Dream of the Blue Veil had no business being printed. None. A magic item would suffice to do what this is doing. It's a narrative tool up to the DM to provide.
Read MoreCreate Magen 5e
Create Magen is a new toy for wizards to play with that gives you a tool to build however many CR 1-3 construct allies you’d like.
Read MoreBlade of Disaster 5e
Blade of Disaster from Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden follows the same mechanics, but reimagines it as a 9th level spell for sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards. Instead of getting one attack with a mystical weapon for a bonus action, you get two. Instead of 1d8+wis mod damage, you get 4d12.
Read MoreFrost Fingers 5e
Frost Fingers is just a lazy, damage swapped design that has no business existing and adding more bloat to an already dense game full of hundreds of options to read through.
Read MoreWristpocket 5e
The ritual tag turns Wristpocket into a concentration based feature more than a 2nd level spell. This is something you prep prior to going into the bar, hiding away a dagger, pint, or coin purse. It’s a tool for hiding an object until you’re comfortable showing your hand, albeit at the cost of your concentration slot.
Read MoreTime Ravage 5e
Time Ravage is close to good enough, but the kind of stuff you’ll find its best against is going to end up being lieutenants or narrative villains. By this tier of play, you have way more efficient ways to kill people, granted this can get around Resurrection effects by killing with old age.
Read MoreTether Essence 5e
If you’re a high risk high reward player that wants a tool with some odd utility here and there, Tether Essence might be for you. Some encounters will leave it on the bench, while others can be radically warped by it should it connect. Tether Essence is foundationally interesting. I like that.
Read MoreTemporal Shunt 5e
Temporal Shunt reads to me like Counterspell that also negates any number of attacks made in a turn. It's an effect where you can simply say “Naw, not today” to the most harmful attacks and spells the game has to offer.
Read MoreSapping Sting 5e
If you’re down to firing off cantrips to kill something, ideally you’re aiming to put down an already injured target. Sapping Sting will commonly be perfectly fine there, and then also be a tool to mess with enemy movement and set up allies.
Read MoreReality Break 5e
Reality Break in Explorer’s Guide to Wildemont doesn’t so much break reality; it just kind of breaks bones over time. That’s neat, I guess, but the fantasy doesn’t meet the effects at all.
Read MoreRavenous Void 5e
Ravenous Void does somewhat fill a niche 9th level wizard spells were missing. This is the giant area of effect status effect. You pull everything towards a twenty-foot sphere and restrain everything within it. Creatures with less than 45 feet of speed are going to be stuck in it for at least two turns should they fail a single save, or if the void is created on top of them thanks to the difficult terrain.
Read MorePulse Wave 5e
Pulse Wave takes the classic area damage spell formula and runs with it. It's not revolutionary, nor game changing, but it's a solid damaging option. You’re getting a 30 foot cone 6d6 damage blast that pulls or pushes creatures, your choice. Basically you’re trading 2d6 damage from a Fireball for that condition; that’s probably worth it sometimes!
Read MoreMagnify Gravity 5e
Magnify Gravity takes the low level area of effect damage numbers, adds a unique, potentially powerful condition to it, and mixes it together with clear flavor to exceptional effect. This spell feels like you’re adding crushing weight to the incoming enemies; it FEELS right to slow them down, crush their bones, make them struggle to pick things up.
Read MoreImmovable Object 5e
Immovable Object takes an iconic spell and offers it for an incredibly cheap price, even if only temporary. Even at low levels, this kind of effect can be powerful enough you’re willing to grind some gold dust and pull it out every now and then.
Read MoreGravity Fissure 5e
The area you’re hitting is fairly large; an 100 x 15 ft. line is a lot of squares, technically. Creatures in the outer ten feet get pulled up to ten feet inward, which is VERY challenging to get value out of. Creatures in the center just take 8d8 or half of 8d8 damage. That’s less damage than an up-cast Fireball, and in an area that can be harder to sculpt in a meaningful way.
Read MoreGravity Sinkhole 5e
Gift of Alacrity 5e
To start, I’m going to say I really don’t like Gift of Alacrity. This is a spell that arbitrarily powers up wizards late in the game, and is a terrible spell to waste your precious few slots on early in the game.
Read MoreGalder's Tower 5e
Galder’s Tower isn’t something you’re going to take to get a lot of gameplay improvements from, but something you take when you want to have your characters fresh and pampered. It’s the self-care of 3rd level spells. You’re not going to really mechanically perform any better by having it.
Read MoreGalder's Speedy Courier 5e
Galder’s Speedy Courier is a nifty little spell from it. I truthfully don’t think the spell is particularly good, especially considering its level and minimal duration, but if you’re in a game with geopolitical drama across multiple states or continents, having an instantaneous means of getting something somewhere could be valuable.
Read MoreFortune's Favor 5e
In its optimal spot, Fortune’s Favor will be perfect at doing what it's set out to do: making you feel a little bit luckier. The super-advantage system it works with can feel like otherworldly luck intervening in the right moments. This is the kind of effect that, when constant, feels outrageously powerful. But in small doses, it can sell the fantasy without changing the game around it.
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