see it in you, and so can Quint or else you would not be here.
So what are you going to do to me? Merit asks.
Plans have not changed. I say standing up.
Really? The boy says suddenly happy.
Yes I reply. Now enough of this let's get on our way.
Looking back on it I'm sure now what the boy muttered under his breath as I climbed up to the driver seat feeling good about myself.
Pardon me I say to the boy.
Thanks sir. The boy says climbing up the back and into the wagon.
The Long Road to the Temple Of Light
Merit was happy to be on the final leg of his journey to the temple for his training but Quint and I were concerned about the quality of the boys character.
The final two weeks of the boys journey were to be his last one way or another, Quint was convinced that his ability to gaze into the holy light was proof that the boy was a messenger of good, I saw his face as he climbed down from atop the wagon and explained it to Quint but he passed his smile off as relief that he saved us.
We were in no danger. I say.
The boy didn’t know that, he saw danger and he reacted. Quint says. The holy knight removes the tin from his belt and takes a large pinch of the powder and sniffs it up his nose.
What happened to the criminal? Quint asks looking straight ahead.
I carved an R on his forehead and rubbed soot in it. I reply.
Why? Quint asks why an R?
It's a prison tag, it means rapist and it also means he will never leave that prison alive. I reply.
As we began our "straight ahead east from this point" Quint became excited and talkative for the first time in many days.
It's just a week now till you see the glory of my temple, when we get there everything will be right with the world, you will see. The boy can be tested and cleansed and his training can begin. Old brother Mathis will swat those sticky fingers and set the boy right.
Grand master castle, my own uncle will teach the boy honorable combat .Quint says proudly. He is the same man who trained me when I was his age.
It's just what the boy needs. I say.
Yes Quint says smiling.
We break around noon the next day for rest and to feed the horses.
Quint and I exit the wagon and call to merit but he calls out that he isn't feeling well so we left him alone and set up a quick camp and I began to make a vegetable stew from the last of our provisions because Quint assured me I would be provided ample provisions for my return to the kings keep for my report and to visit the family of the departed Rasper.
Quint and sat until sunset and I spoke of fhex and his delicious stew,
Merit came out tired, pale complaining of stomach pain and loss of appetite. He took the good berry I offered him and said he ate it but I never saw him and his complexion or attitude never improved and after the boys repeated attempts to pack up camp and get this show on the road we decided to give in to the boys enthusiasm and set under way again in the middle of the night.
Spirits were high and Quint was in a great mood laughing and joking when merit burst violently through the flap and grabbed Quint by the shoulders.
We both thought it was a jest until the expression on Quints face changed to pain and confusion as the boy bares his fangs and sinks them into the knight’s neck causing the holy knight to drop the reins and scream in fear and terror.
Quint stands and the boy rises with him still attached, the boy curls his legs and kicks off of the back of the wagon sending them both flying forward in front of the horses.
I scramble for the reins and pull the carriage sharply to avoid them but the sickening thud and rocking of the carriage tells me I am too late.
I pull the wagon to a halt as soon as I am able and get down quickly as I can and see Quint lying in the middle of the trail, alone.
Quint! I shout.
I can see his hand twitching and I fear for the worst as I run to the man at full speed.
He bit me. Quint mumbles as his eyes roll back in his head.
I reach down and pull a cloth from his pack and press it to the wound.
He coughs and grimaces in pain but comes to his senses.
I can't feel my legs. He says calmly looking into the deep shadows.
I am so sorry, I begin but Quint cuts me off.
Not the time, he says. Get me to the wagon.
I grab the man by the armpits and drag him the short distance to the wagon when I am hit from behind and knocked to the ground several yards away. As I look up a tiny foot is flying at my face and everything goes black.
I wake up a short time later and I see merit standing over Quint holding him up by the armor.
What did you do to me? Merit growls.
My sacrament! You fool you did this to yourself! I wanted to help you! Quint shouts in pain.
And you have. The boy says lifting the armor clad knight over his head.
Please Quint gasps, my order can help you...
The boy laughs and tosses Quint straight up where he collides with a tree branch ten feet above the boy sending him spinning off into the darkness where he lands with a crunch and a moan.
I try to get to my feet but the boy is upon me in a flash. His eyes are black but not hollow like the ghouls, he doesn't stop he doesn't even slow down he just runs directly over me, kicking and stomping me until I lose consciousness.
I wake up in the early dawn and can hear Quint moaning off in the distance.
I slowly rise to my feet feeling every bruise from earlier that night and I quickly find the broken Quint slowly dragging himself towards the wagon.
He sees me coming and bursts into tears.
My temple please he sobs. They will fix everything.
I gather the man and lift him gently into the back of the wagon.
I find the boys tracks easily and see them going in the opposite direction. I want to track the boy but from Quints numerous injuries he has not the time so I run back to the wagon and set off at a quick pace for the temple.
On the third straight day of travel I can smell the smoke and see the plumes of smoke in the distance.
Hold on friend I can see the smoke from the chimneys from here. I shout to the back.
I urge the horses forward when he cries there is but one great chimney in the temple!
What I saw was from several fires.
Quint is delirious and speaking to his fellow knights on the third morning.
I have to stop and rest the horses because they had begun to get the shakes from over exertion.
I took a moment to check quints many injuries and found him in a deep sleep he had lost much blood and was deathly pale but was pleased to find the arm I thought broken to be only swollen and bruised. His spine however, was badly broken I have unfortunately witnessed this kind of injury before and Quint would never have the use of his legs. I was amazed that he was still alive.
I took that time to quickly gather herbs and had just found a large patch of healing moss when I heard Quint screaming.
I dropped the moss and ran back to the wagon, throwing aside the curtain just as his screams ended.
He lay unconscious, covered in vomit and sweating copiously.
I leaped to the driver’s seat and rode the horses onward.
The Temple Of Light
My heart sank as we arrived at the temple.
What was once a beautiful work of art was a smoking ruin.
The fire had been set days ago and was dwindled down to occasional wisps of smoke and guttering flames. With the barricade set against the front door no survivors could have possibly made it out but I left the wagon and made my way quickly around the outside of the building looking for track's or signs of recent activity but the tracks were covered or lost to time.
I climb my way up a gutter and peek into one of the many blackened stained glass windows and see broken bodies and half burned skeletons littering the floor all over the temple.
A large circle of bodies at the center was apparently the source of the fire.
I climbed down and slowly began the task of removing the barricade against the front door.
I hoped there would still be something of use somewhere in the temple; I hoped that it would not be too late for Quint even though I knew it was.
After the door was clear enough to open I light a torch and quietly make my way inside.
The bodies pressed against the inside crumble as I pull open the door. In the sunlight I notice the deep gouges in the blackened wood,
Fingernail scratches.
They were burned alive.
I carefully make my way over the bodies careful to not disturb the remains but I soon give it up to a lost cause for the bodies inside were too numerous to count.
A barricade in the center of the room was the source of the remaining smoke that drifted lazily up through a smoldering hole in the roof.
The bodies were pointed towards the center of the barricade so I knew it was one against many and they had no fear of the flames. I push aside the remnants of bones and broken chairs and see the floor burned out as well and there sitting in the dirt was a single skeleton wearing the same plate mail as Quint.
A man’s final stand, I knew already but I had to be certain. I kneel down and see pointy toothed skulls of ghouls.
The boy did this.
I spend the next few hours searching the remaining rooms of the temple and find a bottle of wine and some hard cheese and bread but nothing for Quint except for a simple medallion clutched in the hand of a small child.
I notice it beginning to get dark and I decide to return to the wagon and take my chances on making it to a small town for medical attention for Mr. Quint.
I quickly return to the main chapel and am shocked to see a man wearing a set of holy plate standing amidst the carnage next to the hole in the deepening shadows.
Greetings I say nervously.
I know your smell. Says the man with a deep rumble.
I am new to the area but I am a wood elf. I say at a loss for words.
Strange, the man growls almost in a whisper.
Pardon? I say becoming more nervous.
I know you. He says looking up from the hole for the first time.
Two red points of light meet mine as the man’s eyes are fixed on me.
I gasp and take a step back and stumble over the body of a ghoul falling backwards.
Just before I hit the floor the man is upon me holding me up by my face.
I can hear a faint sizzling sound and can smell his skin burning.
Don't be afraid he says.
My eyes focus on the man and I finally recognize Quint.
Quint I stammer.
That was my name. He says tilting my head forcefully to look at my neck and ears with a confused expression on his face.
Keebler. He says after a few moments.
Yes. I choked
He drops me gasping to the floor and looks about the room.
Merit was here, he did this. The vampire Knight says.
I thought as much I say but how can you be sure?
He is my maker, I know where he is and he knows where I am. Quint says with a faraway look in his eyes.
What happened? I ask.
He beat us here and used my memories to gain access to my home and burn my temple, the vampire says with a hollow quality to his voice, as if he was reliving the experience through memory.
Merit, I say. What in the name of Mekki happened to the boy?
The boy took my sacrament, Quint says plainly.
What is it? I ask suspecting the answer.
You already know it is vampire dust, the knights from my order take the cursed ash into our bodies to cleanse it, the boy was uninitiated and tried to cleanse to much too soon and the stress of it killed him and the dust resurrected him.
You did this to him I say beginning to stand.
Yes I did Quint says looking at his own hand.
What happens next? I ask.
My master is telling me to leave you in peace. Quint replies.
He is? I ask. You can tell?
He sees what I see. Quint replies.
Your armor is burning you. I say as I notice a wisp of smoke catching in the breeze.
I can feel it, he says. My master commands me to leave it on.
What is going to happen? I say after a few moments.
I want to rip the skin From your face and lick the blood from your skull while you scream. Quint says as his eyes glow brightly for a moment. But I must do as my maker commands.
What of the temple? I ask
It is nothing to me now, all that remains is my master’s wishes,
I begin to back towards the door.
I am so sorry I could not save you. I say.
So am I. The vampire responds as his outline blurs in the darkness. The last thing I see is a fist flying at my face and after a flash of white everything goes black.
I awaken with the warm sun shining on my face.
I am all the way back to the spot where we started heading east, away from the kings keep and towards the temple.
I look all around for track's or signs but the only thing out of order was a slight splashing of the dirt around where I woke up and was confused to its meaning.
I take it as a sign to finally go back to the kings keep.
I look around for a moment and see the wagon overturned and broken to pieces. I limp over and gather the few remaining provisions in my backpack, the ashes of Sir Rasper and the knight's sword and shield. I also recover the only remaining bag of gold, the bag that was meant for me.
The horses lay dead and bloodless a few feet further from the wagon.
Battered and Bruised, But Alive
I walked west, my head swimming and my face swollen and bruised. I walked until I dropped.
I woke up sometime later and drank the remaining water from my wineskin and found the wilted carrots at the bottom of my pack and thanked Bubba for every delicious bite.
My right eye was swollen shut completely and my vision was blurry from my left and the throbbing in my head made it impossible to meditate so I was left battered, bruised and alone.
I passed the time while walking trying to remember all the times I had been knocked out during this trip and could never decide on a number. But I did decide to purchase a helm at the next town I visited.
I walk for days in a stupor with my face swelling and my head throbbing before I can hear the soft music of a stream in the distance, I try to run but the aches and pains slow my pace back to a determined limp.
I had every intention of removing my clothes and laying them on the bank but that plan was abandoned when I tried to unbutton my pants and scratched my hand on a piece of bone caught in my belt, I pull the bone and drop it to the ground as I wade forward into the water and let myself fall.
The cold water refreshes and revitalized my senses and I let myself be carried along by the stream in the wrong direction from my goal but I did not care. I let my backpack float alongside me as I drift lazily down the river and let the current carry me, washing away the blood, sweat and horror of the past few days.
I drift until I can hear the birds singing in the trees so I swim to the edge of the water and pull myself to shore.
This time I slowly and carefully removed my clothes and lay them out on the beach to dry then crawl to a shady spot under a tree and fall asleep.
I am awoken sometime later by the rumble of approaching footsteps. They are still far off but they shake the ground so I become afraid.
The steps halt for a moment before breaking into a run.
The ground shakes violently as the giant footsteps rumble towards me.
I try to rise but I have trouble discerning up from down and tumble back to the ground.
I moan in frustration as the steps stop a few feet from me.
Elf? Growls a familiar voice.
Kain? I say.
Yes replies the voice.
I try to open my eyes but I cannot.
I think I may be in trouble.
You look like hammered shit. Replies the half dragon as he stoops down and lays a giant scaly hand on my chest.
Vampires are strong. I reply.
And fast. Kain adds.
If you’re going to kill me please do it fast. I say
I'm not gonna kill you, but I can't help you myself there is a village a day’s travel to the west. Kain replies.
How did you find me I say as I feel his rough hands slide underneath and slowly lift me up.
Hard not to Kain replies. You have left a trail of blood I ran across two days ago, or was it three? Anyways I recognized the smell and thought this might to be a good time to square my debt.
Thank you. I reply. I'm bleeding?
From every hole in your head. Laughs the red also your head bone might be broken as well as several ribs and your right arm has a bruised handprint across your wrist , and from the looks of it you been drug behind a horse for a few miles.
Sounds about right. I say.
The dragon begins heading west and soon is moving at great speed and I realized that a day’s travel for him meant at least four days travel for me.
After an incredibly bumpy ride the half dragon skids to a halt at the edge of a small town.
This is as far as I go. Kain says laying me down.
My backpack! I say suddenly remembering setting it down.
The bag drops in my lap and I force an eye open enough to see the dragon's tail swinging back.
I can't see. I say to kain
The town is a quarter mile away west. The half dragon growls.
I can't see. I repeat.
If I go into town there will be trouble. Kain says.
If you can't control yourself, I begin
Shut up. The dragon says picking me back up.
He starts walking at a slow pace and never picks up speed.
The half dragon walks in silence until I hear the crunch of a gravel road.
Kain begins to grumble under his breath and doesn't stop until he sighs deeply and says
Here we go.
A woman in the distance screams, Dragon!
A moment later a bell somewhere in the town is ringing urgently.
I understood what Kain had said about trouble as soon as the voices of the villagers came to our ears.
Run! Dragon! They screamed.
It will eat our children!
It wants our jewels and gold!
Call the kingsgaurd!
It will burn our town!
Kill it quick!
Give it a horse! I hear they eat those!
The dragon sighs deeply and keeps walking forward.
Stand aside Kain loudly grumbles, this elf needs medical attention!
It can talk! A man shouts.
A doctor. He repeats loudly
It wants to eat a doctor!
Eat the elf if you’re hungry!
Go away! Says a young voice.
I am hit in the face with a small rock.
I can feel kain’s muscles tense and he begins to walk towards the rock thrower but I lift a hand to his shoulder and say don’t.
The crowd gasps and a few people scream as the dragon leaps forward and whisper,
Doctor for my friend, now.
I hear a whimper from directly below me and I realized the dragon pounced one of the townsfolk, like a cat would a mouse.
Thank you. Kain says loudly and walks through the crowd.
Quiet conversation follows us in the whimpered direction until two loud bangs make me jump and I hear the dragon shout
Open up! Now!
Here I am! Don’t crash my door! Croaks the voice of an old man from the crowd.
The dragon steps aside while the man opens the door and steps inside.
Come in come in. He says. There is an examination table in the back.
He was in a fight and lost. Kain says
Apparently replies the doctor.
I'm going to give him something to make him sleep while I set these bones, hand me that tray of needles we need to relieve the pressure on his brain.
I feel a liquid pass my lips that numbs my tongue and I am sleeping before I think to swallow.
Strange dreams follow. I see a blue flame in the darkness it appears to me as through a fog dim at first then glowing brighter.
There is a voice whispering my name.
It comes from everywhere and nowhere at once it seems familiar to me but the voice seems faraway and confused.
I awaken sometime later in more pain than I was when I was carried through the door.
By the goddess I moan.
Ah you’re awake! The old man says brightly.
I knew it; I told the dragon that to still be alive with a cracked skull you had the heart of a lion.
Where is he? I ask as I try to sit up.
Easy their son the man says placing a hand on my chest and gently pushing down.
He left after he arranged payment.
Oh I say as I lay back down due to the spinning room.
The swelling in your eyes should be down enough to see in a few days but your skull and ribs and arm might take longer. The old man says. You are more than welcome to stay here as long as you need to.
Thank you I say.
Don't thank me your red friend was most gracious and answered many questions before he left and even saw fit to allow me to draw some blood for the local alchemist.
I would like something to eat and drink. I say.
Of course of course. The man says. Names Krieger.
Pleased to meet you I am Keebler.
A wood elf, Krieger asks.
Yes sir I reply.
Be right back he says as he leaves the room and returns a short time later with fresh bread and cheese and a bowl of chicken soup that I graciously accept.
Krieger takes his leave and allows me to eat and drink my fill of everything but the chicken soup. And after the first real meal in several days I take a short nap and when I awaken there is more cheese and bread and a fine vegetable stew that I drink down quickly.
I then make my first successful attempt to meditate and find my calm place in the world, with my eyes shut I can see my own energy and it is not as vibrant as it was before.
I know exactly how injured I was when it takes payers for my own safety to bring forward the healing light.
My body relaxes as the soft blue light surrounds me and flows with my own.
My prayers of thanks to Mekki are tearful and heartfelt as I feel the swelling in my face goes down and my aches finally subside.
I take a moment after my meditation to check my bag, and everything seems to be in order from Rasper’s ashes, sword and shield to my new sword given to me by Quint. But it seems that Roderick’s book became opened partially in the shuffle. It was a bit of rope that worked its way between the pages. I close my eyes and snap shut the book and set it flat against the bottom of my bag.
I exit the room a short time later and Kreiger is waiting for me.
Sir! Sir! You must lie back down the doctor says attempting to block my path.
I smile and allow kreiger to check my wounds and he is amazed by my recovery.
At deaths door you were!
Heart of a lion!
Whats a lion? I ask.
The doctor laughs and smiles.
A predatory cat found in the dry grasslands far to the south and to those people it represents strength and cunning.
I graciously accept your complement sir. I say to the man with a deep bow.
But, unfortunately I must be off. I say
Sir please no! The doctor says in a sudden panic. I have many questions.
I have already been delayed far too long I reply.
Alright says the man defeated, I only spent the last three days poking needles through your skull so you wouldn't get the brain bleeds, not to mention wiping your ass and spoon feeding you day and night and I won't even mention,
Enough I say, I am sorry for my rudeness. I can perhaps stay for a drink or two.
A Pleasant Conversation
The doctor and I sit down to a small table in the back of his office with a bottle of whiskey and talk late into the night. He asks me many questions and I answer each one as completely as I am able.
First, he begins. How have you been cured?
Everything I did was to stop you from dying. I never stitched any of the numerous cuts on your back or sides; I simply put a salve to cure the infection.
Well sir I pray to the goddess Mekki.
Fascinating. The doctor interrupts.
She, as long as I act in accordance with her guidelines I am gifted with the ability to communicate with animals from the forest realms, I can also bring plants back to health at the cost of my own essence.
And you have done that? The doctor asks.
On many occasions. I reply
Fascinating. The doctor says again, you would use your own spirit to cure a sick plant?
Of course. I reply somewhat confused.
We rely on plants for life, I begin.
Fascinating, the doctor says. How so?
During my meditations I can see an energy being put off by all living things and amongst those energies plant life is always the strongest, blinding in comparison to the light put off by people.
Almost as if plants are the basis of life for the energy they produce is used by all living things.
Fascinating the doctor smiles. How did you come about this knowledge?
In school, all elven children are taught of the circle of life and how we all must live in harmony or risk our own destruction.
What school did you attend? He asks.
Every elf begins his or her education at the home where manners and etiquette are taught as well as respect. Then we go to an Academy and stay for five years where we learn the basics of meditation, forestry, and survival.
Survival? The doctor says surprised.
Yes, the final year we are taken to a vast forest with nothing but our knowledge and prayer and asked to make a living for ourselves.
Hmmm. Says the man.
They come after a year and collect the survivors. I add quickly.
Sounds barbaric. The man says in shock.
Not at all I reply smiling, we require little food and the wisest among us used that time to communicate with nature to gain a better understanding of our relationship with Mekki.
And what knowledge did this deeper meditation gain you? He asks.
I have already told you. I reply.
Plants? He asks smiling.
Plants I repeat.
Do you have a job? He asks after some time.
Pardon? I ask confused.
Something you do for gold. He clarifies.
Not really, I spend most of my time as the guardian of my forest.
Explain forest guardian please. Asks the man pouring us both a drink.
I pick up my glass in salute and toss back the cheap bitter liquor and continue.
After our year of seclusion rangers who have attained the rank of grand master must take on an apprentice, he must travel back to the secluded forest and choose from the survivors an apprentice, together they return the wilderness back to its original state and from there begin the final training.
Go on. The doctor says.
Each master has different methods but my master chose to teach me everything he knew about tracking and spent many years teaching me various tracks and bird calls. Also he taught me herb lore. He is the man responsible for my ability to see the ebb and flow of energies as well.
Not much in the way of combat. The doctor remarks finishing his glass and pouring another.
No, only self defense is taught at the school and it is only used as a last resort.
What was the name of your master? The doctor presses.
I do not know, he never told me and I never asked. I reply.
That's odd. He remarks.
How so? I ask in return.
You lived with this master for how long? He begins.
Eleven summers. I reply.
So you lived and worked with someone for more than a decade and never knew his name. He asks with an incredulous look on his face.
Yes, he was my teacher. I called him master.
And he called you? He asks.
Boy. I reply simply
For eleven years! He shouts.
When you are over two hundred winters old everyone is a boy. I say smiling.
Fascinating the doctor gasps.
How old are you?
Seventy three on the summer solstice. I reply
But you look so young! He says swigging down another drink.
To my people I am. I laugh
When do you die? He asks plainly.
When my journey is over. I reply to the strange question.
No no no, I mean how long do you live? He says pouring us both drinks.
Elves don't age past a certain point; we basically exist until we are no longer useful. I say.
What then? Krieger asks with blurry eyes.
We return to the forest of our birth and go into a deep meditation, there we connect with Mekki and ask to join her, and if she accepts our bodies become trees and our spirits are taken to the foreverwood where we walk in peace for all time.
Oh my. He says looking all around himself at the wooden house.
Do not worry I laugh, cutting down an elf tree is horribly bad luck, as well as next to impossible because they are well guarded by both the elves and the creatures of the forest. It is said that a mother who gives birth under the shade of an elf tree will have healthy offspring and become dangerously fertile.
Wha tha mean? The doctor says feeling his last drink.
Triplets. I say in all seriousness.
Facinating I say for the doctor.
He places a finger on his nose then points to me.
I finish my drink in one sour tasting gulp and tell the doctor it might be time to take a rest. As I attempt to stand and fall back to my seat.
For both of us. I say pouring another drink.
Recovering From Recovery
A voice calls out and wakes me from my temporary stupor.
Papa? The voice of a young woman calls out
Back here Dana. The doctor calls back.
Papa I was worried! You never came home last night! She shouts.
It must be later than I thought he whispers.
Did you hear a dragon attacked the village? She calls out coming around the corner spotting the two of us.
She is a short attractive brunette wearing the white garments of a nurse.
Oh, I see. She says cutting eyes at the empty bottle.
Hi pumpkin, the doctor says sweetly.
Who's your friend? She asks with no change in expression when addressing me.
Greetings ma'am, I am Keebler. I say.
Pleasure, replies the woman curtly.
We were just; doctor Krieger begins but is cut off by the angry young woman.
I know what you were doing! She shouts snatching up the empty bottle and tossing it forcefully against the wall, where it makes a neat circular hole.
The young brunette looks from the hole to the pair of us several times before throwing her hands in the air and screaming.
Look what you made me do!
You promised!
No more drinking that crap!
Papa it's killing you!
And what the hell is that bottle made of?
I try to stand to leave but she turns her glair to me and commands.
Sit, before you throw up!
I obey and the woman stomps her way to the fire and notices it is out.
She is still for several moments before kicking the empty firewood box over sending ash and scraps of bark everywhere.
She screams back through the house and I think she means to strike the old man but she passes right out the front door slamming it behind her.
That's Dana, my daughter, she worries. Krieger says.
Lovely girl. I say with a smirk.
I forgot to get wood, it's the only thing she asks me to do is bring in wood and not let the fire go out he says defensively.
That's quite alright I think I can manage a trip to the woodpile, provided there is wood already chopped? I ask.
The pained look on the man’s face explains everything even before he speaks.
I hold out a hand and smile, I may regret this but if it will make Dana stop looking at me like that I will go retrieve some freshly chopped wood.
You are too kind. The old doctor says smiling.
Perhaps I can use some of this bark to get some embers going, and if you would be so kind to fetch us a pail of water.
Sure I laugh anything else?
No that will be fine he says slowly standing and trying to walk to the stove and failing.
Maybe in a few moments he says sitting back down.
My own attempt was only slightly more successful.
I made it to my feet and all the way to the back door and opened it and was assaulted by the blinding white light of the sun.
I throw up my hands to block the glare of the sun and fall into the outside wall.
Gaaaah! I shout tripping over backwards and hitting my head on a block of wood.
I have never vomited from alcohol before that, and I have not since, but on that day I lost it in a big way all over that kind doctor’s wall, axe and several piles of uncut wood.
I felt much better afterwards and smiled when I saw small stack of dry cut wood.
I grab the wood and bring it back inside and set it down next to the doctor who had made it to the floor in front of the fireplace and was blowing gently on a small fire.
That was quick. I say.
I used a candle. He laughs. Where’s the water?
I don't know where your well is. I reply.
Oh, its right at the corner, each road has one. He says grabbing a few logs from the pile.
I walk out the front door and realize I don't have a bucket and am searching around the side of the house when Dana comes around the corner again, bucket in hand.
Just what I was looking for. I say extending a hand.
She pushes her way past without missing a step.
She is several feet away when she stops and turns.
You vomited did dent you. She says calmly.
Yes ma'am. I reply embarrassed.
Her head drops as she asks.
Make it outside?
Yes ma'am.
Ok, that's a start. Go inside and make sure papa opens the damper so the house isn't full of smoke when I get back.
Yes ma’am.
She turns and starts walking towards the water pump at the end of the road.
I go back inside and doctor Krieger has the beginnings of a nice fire going and is oblivious on the floor to the smoke filling the room...
Dana says don't forget the damper. I say.
Oh damn, the man says turning a knob that allows smoke to pass through the stovepipe outside.
I cough and quickly open the front and back door to allow some of the smoke to clear out and take a much needed seat at the table and it is there that I am still seated when Dana returns with the water.
Papas get off the floor and sit at the table with your friend. She says putting the water on the stove.
No stew for me. I say guessing her intent.
This isn't for stew she replies watching the water carefully.
Just as the water is beginning to steam she takes a small set of glass pitchers and a small stand out of a cupboard and sets then on the table.
Then out of a second cabinet she brings a small bag and pours some of the contents into a cloth pouch, ties it in a knot and drops it on the floor stomping the contents several times.
When she picks the bag up I immediately get an aroma that awakens my senses and makes my mouth water.
That's lovely I say taking a deep breath.
Wait for it, the doctor says smiling like a child.
Dana then takes the bag and sets it on the stand with one of the pitchers below it and grabs the hot water with a rag and pours it over the bag.
I can't describe the way I was affected the first time I smelled fresh brewing coffee
By the time she had filled the pitcher I was so curious to try this new drink I almost ruined it by having a cup with the doctor who took his immediately, I sat there with my cup waiting when Dana looks to me and says,
It is the first time in recorded history that a human has had to tell an elf to be patient.
She takes the second pitcher and replaces it with the full one and the process is started over again but the smell is richer and deeper. She repeats the process several times before pouring my cup full of the black liquid and sliding it in front of me. I take the hot cup and lift it to my nose taking a deep breath. The rich aroma hid a bitter taste and when I took my first sip I must have made a face for Dana picked up a small glass jar of honey and motions to my cup.
I take the small spoon already inside and scoop some into my cup and taste it again and the sweetness coverd the bitterness wonderfully and I was immediately hooked for life.
Where did this come from? I ask
A single trader brings it from over the mountains to the east Krieger says; the trader says it grows wild there.
Fascinating. I say.
The doctor and his daughter smile.
I will have to visit this land one day and see these wild fields.
He has a secret rout, or is a guide, but he tells No one how he makes it across the mountain.
Pity, if I meet the man I might have to convince him to show me. I say smiling.
While we sat and sipped coffee I told the doctor of my mission, its success and failures and he promised to make the trip to the iron fist sometime in the near future.
We make casual conversation about the small village we were in and it's relation to the kings keep and found it to be a heavily traded rout.
Krieger tells me that I could easily barter passage from one of the trader caravans headed in and out of the village on a daily basis.
I bid the man and his daughter farewell shortly after my fourth cup.
Out In Town. 60
I exit the doctor’s clinic and see the brightly decorated town square for the first time. Many shops and people selling trinkets out of small wagons are lining the wide street that extends from the large square.
I stand for a moment looking for my first personal mission and see the familiar shield hanging from a shop at the end of a street at the other end of the square.
I walk quickly through the crowd and make it to the open door of the shop and make my way inside.
Greeting traveler, says the young man from behind the counter.
Greetings sir I reply.
Anything I can help you with? He asks brightly.
Yes sir, I am in the market for a helm. I reply smiling.
What kind ya looking for? He says motioning to a rack of iron helms.
Durable and sturdy sir. I reply.
Well, I can go from mule kick sturdy all the way to the mad god of blacksmiths Griswold crawling out of the eternal forge and strike you in the face with his mighty hammer.
The latter I think. I say thoughtfully.
Well alright! He says excitedly. That kind of quality don't come cheap.
I have gold to spend. I reply.
Then I have just the helm for you! The man says holding up a finger and rummaging underneath the counter to produce a dusty full helm with a removable faceplate.
Been here a while. He says blowing away the layers of dust.
Why is that? I ask.
Too expensive for the folks round here, five hunnerd gold is allot to spend.
What is it made of I say picking up the surprisingly light helm.
Dunno, something fancy and made up sounding. He replies.
Fair enough. I reply laughing.
Try it on see if I need to adjust the padding. The armorer says.
I place the helm over my head and with a gentile shove it slides down and fits snugly.
This will do nicely. I say pulling my bag of gold from my backpack.
I set the heavy bag on the counter and begin to count out the gold when a jewel catches the smith's eye.
Trade it even for the stone he says pointing to a sapphire the size of an eye.
I quickly scan the shop and see a green bow hanging on the wall.
Throw in the bow and a few quivers of arrows and you have a deal. I say.
He says deal without checking to see what bow I am referring to.
He eagerly awaits the perfect blue stone and when I hand it to him I mistake the eagerness in his eyes for greed.
Patience I say smiling.
She has been patient enough. He says smiling ear to ear.
She? I ask.
He holds the stone in his hand and asks. This too big for a ring?
Not at all I reply.
Finally going to ask my girl to marry me he says.
Congratulations. I say warmly.
Love of my life she is, he goes on.
I begin counting out stacks of ten and I make it to a hundred and fifty before the confused armorer asks what I am doing.
Paying for my helm and bow I reply.
What's the stone for then? He replies.
Consider it a wedding present. I say counting out the stacks.
It takes the man several moments for what I said to sink in.
Wow sir, thank you kindly! He says beginning to tear.
As I am counting I see a small glittering gemstone and pull the tiny gem out into the sun and it sparkles brilliantly.
Here I say tossing the jewel to the young man.
This is more suited for a ring; use the blue one for a necklace.
I'm gonna close early today and go have these fitted right away. The man says excitedly.
I nod to the man and begin to take my leave of his shop when he calls out. If you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask!
The general store? I ask.
Two roads down and third building on the right. He says following me to the door. And have a great day sir!
You as well. I reply as I step out of the doorway and I hear the door shut behind me then the sound of a locking door.
I always feel good after doing a good deed. My goddess does not require it of me; I never seek a reward and always try to leave the situation in better condition than when I got there. All for the sake of making people happy because one smiling person makes another person smile, then they each make two people smile and soon the world is a better place.
I smile all the way as I follow the man’s directions to the general store.
A small building waits for me at the conclusion to the man's directions. I enter the small building and greet the shop keep with a friendly good morning.
What's so good about it? The man growls.
I stop in my tracks and tell the scowling man.
The birds are singing.
Bah annoying. He spits.
The sun is shining.
To bright hurts my eyes.
Young love! I say grasping at straws.
Too old for young love, you gonna buy something? He nearly shouts.
Yes, sir. I say after a small pause.
I quickly gather the spices I need to cure my fruit and vegetables and replace my used rations.
I notice a familiar bottle sitting on the bottom shelf of a liquor display behind the counter.
Pardon me sir but where might I find the person responsible for brewing that whiskey? I say pointing to the offending bottle.
Eh why? He asks raising an eyebrow.
I would like to have words with the man responsible for poisoning me. I reply.
It's bottled west end of town in the big building
The man says gruffly.
Thank you I say handing the man a single piece of gold, more than enough to pay for my supplies.
Yep. Says the man who takes the gold and sticks it in the front pocket of his apron then goes back to wiping the counter with a dirty rag.
I leave the general store feeling agitated but I was determined to not let his indifferent attitude ruin my day.
I can see the tall building from where I stood at the shop door. I am standing there deciding on how to proceed when a passer-by takes notice of me and tries to hand me two dirty silver pieces.
I stand confused for a moment and have to stop the kind stranger from walking away.
Wait! I say.
Sorry sir that’s all I have. He replies and continues walking.
No, hold on damn it! I say catching up.
What he says getting annoyed.
Why did you give me your last silver? I ask.
You look like shit, and smell like booze, vomit and a dirty lake. He whispers.
I look down and my shirt and leather pants are shredded and covered in blood.
Oh my I say.
Yeah the man laughs have a good day.
Wait a moment I say.
I am quite hungry is there a place where we might sit and share a meal?
Yeah, I guess but I gave you my last silver. He replies.
Oh here I say handing it back. The meal is on me.
I would like some new clothes I think something nice if it's available. I ask the man.
Yeah the tailor is this way he says motioning for me to follow.
As we walk through the streets the man introduces himself as Cass and he first guides me to a fine establishment where I had custom measurements taken and when he asked what kind of fabric I replied that I preferred the sturdiest materials he had and gave him a small bag with five hundred gold in it.
His eyes nearly popped out of his skull when he saw the bag and made promises to have it all ready and done by the time I was finished with my mid day meal.
I exit the tailor with my new friend and he leads me down a side street to a small eatery that smelled like baking bread.
Not many vegetarian places around so I thought some cheese and bread for lunch would do. Cass says taking a seat near the terrace.
This will do nicley I say looking around the quaint shop and noticing several plants in need of care.
I pull the first out of the direct sunlight and pour some water from my glass on the table into the next.
Water ain't free! Calls the baker from behind the counter.
Yes sir I reply taking the other glass intended for Cass and pouring it into the thirsty plant.
Three more glasses of water I call back to the baker who grumbles but brings them over.
I take the extra glass and pour it into the plant that was sitting in the sun and ask the baker to bring two bowls of soup and a loaf of the bread whose delicious smell was making my mouth water.
Be a copper fer the water he begins but stops short and becomes jovial and kind when I place the gold in his hand.
Thank ye sir. He says smiling to reveal broken yellow teeth. Can I get ye anything else?
No thanks, just the soup and bread. I reply.
Cass and I sit and chat while our soup is being made. He tells me he is a recent graduate of the fighter’s academy.
An institute of higher learning for graduates of primary school, the teenagers are taken to a separate place of seclusion and given special training for specific jobs such as guards training or battlefield medicine. Cass says.
I believe my former commander sir Rasper got his training there. I say.
Garrus Rasper? Cass asks shocked.
Yes. I reply.
That man is a legend amongst the students there. He says in awe. You met him?
I am with him on his final journey. I reply.
Retirement? I would like to shake the man’s hand. He asks.
He is here with us now unfortunately. I say patting my backpack.
He fell? Cass asks in horror.
In battle against evil I reply. Yes.
The teachers tell stories of his courage and Valor to inspire the students. Cass goes on. Tell me of his final journey. So I might tell the others how he fell.
I tell Cass the entire story.
After my story catches up to the point where we are sitting waiting for our soup Cass sits up and wipes a tear from his eye and says to me.
Allow me to accompany the sword of Rasper to its final resting place.
Our soup and bread arrives and we both tear the bread into chunks to soak up the broth before eating the tender vegetables left.
No I reply. You have been a valuable guide in this unfamiliar city, but I will not take anyone with me as you know I have not had good luck with traveling companions.
Please, he continues. This city is a crime filled gutter choking with the bodies of the dead and the vermin that feeds off such things.
Graphic. I say.
I see it every time I walk out my front door. A man died in the streets and laid there for three days before the guards had him taken away. There is nothing but death in this town and I am sick of it.
Then it is up to you to change it. I say.
How? He asks beginning to show anger.
I place a calming hand on his shoulder and say one friend at a time.
He smirks In Reply.
Gather a group of like minded individuals, people like yourself who see the wrong in the community and do something about it.
I can, I mean I will. Cass replies. And I know just where to start.
We finish our bowls of soup and take our leave of the bakery and go our separate ways. I go first and retrieve my set of fine clothes from the tailor and ask for a bathhouse where I quickly go and wash myself off with a sweet smelling lavender soap and dress myself.
I walk purposefully to the brewery although I have no idea how I'm going to approach these men and tell them to stop making that disgusting whisky.
Unfortunately bad taste is rarely against any laws.
I take a trip around the building and see it to be well secured and while I am walking around to the front door a voice calls out from a window.
No trespassers!
I walk forward without saying a word and stand at the front door.
I can hear the men talking inside, they seem worried.
The door opens a crack and a man glares at me. What are you doing here?
It comes to me all at once.
In the name of the good king Friday I command you to open this door. I say calmly.
More hurried whispers as the man looks away to speak with the unseen people in the room, when he looks back I am an inch away from his face.
NOW! I shout in his face causing him to jump.
I use the opportunity to force open the door causing the man to fall over backwards.
I step over him and inside where there are at least twenty large men all carrying kegs or the wooden paddles used to stir the vats.
As I said I am here under the authority of the king I say pulling the cloth with the king’s symbol out of my backpack and holding it up for everyone to see.
The workers all put down what they are carrying and grow quiet.
I see a bottle of the same whisky. I stride over and snatch it up in my hand and ask who is responsible for making this?
We don't make it my lord we just bottle it. Says the man who opened the door.
Not anymore. I say as I attempt to smash the bottle on the floor but it only bounces away.
Pick that up. I say. Someone could get hurt.
Several men collide in attempt to pick up the bottle so I know I have their attention.
I wouldn't feed that swill to a damn dirty goblin. I shout at the men.
What do we do with it all sire? Squeaks a man from the stills.
I don't care. Sell it as a fire starter. I shout.
When I return here I will check in on you. I say turning to walk out the door.
When? Asks a nervous man standing by the door holding it open for me as I approach.
When the king commands. I say quietly as I walk out.
On The Way Back Ch. 61
I leave the brewery feeling like I did a good thing and went and easily found a caravan headed to the kings keep and signed on for guard duty.
The return trip to the king was uneventful for the first week, a nice rest lounging in the back of a wagon with eight other adventurers all going the same place hitching a ride just as I was.
I engaged the fellows in a polite conversation during the three week journey back to the castle, I told them of my recent adventure and of the iron fist and the tournaments that will be held there and they seemed eager to visit and participate. Of course I told them that if they said they knew me the entry fee would be waived, unfortunately I did that allot in those first months that caused quite a commotion but more on that later,
It was on the ninth day when the outward scouts heard it, a woman's scream echoing from the bottom of a steep ravine. By all accounts the woman was in great pain and suffering terribly so a few of my fellows and I chose to go and help the poor girl out,
A thick armed man who I assume was a metal smith by his numerous burn scars and large stature suggested that we pull the wagon close and tie on a rope so we could climb down with ease and pull the girl to safety with the power of the horses and we all agreed to the idea.
It took only moments to move the wagon into position but when it came time to tie the rope we found that we had none,
Standing above the great crack in the ground we could hear the woman's cries echoing off the steep walls, just one word repeated over and over,
The four of us were standing there contemplating the climb down when I remember the rope Bubba got for me with my provisions when our journey began and quickly pulled it out of my backpack to the stern looks of the man about to attempt the climb without any aid.
I tie off the rope and we quickly make our way down the steep slope knocking loose rocks sending them tumbling into the shrubbery below.
Take it easy! A short legged Halfling shouts at the large smith.
Easy for you to say. He replies as he reaches the bottom with rope to spare.
Take it easy lady. He says. We will have you out of here in no time.
The large man waits and we approach the sound as a group.
Where are you? Shouts the Halfling.
She is over there in those bushes says the third man, I saw them move just now.
I, along with the three walk towards the indicated shrubs and hear the sound of a galloping horse from behind us and we quickly turn and see what looks like a tan cow with a wolf's face and a large domed skull charging directly at us.
The group tries to scatter but the beast leaps with astounding speed and collides head first with the smith knocking him to the ground and the wind from his lungs. The smith goes limp his hands going out wide as he hits the ground, the beast stands up on its hind legs and uses its long black claws to rake his chest tearing right through the thick leather and the tender skin beneath.
The man fails weakly and begins to scream and the beast stops clawing and slams it's forehead into the man’s face over and over.
I pull my sword and run the creature through pinning it to the ground and the creature begins making the exact same scream as the man as it tries to return to its clawed feet.
Two of the others run to aid the fallen man.
The third runs to the bush but stops short and looks to the bush then to me.
Help me get her out of here! He says.
I don’t have time to say anything as he is pulled screaming into the bush
I pull my bow and fire an arrow at the one pinned by my sword to end it's terrible mimicking cry only to hear the man in the bushes screams of pain followed by the muffled
I tear the sword free from the creature and realize it still lives. It can hardly draw breath and is making a wheezing noise that sounds like a Childs pitiful cry.
I decapitate the beast and my skin is crawling.
Then from behind me I hear.
I turn with my sword drawn and see the beast covered in blood stepping out of the bushes.
Haaaaaalp It cries.
I begin to circle the beast.
It does the same.
It stops.
I do the same.
The beast calls out.
I hear the sound of galloping from behind me and I know my error just as the beast lands on my back.
I believe I am about to die at the bottom of some nameless ravine out in the middle of the kings nowhere when the beast yelps and falls off to the side.
I look up and see my sword is within reach and I have just enough time to grab it before the bloody beast was upon me.
I held my sword by the blade and handle pressing away to keep the beast from my throat. It is incredibly strong and its jaws are snapping inches away from my face.
Again a yelp from the beast and it falls on top of me.
I am trapped there under the weight of the beast when I hear a familiar voice from the town.
Glad I decided to follow you, says Cass.
I try to say so am I but it comes out as
Let me help you with that. Cass says as I feel the bulk of the creature begin to shift.
Help me damn it, this things heavy. Cass says grunting with strain.
I wiggle my arms loose and help him to tip the creature over.
I draw in a great shuddering gasp as the young man offers a hand to help me to my feet that I gladly accept.
I quickly look to the smith and he is in the same spot bloody and alone.
Where are the other two? I ask.
Diddent see anyone but you and the big guy when I came down Cass replies pulling an arrow from the beasts head and wiping it on his leathers.
I walk to the smith and I can see where the other two were and where they were hit from behind and drug into the bushes several yards away.
I follow the trail to the bushes and see the pool of blood flowing from underneath and when I part the bushes to step inside I hear that sound again but from many voices at once and quickly spot a nest full of the creatures infants.
I release my grip on the branch when I hear the sounds of more of the beasts in the distance.
Let's get out of here Cass says.
Agreed I say grabbing the bodies and pulling them out of the bushes.
Grab the one out of the other bush I say I might need help with the big guy.
We hoist the last body back up to the wagon as the sounds of galloping hooves could be heard echoing off the stone walls.
Back inside the wagon I sit across from Cass.
Glad they let me ride. He says
There were open seats. I reply plainly.
You told me you were going to make a difference when we last spoke. I say.
Yes I did. Cass replies
You said you knew just where to start. I say.
Yes I did. Cass replies.
How are you planning on doing that here? I ask.
Training. Cass replies plainly.
What's that supposed to mean? I ask getting a bad feeling.
You can train me! Cass says brightly.
No I reply.
But. Cass begins
If you
But you
Damn it let me talk! Cass shouts.
No. I reply.
Why? He pleads.
It is beyond my capabilities to train you. I say
No its not! Cass shouts
I am still learning, how can I teach you if I am but a student? I ask.
You know lots of stuff. Cass says calmly.
So do you. I reply just as calmly.
Are all elves as easy to talk to as you? He says half joking.
No, some elves would not even acknowledge your existence. I reply. Most would see you as a lower race, a short lived violent evil tree killer, an impatient foul smelling, I attempt to go on but Cass cuts my rant short with simple logic.
What's the worst that could happen? He asks.
I count off the various ways people around me have lost their lives.
You could be run down by a rabid cow or whatever that thing was, you could be captured and forced into slavery, you could be beaten half to death by a nine foot tall red half dragon, you could be transformed into a soulless, mindless blood sucking abomination, shall I go on?
What you are saying is I'm not ready. Cass says simply.
Yes, that is what I am saying. I reply thinking I finally reached the young man.
Good then we are in agreement, Cass says.
Yes I agree.
I need training. He says with finality.
Are all Humans this stubborn? I ask smiling.
Yes, some even worse than me. My cousin got into a disagreement with a dwarf and settled it the dwarven way. Cass says
Head butt? I ask already knowing the answer.
Yep, broken nose, jaw and a cracked skull. He replies.
Did he win the argument? I ask.
Are you kidding? He almost died! Cass shouts laughing.
I mean was he right? I ask.
No, he is an idiot. Who argues with a dwarf over the price of a gem? Cass laughs.
Point taken I say.
The point, Cass begins. Is this is going to be a long wagon ride, even longer with me pestering you the whole time.
And pester me he did.
The entire trip.
I, having just lost more than half of my company would hear none of it.
He only relented in his personal quest when I promised to introduce him to the dirt circle when we arrived at the kings keep.
Are you familiar with unarmed combat? I ask.
Of course I grew up poor. He laughs.
Then it is there you will gain the experience necessary to accomplish your goal. I say
What is my goal? Asks the young man.
The same as mine, to fight evil. I reply.
Evil only exists when the good do not act. Cass says to himself.
That is exactly right I say putting a hand on the mans shoulder.
And if an inexperienced man tries to stop an evil act? Cass asks.
They will most likely fail. I reply
Why do you set me up for failure? He pleads.
You are skilled at negotiation. I say.
But unskilled at combat, you can see how that puts me at a disadvantage. He says almost smiling.
Fine, if you demand training by my hands it will be done on our way to see the king... I say.
How will we train inside the wagon? He asks.
I point to the ceiling.
Oh. Cass mutters as I climb my way out the window to the roof.
Atop The Wagon
I stand at the ready as the young Cass climbed awkwardly through the window to the roof.
He stood before me on unsteady legs, trembling with fright.
Is this necessary? He shouts over the sound of the steel belted wheels crunching over the gravel.
You want training? I whisper.
What? He shouts.
I begin my attack suddenly by stomping his foot causing him to lose balance and fall, rolling off the back of the wagon and almost hitting the ground but caught the ledge of the window and pulled himself back up.
That's cheating! He shouts almost to his feet. I use my foot to sweep his arms out from underneath him causing him to fall again.
Damn you! He growls in frustration.
I allow the young man to make it to his feet.
He stands at the ready.
I make a move like I'm going to stomp his foot again and when he predictably pulls his foot and looks down I give him a crisp open handed slap across the right cheek.
He never saw it coming.
When he looks up in surprise I give him the foot stomp he was expecting.
Gaaah! Cass shouts falling backwards.
Damned dirty elf! He shouts in frustration.
I dash forward and snatch the young man up by the face and hold him up just over the edge of the roof.
This is for your benefit I say.
There is no reason to be rude.
I'm Sorry. Cass squeaks.
Apology accepted. I say pulling him forward onto the relative safety of the roof and releasing the man.
Are you ready? I ask.
Yeah. He says rubbing his jaw.
We spar for an hour in the same manner with basically the same results; I have to stop the eager young man from falling off the wagon several times.
Be mindful of your surroundings. I say catching his collar after a particularly clumsy swing that throws him off balance.
We begin combat again and I say.
Learn from your mistakes or you will keep making them.
He dodges the first foot stomp then the follow up jab and counters with a quick uppercut that catches me just behind the chin. I roll with the punch to a handstand and use the momentum of the blow to swing my foot up to connect a glancing blow to the man's chin and he begins to stagger but drops down and lowers his stance for better balance.
I complete my acrobatics but stay crouched and swing my left foot out wide in an attempt to sweep the man’s feet out from under him, but he anticipated the move and brought his foot down like a doorstop causing my leg to bounce painfully off his foot.
He jolts from the impact and stays in a crouched position, but I fall flat on my stomach and Cass, utilizing the opening leaps onto my back. His legs are around my stomach in a flash and when I attempt to rise further he wraps my arms and neck in a strange hold that stops the air from reaching my lungs and causes my face and ears to immediately throb in pain.
I begin to panic.
Cass sees my distress and releases the hold.
I cough for several moments causing my head to spin so I lay flat on my back.
Sweet mother, what was that? I say after I am able.
You never wrestled before? He asks smiling in spite of himself.
No, I have not. I reply. That was awful.
Awful effective. The man smirks.
Perhaps it is you who will train me. I say from the flat of my back.
Cass sits beside me in shock for several moments before saying.
If we can do it from the comfort and safety of the wagon I will show you everything I know.
Agreed I say sliding off the side of the wagon to enter the window in one swift motion.
Under Pressure
Several awkward moments later Cass is beside me and he begins by telling me about the circulatory system and how it spreads life through the veins and muscles.
He demonstrates by placing a single finger on my throat just beside the lump and I can immediately feel pressure begin to build. I can still breathe but my temples begin to throb and I pull away.
Magic? I ask.
No, the pressure you feel is the blood trying to pump but my finger is blocking it. Cass says
The young man holds my arm above my head and strikes me in the armpit with a single knuckle, I begin to panic when my arm goes numb and I can't feel it.
What have you done? I say excitedly.
It's temporary, he says quickly, but I just shut off your arm for a few moments.
It's most unpleasant
. I say.
The harder you do it the longer it lasts. He says. That was a gentile tap, the softest I could make it while still achieving the desired effect.
How did you learn how to do this? I ask impressed.
My father was a doctor and I used to help him, he found out by accident that clamping off certain veins he could help prevent blood loss, he also found out that if it's done to long the person will suffer brain damage, it's what led to his death
How is that? I ask.
After he saved a few people using the clamp method he got kind of famous, the wealthy and powerful came to his shop to be cured and once a lords son fell beneath a plow and was mangled horribly and was brought for care to my father.
We had to clamp several spots on the boy just to keep him alive while we stitched his wounds, and we saved the boy but when he woke after the operation he would not move or speak and it was then we realized what we had done.
When they came for the boy my father knocked me down the stairs into the cellar and locked the door, I could just barely hear the shouts from the angry lord, he struck down my father and murdered his own son and left them both there.
It took me three days to break the door and escape.
I ran to the guards and when I told them what happened they informed me that the Lord had already been to the guard post and told them basically the same thing.
Why diddent you send someone for my father? I say beginning to cry.
Not my job. The guard said simply.
I stood there in front of a dozen guards in shock.
Is he in jail? I ask quietly.
Of course not. The Capitan laughs.
What? I scream.
The Capitan becomes angry at this point and slams his fist on the table before grabbing my arm forcefully and yanking me off my feet.
What do you think lord means you ignorant little shit? He shouts in my ear.
He owns everything you see including all of us and even the garbage you see in the mirror.
What am I going to do? I ask the man.
Rot in an orphanage, your too old to adopt. He laughs.
I can go back to my dad's shop. I say trying to pull away.
Your dad's shop and everything in it were claimed by the Lord as payment for his loss.
No no please. I cry.
Settle down or I'm gonna knock the wax outa your ears. He screams in my ear as I struggle to get away.
Just give me a chance, please I say growing still.
What do you say boys? The Capitan asks the guards assembled.
Won't give much of a chase. Says a man standing in the back.
We will see about that. I shout back.
Ooooooohhhhhh. The guards say together.
Ok, the Capitan says. You get a twenty count,
We lock eyes and I look to my arm then back to him.
Nineteen he says smiling.
Let go. I shout.
Eighteen he says.
I try to jerk away.
I kick at the man’s shin.
Gonna have ta try harder than that! Shouts a laughing guard.
I pull the dagger from his belt and in a rage shove it deep into the man’s groin.
He lets me go.
I run out of the guard post and into the night followed by the man’s high pitched scream.
I ran so far and so fast I don't even know if they chased me, I ran home and grabbed the gold from the floorboards of my father's room and ran out of town and never looked back.
I made it to a nearby town and rented a room above a general store and kept a low profile for years before I figured out that no one was looking for me, been trying to help people whenever I can ever since.
Admirable. I say.
Yeah, looks good on parchment, but what it adds up to is me getting my ass kicked and having nothing to show for it.
With your skills you should have no problem defending yourself. I say.
Really? Ever tried to wrestle two fully grown men at the same time? He says.
No. I reply
I have. It's not easy and it usually involves one of them wiggling free and kicking me in the head while I choke his friend.
I see. But the pressure points. I begin.
Oh yeah, all I have to do is wait for them to hold their arm above their head and remain still so I can knuckle punch them in the armpit. He says sarcastically
I see your point. I reply.
Train me to fight, he says once again.
We will train each other. I say.
You and your bow will accompany me to the kings keep and you will return to the iron fist with me and we will expand our knowledge together.
We spend the remainder of our time discussing the ethics of combat and I see his personal code is almost identical to mine.
Always show mercy if asked.
Never strike a downed opponent.
Never draw a sword against an unarmed opponent.
And most importantly, do not take any life unnecessarily.
If you were born an elf you would be a fellow ranger. I say
If I was born an elf I would still be living with my father. He replies
The Outpost
We arrive at the king’s outpost a fortnight later and I see things had certainly changed since the last time I was here.
Usually a quiet rest stop on the long difficult road to the kings keep many adventurers use this place to heal and rest.
But today the streets were swarming with guards and the open air stables for the inn were almost empty.
I find out why when we pulled up to the gates.
No traveler's at this time. Barks a pair of guards.
I exit the back of the wagon and come around to the front to try to reason with the guards when one of the men recognized me.
He quietly and quickly whispers something to his companion whose eyes go wide for a moment before he continues
Greetings sir, he begins.
Everything is in order, Lord Barclay is in custody in the holding cells and his personal guards were put to the sword when they would not stand down.
And the slaves? I ask.
The ones who wanted to go were sent out on seven caravans about three weeks ago and should be returning in another three.
And the one's that stayed? I ask.
Given jobs at a decent wage is what the Capitan says. The man replies.
And who is your Capitan? I ask.
I can take you to him. The guard says motioning us forward.
I call to Cass and introduce him as my personal squire and ask him to be outfitted and armed in the finest weapons and clothing.
He is taken to the tailor and I follow a pair of gaurds past the town square and I expect our destination to be the sprawling manor at the crest of a large man made hill but we walk past it to the gaurd post where I see Arrod sitting behind a desk.
He stands immediately upon seeing me and greets me with a hearty handshake.
We were sent off thinking you dead. He says.
We drank many toasts in your honor.
Yes, I reply. I am puzzled by the wooden carapace I woke up in.
Yeah we saw Bubba carry you up; we thought it was a carving of you at first until they took you to the herbalists.
The troll, marn said they buried you in the dirt and Tom the herbalist planted an acorn in the mound.
That is true; my goddess helped me decide that it was not yet my time.
Glad she did, replies Arrod. So what's new?
I tell Arrod the story of the iron fist and let him know that this will be the primary place people are going to go to get a ride through the desert.
Of course he replies after I tell him that we will need a reliable and trustworthy caravan rout set up to bring people to and from the tournaments on a regular basis, Every three weeks a caravan will make the journey. I draw out the symbol on a scrap of parchment and he has a few men take to a wood carver for mass production.
We talk more of wages and a cost of living increase for the new guards and I agree as well as offer hazard pay for the drivers of the coaches.
Arrod tries to send a messenger to retrieve smiley from his duty guarding the Lord Barclay but I instead decide to visit the both of them at the holding cells.
I take my leave of Arrod and his men and follow his directions to the holding cell located in the basement of the large manor at the center of town.
Kept a prisoner in his own castle. I think to myself as I make my way to the cellar door at the back of the large three story house.
It stands open and I call down.
Anyone home?
Just us criminals. Calls a familiar voice.
I begin to make my way down when the voice calls out again this time with a serious edge.
Who goes there?
Keebler, of the forest realm. I reply.
Who? He shouts
Keebler the elf I shout.
I hear the scraping of a chair on stone followed by the hurried armored footsteps of Arrod’s simple minded partner smiley.
It is you! He says looking up at me from the bottom of the long set of stairs.
We thought you was dead he says smiling.
So I have heard. I reply making my way down the stairs to see a man who bears a striking resemblance to the king sitting in a comfortable chair reading a book.
He looks at me with distaste and snarls.
Who is that?
My friend Keebler I told you about. Smiley says to Lord Barclay.
The dead one? He says skeptically.
Yes, only he ain’t dead. Smiley says happily.
May I sit? I ask the lord.
If you must. He replies curtly.
I take a seat at the table.
Lord Barclay sets down his book and sighs exasperatedly.
How long must I remain locked in my own basement? He says.
I am here to take you to your next destination. I reply.
And where in the blazes is that? He shouts.
To stand before the king. I reply.
For what? He shouts again.
To stand in judgment for the crime of slave trading. I reply calmly.
I did no such thing! He shouts and attempts to stand but the shackles hidden beneath the table jangle noisily and prevent him from standing fully upright.
Your own men admitted you sent them to provide security. I say looking across to the old man.
He sits back down quietly with as much dignity as he can muster.
The Capitan took my guards without my permission. He says quickly.
Smiley reaches across the table and punches the lord Barclay in the mouth rocking him back violently in his chair.
No he diddent. Smiley growls.
I can pay you, he says quietly wiping a drop of blood from his lip.
Pay? I ask.
Yes, I am rich. I can give you a king’s fortune. He says looking hopeful.
That's a coincidence, I say to the lord. We just gave away a kings fortune. To the slaves.
Liar, Barclay spits.
I do not lie, I say. We sent every piece of gold out with the people you helped imprison.
I will have your head for this. He spits in a rage.
Perhaps, but not today. I reply
I nod to smiley and he unlocks the shackles from the table leg and hands them to me.
I immediately hand them to Barclay.
You carry your own weight on this trip. I say
Well I never, the Lord says indignantly.
And with that attitude, you never will. I reply.
Smiley steps forward and places a hand on the small of his back gently nudging him towards the stairs.
I will come along quietly if you would allow an old man his dignity. I require a moment to gather a few things. The Lord Barclay says with a soft, defeated tone to his voice
If you swear by your word that you will not attempt to escape I will allow you time to gather provisions. I reply.
The man nods.
Smiley, if you would please unlock the Lord's chains and accompany him to collect his things. I say aloud to the lord.
That won't be necessary. Barclay says off handedly.
I'm afraid it will. I reply.
Why? The lord snaps. You have my word.
The guard is for your protection. I say simply.
My protection? From whom? Barclay scoffs.
Some of the slaves you kept remained here and are still within the walls of the manor.
I see Barclay replies.
I have an escape hatch in my bedroom that leads to the wine cellar, if I could use that we wouldn't have to walk amongst the staff.
Agreed, I say against my better judgment.
The lord Barclay walks, free of his chains to the wine cellar and a section of the brick wall that he presses gently revealing it to be a vertical pass way adorned with a ladder made of sterling silver.
Interesting choice for material. I comment.
Yes, I thought it looked marvelous. The lord says as he climbs the ladder.
Smiley looks to me and I nod in approval and the large man climbs up the ladder behind him.
I wait in silence for several moments before I am startled by a small explosion echoing down the passage.
I run to the ladder and shout to smiley but receive no answer but see Barclay peering down at me.
He drops what looks like a glass bottle down the hole where it bangs against the ladder and shatters igniting the fluid that was inside.
I dive out of the passageway and roll out of the killing flames just in time to see the flames blacken the stone and melt the ladder almost instantly.
Dragonsbreath. I mutter as I run full speed up several sets of stairs and see the elderly man a set of stairs above me waddling down alone arms full of bags and cases.
I catch the man easily and stand before him, blocking his exit.
You broke your word. I say.
Stand aside elf. The lord spits. I haven't the time to waste on you.
I advance towards the man when he drops his bags and reveals a long hollow metal pipe.
I have seen something like it before and know what a misfire can do so I stop.
Stand aside. Barclay repeats.
Smiley? I shout locking eyes with the lord.
He won't answer you, the Lord says smiling. My black powder gun tore him in half, so unless you want the same do as I command and step aside.
I step to the side and Barclay wisely keeps the weapon between us as he makes his way down the many flights of stairs and out the front door that he closes behind him.
I stand for a moment, waiting for him to put some distance between us before opening the door when I hear a villager shout.
It's Barclay! Get him!
I open the door and have almost made it to the steps of the grand porch when Barclay, already in the street grabs a small child and pulls her close aiming his weapon rapidly from person to person.
Stand back. He screams in a panic as a man rushes forward.
No, the Lord begins but the sound of the weapon discharging cuts him off.
The man is knocked backwards and blood splashes the crowd as he falls dead to the ground
Daddy! The girl cries as Barclay presses the smoking weapon to her head.
Get back peasant! He shouts backing up and into a huge half ogre.
The lord spins around and looks up in horror as a giant black nailed hand reaches out and snatches the weapon out of his trembling grasp and drops it to the ground.
I will snap her; he begins but stops when the other hand reaches out and snatches the man up by the throat shaking the small girl from his grasp.
Snap her? Bubba says squeezing. Like this?
Stop! I shout running towards my friend.
The ogre sees me and smiles.
There you are! He says happily.
Hi Bubba I say as I near the pair.
Who's this? Bubba asks hoisting up the lord by the neck and letting him dangle.
A criminal, wait! I say as Bubba lifts the man over his head to slam into the ground.
A criminal who must stand before the king for his crimes. I say quickly.
Awww. Bubba says crestfallen, dropping the man to the ground where he lay coughing and gasping for many moments.
The crowd is in a mob all around us howling for the lord Barclay’s blood.
I raise my hands to quiet the crowd and they grow silent.
I am taking this man to stand before the king for his numerous crimes. I say loudly
Not good enough!
Hang him here!
Stone him! Shouts villagers in the crowd.
No, I reply He will pay for his crimes in prison.
He is the king’s cousin!
He will be set free! They shout.
The king is a good man and will see he pays for what he done. Bubba shouts in a commanding voice that silences the crowd.
The half ogre then reaches down and picks the lord off the ground by the ankle and holds him up for everyone to see.
And if he doesn’t, I will rip his head off and return it here! Bubba shouts giving the man a shake to the approval of the crowd.
Hey there elf! Comes a familiar gruff voice from behind me.
I turn to see twizzlick holding out a half empty bottle.
Whad I miss?
Bar? I ask
Bar. The smiling dwarf replies.
Bubba, care to join us? I ask
Yup. The ogre says nodding.
Whadda bout him? Twizz says pointing to the lord Barclay.
He can come too. Bubba says happily.
Put the chains back on him. I say.
No, I want him to try and run. Bubba says lifting the lord back to his feet and dusting him off.
W...who...why? Stammers the lord.
Because I want to bite your feet off. Bubba says placing a black clawed hand on Barclays shoulder.
Can he do that? The lord says to me cowering in fear.
Good luck trying ta stop im, if he gets a mind to. The dwarf says solemnly.
Best to fall in line. I add
The lord looks back to Bubba and the ogre bares his mouthful of razor sharp fangs and clacks them inches away from the Lord's face causing him to scream and fall back in fear.
We stand laughing as the lord picks himself up when I remember smiley.
I run up the many sets of stairs to the Lord's personal bedchamber
I see smiley laying face first against a dresser with two handfuls of clothes clenched in each fist.
I stand there unable to move, trying to think of what to tell Arrod when the large man groans and takes a deep coughing gasp.
I sprint over and kneel down.
Smiley. I say at a loss for words.
He coughs again, get me Offa this damn thing.
It may injure you further. I say.
I'm already dead, and this hinge is poking me in the chest.
His arms twitch several times before they find purchase beneath the man.
He makes an attempt to push off the dresser and only groans in pain so I help him by carefully rolling him over to his side.
How bad is it? He asks.
I lift his cloak and look to the small blackened hole in his boiled leather armor that was pouring blood onto the oak floor with every beat of his heart.
It's not good, I say. You have a hole in your back right on your spine and it's bleeding.
Can you fix it? He asks beginning to sob.
I can stop the bleeding, but anything that is not set correctly will heal that way.
Keebler, I can't see anything. I don't have long. Please, smiley begins but stops to choke on the blood that suddenly filled his mouth.
Ok, I say as I sit cross legged and reach out to the man's quickly diminishing aurora with my own.
I join our energies and immediately feel myself being pulled down into the blackness,
I pray to Mekki and see the blue light surround us and a feeling of peace washes over me and I hope smiley feels the same.
I float weightless for many moments in this black space before I hear smiley’s voice.
Where am I? He says
You are in a dream of sorts. I begin.
That's good; he replies I thought I was dying.
You were, and you almost took me with you. I say calmly.
Yes, I remember falling and I was scared but you caught me. He says.
Yes, I reply as I bring myself out of my meditative state.
I open my eyes and Bubba, twizzlick and Cass are sitting quietly on the lord Barclays four post bed.
Bout time. Grunts the dwarf.
How long was I out? I ask expecting to hear a few hours a most.
Been near ta two days. Bubba replies.
Bubba, twizzlick this is my friend Cass. I begin.
Been sitting on dis bed for two days, we knows each udder. Bubba laughs.
I attempt to stand but my legs are numb and I am forced to rub the cramps out for several moments before getting to my feet.
Yeah, two days on a hardwood floor will make your ass fall asleep for sure. Smiley says from the pillows at the head of the bed.
Hello sir, how are you feeling? I say sitting forward and accepting the hand from Bubba who helps me to my feet.
Bout half. Smiley says holding out a hand and shaking it side to side.
Thought you died. Arrod says from the doorway holding a tray loaded with food.
I get that a lot. I say taking a piece of bread and a glass of wine.
I quickly learn that smiley will no longer have the use of his legs but he is in high spirits and makes many jokes about going for walks when he felt better.
We sit and discuss the past few weeks apart. I tell them about my failure with Quint and merit, they agree something must be done about them after our meeting with the king.
They tell me that the iron fist is up and running with hundreds of paying customers a week.
Bubba suddenly remembers something that makes him grow angry.
Just so ya knows, yer name don't mean nothing at the door anymore. The ogre shouts pointing a black nailed finger at me.
Pardon me? I say confused.
Been telling folks that if dey knowed ya Dey don't gotta pay ta gets in. Bubba growls.
A few perhaps. I say
Word got out an now everyone knows ye. Twizz adds.
Oh my. I say at a loss. I had not thought of that.
It's fine. Bathuk's got it handled. Twizz replies.
Who? I ask.
The door troll, his name Bathuk of clan Bonegnasher. Bubba replies.
Graphic. I say smiling.
Nice feller, Twizz adds. A hard worker an as loyal as he is ugly.
Is he being paid appropriately? I ask
Yup, an always has been by my knowledge, Twizz begins. One of the few that was paid to work. He comes into the bar once in a while and we been talking,
He says he sends his gold to some giant red dragon in the mountains.
Why? I ask surprised
Some deal his people made ages ago. Sumthin bout mining rights to the mountain.
When we return I will have to speak with him about that. I say.
Don't get that one angry. Twizz says uncharacteristically cautious.
That's not like you. I say smiling.
I heard things, twizz says. When the tournament was kill or be killed his winning move was to bite his opponents head off an spit it into the crowd.
It's a fifty foot wall. I say.
I know. The dwarf replies.
Good security troll. Bubba adds.
Aye that he is. Twizz agrees.
We spend much time talking and catching up there with smiley and Arrod before we decide to take our leave of the outpost and make our way to the kings keep.
But first, I say. The three of us must have a meeting with the townsfolk.
Bubba, twizzlick, Arrod, Cass and I all take our leave of smiley and leave him at the lord Regis's Mansion and make our way to the town and pick up ninety five percent of the lord Regis who hobbled out of the surgeon's on a set of wooden crutches.
Pale, shackled and holding his stump of a foot off the ground the lord Barclay crutches over to Bubbas side and never looks past the dirt until we were back in the wagon.
We walk together with Arrod and Barclay to a small stage that at one time was used for public executions.
A crowd quickly gathers, guards, traveler's and townsfolk all standing at the foot of the stage staring at the lord Barclay and hating him.
We are taking the criminal Barclay, or what's left of him to stand trial. I shout.
The crowd looks puzzled for a moment before someone in the front row calls out.
Look at his foot!
The crowd applauds.
How's dat feel my lord? Bubba asks.
I, I, the Lord stammers.
You were delicious. Bubba interrupts the man.
I, I, he begins again.
Mmmmm, Bubba says smacking his lips together.
I quiet the crowd.
Who would you choose to lead you? I shout.
A guard in the front calls out, our Capitan is the one responsible for setting us all free and bringing us safely here.
The crowd roars its approval and Arrod is appointed steward.
My first decree is to re-open the traveler's outpost to everyone! Arrod shouts.
My second is to appoint my successor, my dear friend Eolis, better known as smiley.
Bubba twizz Cass and I leave the new steward to his speeches and take the first caravan out of town.
And back.
To the kings keep.
The Ride Back
It was almost sad sitting in the back of the wagon with Bubba and twizz, I would look over and expect to see Rodrick and Kayla sitting there with fhex under his bench tinkering with something and quickly remember in vivid detail how they came to not be with us anymore.
If I had a bottle I would drink a toast I say after a long silence.
Ye think I wouldn't be prepared elf? Twizz says happily pulling a bottle from under his seat.
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar. I say taking the bottle.
Don't ye be telling anyone that crap. The dwarf says with a belch.
We laugh and share the first of many bottles, after the third or fourth Bubba even allowed the lord Rasper to drink.
The lord eagerly accepts the bottle and takes several large drinks in a row making him cough.
Enjoy it while ya can stumpy. Bubba says patting the king’s cousin on the back.
Thank you. He manages to reply.
Don't thank me, you’re a cripple and you’re going to the worst place in the world. They are going to eat you alive.
Bwahahaha! Twizz bursts out laughing.
We both look to him confused.
You said eat him alive! The dwarf manages between his raucous laughter.
I have to motion to Barclays foot for Bubba to get the joke and when he dose we all share a laugh, except for Barclay who looked uncomfortable.
Unfortunately the rest of the trip was a blur; I get brief flashes through the fog.
I remember,
Bubba and Cass urinating off the back of the moving wagon.
Twizzlick farting on the lord Barclay and the man leaning over the side and vomiting a record twelve times.
We also learned that Bubba could not speak ogre.
I mom was human. He says with a hint of anger in his voice. The bastards in da mine was human. Where would I learn ogre? My dad? Ya knows him?
We could find him. The lord Barclay said suddenly awake and still very drunk. I never knew my dad Nether he says wrapping both his arms around one of Bubbas massive ones.
We all stop and look down at Barclay when he falls back asleep and slides off the bench onto the floor and vomits all over Bubbas feet.
Bubba looks furious for a moment before bursting out in laughter.
Serves me right! He says. After I bit off his foot I did the same thing!
Nightmares ahoy! Says Cass putting a hand over his eyes to block the imaginary sun and pointing towards the back of the wagon as if he has already spotted one.
We laugh and don't stop until we reach the kings keep.
The Kings Keep
We arrive at the kings keep two weeks later and leave the caravan at the brightly colored town square where the merchants from the open air market all came to inspect the merchandise.
The lord Barclay, on the long hobble up the king’s path tried many times to get Bubba to set him free promising everything he could think of.
Bubba would have none of it and when the lord started to slow Bubba picked him up like a sack of potatoes and carried him all the way to the king’s door.
Two guards quickly open the door for Bubba as he strides forward.
Welcome back sir, one of the men says as he passes by.
Morning Carl, Bubba says nodding and walking through the door and right to the grand receiving hall.
We were surprised to see several banquet tables set out and dozens of men all wearing silk bedclothes all sitting together and eating and laughing.
We walk through the crowd and see the kings Harold standing in front of the doors to the throne room.
No visitors today. The man says as we approach.
We gots an appropriate. Bubba says walking right through the man to the door and opens it without missing a step.
I follow behind him with Cass and twizz.
Hello Bubba. Says the king.
Boss. Replies Bubba.
Who do you have there? He asks.
Bubba drops Barclay to the ground.
Regg? The king says looking from Barclay to us and back again.
What is the meaning of this?
I begin to explain the situation when the king shouts, SILENCE!
I am asking my cousin.
They kidnapped me Gary! The lord shouts.
That monster ate my foot! He continues from the floor holding up his stump.
Oh my. The king says.
Where is Sir Rasper?
Right here my lord I say retrieving his urn from my bag.
Oh my, the king says. Did he suffer?
Yes, I reply.
The king sits back and motions to a small table on his sideboard.
I place the urn with reverence and take my place back among my friends, and Barclay.
Explain yourself. The king says without his customary smile.
The king sits and listens to my entire story, stopping me occasionally to ask a question.
He is calm up to the point that implicates the lord Barclay.
His eyes snap at the cowering lord.
Slavery regg? Attempted murder of a kingsgaurd?
You had everything you could ever want!
I built you that outpost you ungrateful cur! He shouts standing from his throne and pointing a jeweled finger at his own cousin.
You begged me for a place of your own to get away from Aunt Sophia! The king shouts.
I know! Cries Barclay
You disgrace our family! The king continues.
He sits back and adjusts his crown.
Life, in Costello island prison.
Cousin! Noooo! Barclay shouts
Fit him with a peg for that stump, he says to a nearby lady in waiting. Enjoy it cousin. You will never receive another gift from me.
He finishes the conversation by calling for his guards to take the prisoner away.
After he is gone the king looks to us.
We have a problem here boys. He begins. I am taking the mountain to use to train my guards so there will be no tournaments I'm afraid.
Bubbas eyes are glowing with anger and I see his fists clench so I put a hand on his chest.
My king, if I may. I say politely.
You may, the king says giving a slight nod to someone standing above and behind me.
I look back and see several sets of bows being pulled back from a hidden awning.
I reach into my bag and pull out the parchment with the king’s symbol and show it to everyone in the room.
You gave me this and said that I have your voice in this matter. So unfortunately you already gave us the mountain.
Did I? The king says cocking an eyebrow.
Only by the laws you set forth your majesty. I say bowing.
Perhaps your guards would like gladiator training? I ask hopefully.
The king sits for a moment before smiling and laughing.
Agreed, the mountain is yours.
For half. He adds.
What? Bubba growls.
Half the gold you make returns to me. The king replies
Agreed, I say quickly.
Bubba stares daggers at me for a moment.
What's a half a million? I say quietly.
A half a million! Bubba says quietly back.
Twizz has his bar, I don't use gold normally. I say.
Oh. Bubba says quietly.
Deal he says back to the king.
Dwarf? The king asks. Are we agreed?
Let's get drunk! The dwarf says in salute.
Is the banquet in the receiving hall for our benefit? I ask the king.
It's for everyone who wants to join! He says happily.
A fine idea we had, everyone who was not chosen to go on the mission has stayed here and enjoyed a feast in your honor.
They have been feasting since we left? I ask shocked.
Yes, in your honor. The king replies smiling.
Whose idea was it? I ask.
Why mine of course, I was talking to my jester and he suggested we throw a feast to honor your courage.
It was his idea then. I say.
No, totally mine. He says happily.
And keeping it going for seven weeks? I ask.
Well not everyone got enough the first day so my jester suggested we keep it going.
All that courage celebrated in one meal? He says to me.
So I decided to keep it going, and I just may keep it going to celebrate your return.
Another idea you had while talking with your jester. I ask already knowing the answer.
I guess he was there laughs the king.
Thank you for your time your majesty. I say with a bow. Unfortunately we have important business back at the iron fist.
That is unfortunate. Says the king looking disappointed.
We can stay an have a few drinks. Bubba says.
Remember the tournament? I say glaring at Bubba.
No, and stop looking at me like dat. He says snarling.
I guess we could miss it, even though fighting you was going to be the grand prize.
Really? Bubba asks smiling.
Registration filled within an hour of the posting on the fight board. I say. Seems people are eager to fight you, but perhaps they can wait.
No, if we gotta go, we gotta go. Bubba says.
We do. Twizz replies.
Gotta go! Bubba says to the king waving as he walks out of the throne room.
We follow Bubba out after several deep bows and catch up to him on the way out.
We pass back through the grand receiving hall and see the same people sitting in the same comfortable chairs.
I stand for a moment and look around letting twizzlick and Bubba go ahead.
Everyone is laughing and having a good time but something was troubling me.
These were fighters, guards, the heroes of the land. Why would they all sit around feasting, neglecting their training and duties? As I am standing there looking about and the grand hall I notice all the dwarfs were gone.
After we exit the keep I ask Bubba and twizzlick what they thought and they agreed that free booze, food and girls were a great reason to stay.
They were surprised when we did not feast at the table set in our honor but it did not set right with me and I have learned that an instant gut reaction to a situation is usually the correct one.
I bring up the fact of the missing dwarves and Twizlick is immediately concerned.
Bar. The dwarf says changing direction.
We arrive at torador's grog shop and see old Torador wiping down the bar.
Morning fellers. Torador says brightly. The usual? He adds looking to me and pulling an unopened bottle of my favorite whisky.
And four glasses, five if you care to join us.
The old bartender grabs a fifth glass and waddled over to our table and sits down with a grunt.
So Mr. Keebler, what’s the mission today? He says pouring a drink in the same fashion he does every time we chat.
I got a question fer ye. Twizz says holding out his glass.
And what might that be? Torador asks pouring the dwarf a drink.
Me clan wuz at tha kings place, he begins.
Oh yeah I remember them coming through, Torador says pouring Cass a drink.
Do ye? Twizz asks quickly.
Of course, twenty pissed off dwarves all storming in and drinking all my beer. Is kinda hard to forget. Torador laughs pouring a drink for Bubba.
What riled em? Twizz asks.
The king told them there was no beer at the feast. Torador says pouring himself a drink.
May your journey be fruitful and your pillows always be fluffed! Torador says lifting his glass.
As the miles fly by! We all say together.
So they left on their own? Twizz asks after taking his drink in one gulp.
I did dent make them leave if that's what you’re asking! Torador says quickly.
Bah! Couldn’t even if ya wanted. Twizz says. What I mean is, ye saw then go with yer own eyes?
Yes, they got back on the same caravan they arrived on, left a day or two after you did.
We sit and drink together for the remainder of the bottle and Bubba leaves the drunken Torador sleeping across two tables.
June is gonna love that. I say to Bubba.
Bubba simply laughs.
We head back to our wagon, and twizz is still concerned.
Good thing we diddentdidn't eat. Twizz says.
Why? Bubba asks.
Cause the food is enchanted. Twizz says.
How do you know? I ask.
Dwarfs can smell magic. Twizz says. Only a fool would try to slip a dwarf enchanted food.
Only a fool indeed. I repeat.
What are we going to do about it? Cass asks.
Bout what? Bubba says. People having fun?
They will listen to us! Cass says hopefully.
A guy walks up to me while I'm drunk and tells me I can't drink anymore, then tells me I been enchan..
An tells me I been put under a spell.
Then tells me the girl who's been rubbing her boobies in my face for a month is in on it.
What would I do? Bubba reasons.
Stomp their head? Cass mutters.
An enjoy it. Bubba says snorting.
So what do we do? I ask.
Find a priest to put at the celebration. Cass says suddenly.
Why a priest? Twizz asks.
He won't be expected to eat or drink. Cass replies.
Good thinkin. Bubba says.
The Iron Fist.
We travel as a group back to the iron fist at the head of one of our own caravans that was already going in that direction.
We even got to stop back at the outpost and see our friends Arrod and smiley.
The proud man was adjusting well to life as a paraplegic and was in good spirits as always.
A traveler from a magic school told me I have the ability to use magic and he has been trying to teach me stuff. Smiley says.
Like? I ask
He squint his eyes and the bottle of whisky on the small table and it begins to wobble.
Not bad. I say.
It's a start. Smiley replies.
We bid the duo farewell and return to our new home.
We cross the desert in two weeks instead of three due to following the glass globes and arrive at the iron fist with a group of hundreds.
They all stair and chatter in whispers at our passing and all seemed to know who we were when over the door I see a fine painting depicting the entire party hanging over the entryway, right over Bathuk's spiked head.
Fhex and Kayla smiled back at me from the painting and seeing Sir Rasper standing there in the kings red cloak his body strong and healthy with that stern expression on his face and Rodrick sitting cross legged with his flaming cat on his lap. It was almost too much to see all at once.
We look good. Says twizzlick.
Nice, Bubba says nodding having just noticed the huge painting
I notice the three of us standing in the background in glorious detail our faces were cast in a dazzling sunbeam that made our armor shine.
That we do. I say.
Everyone knows us inside and we have to hurry to the closed off section to get a place quiet enough to talk.
We send one of the many people asking to wait on us for the priest, if any, who has filled the open position and we are met by a cloaked figure several moments later.
Remove your hood Bubba says sternly to the stranger who stood before us.
He drops the cowl that hid his face in shadow and revealed his face to be half burned down to the muscles as was the hand that grasped the hood.
Gaaaah! Twizz shouts. Put it back up!
The priest looks stricken and immediately complies.
Don't be rude. I say to twizzlick.
It's fine. The priest replies.
I am Ignatius he says simply.
Yer a priest? Asks Bubba.
A monk. Ignatius replies.
We inform the monk of our suspicions and ask if he is up to the task.
I am. He replies.
We send the monk out on the next caravan.
He returns a month later with grim news, but that is another story...
So who won? Twizlick asks.
Yeah, I got distracted by the story. Bubba says scratching his head.
By my count the winner is Fhex. I say
Yeah, twizzlick says looking down.
Little shit, Bubba says smirking.
To Fhex I say lifting the bottle and taking a drink and passing it to twizzlick who takes a drink.
To Fhex! Shouts the dwarf passing the bottle to Bubba.
Ta Fhex! Roars the half ogre who drinks to the last drop.