From rocks to fists, Bludgeoning damage is most associated with the mundane. In the world of Dungeons & Dragons, there is a whole lot of magic that produces forces to batter things around with.
Read MoreComplete Guide to Acid Damage Spells in D&D 5e
Acid Damage has been historically disrespected by Wizards of the Coast. There have been a handful of spells in the history of the game that can deal Acid damage, and their quality isn’t typically the highest.
Read MoreComplete Guide to Cold Damage Spells in D&D 5e
Cold magic embodies the raw power of a winter storm. It chills creatures to their bones, cracking skin and freezing them solid. If you want to harness this power for yourself in Dungeons and Dragons, you’re in the right place. Presented for your consideration, every Cold Damaging spell in 5th Edition, sorted and ranked!
Read MoreBones of the Earth 5e
Complete Guide to Blinding Spells in D&D 5e
The blinded condition in 5th edition imposes the following effects on the affected creature:
A binded creature can’t see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight
Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature’s attack rolls have disadvantage.
Complete Guide to Psychic Damage Spells in D&D 5e
Whether you’re aiming to create the ultimate mind breaking psychic or just need a silver bullet in case your allied bear totem warrior barbarian loses it on the party, you’ve got a robust selection of options for dealing psychic damage with your character.
Read MoreMind Spike 5e
Mind Spike is a 2nd level spell that deals 3d8 damage to one creature on a failed save, or half on a success. This has the upside of being save based, meaning this will always do some amount of damage, but this damage is not worth the up-cast on its own.
Read MoreSummon Undead 5e
Summon Undead is a 3rd level summon option for warlocks and wizards. When you cast it, you pick from a ghostly, putrid, or skeletal undead to rise and assist you. All of them are immune to some common conditions (namely frightened), but beyond that, differ majorly as all of their attacks differ, and ghostly and putrid get unique abilities to set them apart further.
Read MoreSummon Shadowspawn 5e
Summon Shadowspawn is a 3rd level summoning spell giving you a choice from three emotional shadow entities: fury, despair, or fear. They all share dreadful scream, an action to potentially frighten everything around them once a day, and individually each comes with some neat opportunities that make them a consideration.
Read MoreSummon Fiend 5e
Summon Fiend is a 6th level option out the gate, a comparatively steep cost, and is limited to just warlocks and wizards. You get to pick between demon, devil, and yugoloth for your fiendish companion, giving you the full range of evil’s to play with.
Read MoreSummon Fey 5e
Summon Fey specifically gives you three options as a 3rd level spell: Fuming, Tricksy, and Mirthful. All three come with a short-sword attack dealing 1d6+6 piercing + 1d6 force, which is fairly potent especially when multiattack is added with the up-cast.
Read MoreSummon Elemental 5e
Summon Elemental gives you four options (as you’d expect): Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. These all start with 50 hit points for a 4th level summon, one of the highest you can get, and get a bunch of varied resistances and immunities between them.
Read MoreSummon Construct 5e
Summon Construct gives you three materials to create a golem or modron out of: Stone, Clay, or Metal. All have a laundry list of conditions they ignore and a basic slam attack. Where they differ is in some passive abilities, or in clay’s case a reaction, that narrows them into specific lanes.
Read MoreSummon Celestial 5e
Summon Celestial is a perfectly serviceable summon spell, it just isn't revolutionizing the game at this point. A lot of other classes have more flexible versions, and instead clerics are getting a very consistent beat stick to play with.
Read MoreSummon Beast 5e
Summon Beast is the introductory level summoning spell, and it thrives at being that. It's simple, clean, and WAY easier to manage than the other options in the PHB. It has led to a lot of groups where most players are managing two or more characters at once, but I’m all for that.
Read MoreSummon Aberration 5e
Summon Aberration specifically offers you a tool to get an iconic D&D monster as an ally, and two other lesser known entities helping you from the horrific worlds beyond. Your three options are Beholderkin, Slaad, or Star Spawn, each bringing their own edge to the fight.
Read MoreTasha's Otherworldly Guise 5e
Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise certainly has a lot of text, most of which results in a giant pile of effects smashed together, resulting in you getting a bunch of third level spell effects at once for a 6th level slot.
Read MoreTasha's Mind Whip 5e
Tasha’s Mind Whip offers you a hybrid effect between single target damage and save or die in about as effective a way as you could ask, with an up-cast that makes it fairly usable in the upper tiers. All in all, I’m a fan. Unlike other save or dies, even if a creature passes the save you’re getting half of 3d6 damage, and that’s not nothing.
Read MoreTasha's Caustic Brew 5e
An AOE damage spell for sorcerers, artificers, and wizards immediately competes with Burning Hands, so we have to ask: can Tasha’s Caustic Brew out damage Burning Hands? Surprisingly, the answer is yes, but only sometimes.
Read MoreSpirit Shroud 5e
Spirit Shroud really only belongs on some dedicated Eldritch Blasters, but can assist some weird Scorching Ray builds or two-weapon fighting paladins trying to play without getting hit too much. It can fit great alongside the Hexes and Hunter’s Marks of the world.
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