Get Paid to Write for Caverns & Creatures!

It’s high time I’ve done something more with this website, and I’d like to invite you to take part in expanding the C&C brand. Hell, I’ll even pay you.

“So… Do you, um… blog?”

“So… Do you, um… blog?”

As many of you know, I used to write a blog a while back. Eventually, I began to run out of fresh ideas, and blog writing started to take too much time away from my book writing. However, I do sometimes miss writing blog posts, and I certainly miss the traffic they brought to the website.

Unfortunately, I still don’t have the time or mental energy to consistently put out new blog material, but maybe you do.

Do you have opinions on what qualities define a good player or Game Master?

Is there a particular spell or monster you feel is underappreciated?

Do you have your ear to the ground for recent news in the gaming world?

Any of these might make a good blog post, and I’m sure you can come up with better ideas than what I just pulled out of my ass. For every article/post I accept, I’ll pay you $25. After I get a feel for how this is going, that rate will probably increase.

I’m looking for articles/posts around 500 - 1,000 words long. They don’t have to be funny, but they do need to be original. Don’t copy and paste something from your own blog, and for fuck’s sake don’t copy someone else’s work.
Fill out the form below to submit a pitch. Thank you for your time, and happy writing!