Positioning is critical in getting juice out of this spell, but when tactically cast, you know exactly what you’re getting, and can take comfort in this spell’s consistency. I think it shines brightest against a group of two to three bigger threats in tight corridors, but can also be a great crowd control tool to slim the numbers of smaller swarms of baddies.
Read MoreSpirit Guardians 5e
Spirit Guardians offers you 3d8 damage a round each round you can maintain it to anything within 15 feet of you that you haven’t designated. If you can get 6d8-9d8 damage out of this, it will absolutely be comparable to Fireball damage for the slot, but needs to happen over time.
Read MoreEnthrall 5e
Enthrall exists as an in game way to bring that vision to life. Here’s my issue; why can’t bards just do this without spending a spell slot?
Read MorePolymorph 5e
Polymorph in its current form may be a bit too much, specifically for managing powerful enemies. This is the kind of spell that forced Lengedary Resistance to exist; a save or die that is so powerful and cheap that if something fails it, the encounter can be over before it begins.
Read MoreAnimate Dead 5e
There comes a point in the life of every cleric or wizard’s life when he or she has to decide, “Am I going to play with dead bodies?”
Once you go down that road, it’s difficult to go back. Even if you only ever animate a single corpse, a significant number of your friends will always think of you as “that guy.”
Read MoreDisintegrate 5e
Disintegrate does what it says on the tin: it disintegrates. And it does so well. Most of the time when I reference a “save or die”, death isn’t actually what happens when the creature fails the save. In the case of Distengrate, which deals a glorious 10d6+40 (roughly 75) damage, it absolutely is a save or die.
Read MoreCalm Emotions 5e
Clam Emotions takes a huge area of hostile creatures and potentially turns them entirely neutral. Fights can be entirely circumnavigated with a simple 2nd level spell; if enough goblin bandits stop their assault and look at you and your party as just random travellers they don’t really need to murder for their stuff, whoever passes has to decide if their ambush is still a good idea, and if not, how to get the numbers advantage back.
Read MoreHeat Metal 5e
Heat Metal may be the poster child for this kind of spell. You get what it says on the tin: you make metal hot. Easy. No nonsense. The circumstances around the spell and the use cases that will pop up here and there make this an incredibly interesting option to have; I’m a big proponent.
Read MoreZone of Truth 5e
Zone of Truth kind of slaps. It's a great little 2nd level spell that does something you’d want it to in an RPG by offering a mechanic that affects the actual roleplay more than other in-game elements, and does so in a perfectly reasonable way.
Read MoreBlink 5e
A natural progression from Misty Step, Blink is a handy spell to keep in your back pocket for when things get a little too hairy.
The 1-minute duration makes it excellent to use in a fight, but it is by no means strictly a combat spell. Far from it, Blink has a multitude of applications off the battlefield as well as on.
Read MoreLightning Bolt 5e
No, Lightning Bolt isn’t as useful or powerful as Fireball, but it's close enough and far more engaging to play with to me. If you want to get more engagement in combat, have more decisions to make, care about your team and the enemy team’s position more and work to get every extra point of power from your character, I can’t recommend Lightning Bolt enough.
Read MoreBranding Smite 5e
Branding Smite, in my opinion, is one of the weaker smites… unless you’re in a particular set of circumstances, in which case it can be extremely powerful.
That set of circumstances, as you might have guessed, is when you’re fighting a creature that can turn invisible.
Read MoreFind Steed 5e
I adore Find Steed. This is paladin’s Find Familiar. It's a pet you get you can mount and ride, that can die horribly in combat and come back after a long rest.
Read MoreProtection from Poison 5e
Is a 2nd level spell worth mitigating part of a mid level monster’s attacks that you fight on the way to the boss? That’s the question you need to answer before taking this, and you have to answer it knowing you’re going to face off against something of this sort.
Read MoreAugury 5e
Augury is the tool a party uses to in game ask their DM if an idea they have is particularly stupid. Normally, the answer is yes, this plan is stupid, but might work with some wild luck and crazy improv.
Read MoreFind Traps 5e
Find Traps is an instantaneous 2nd level spell that only finds intentional traps, does so instantaneously, and doesn’t reveal anything about them beyond that they exist. Find Traps is basically a way to confirm your suspicions about a shady door. That isn’t worth a 2nd level spell slot. It just isn’t.
Read MoreScrying 5e
Mechanically, Scrying costs a lot. A 5th level slot is a tall order when a dozen spells like Clairvoyance, Arcane Eye, and Find Familiar can spy on targets in a much cheaper way. The major upside Scrying offers is its distance; you can Scry on anyone on the same plane, irregardless of their location.
Read MoreMass Healing Word 5e
When things are going rough, and multiple allies are unconscious around the room, next to no other spells 3rd level or lower can get you out of that situation. Mass Healing Word can.
Read MoreRevivify 5e
Revivify is a release valve DMs can use to show players who want to mess around that there are major consequences. Instant death traps can feel “fair” when the DM knows the players have a couple of diamonds in their back pocket and can push players to be more cautious when they otherwise feel invincible.
Read MoreWarding Bond 5e
As predominantly a cleric spell, Warding Bond is aimed to be used as part of a group consisting of a few front line characters whose goal is to be dealt the majority of incoming damage with a few backline characters who want to take as little damage as possible.
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