Piercer isn’t splashy, nor is it game warping levels of power. It is a giant quality of life upgrade for your damage dice, though, and can supplement Sentinel and Polearm Master builds that have an odd Dex score without needing to fully commit to an ability score improvement.
Read MoreDragon Hide 5e
Dragon Hide offers dragonborn a natural armor that’s akin to Mage Armor (or very close to monk’s unarmored defense) and d4 natural weapons. Neither of these two things is worth a feat on ANY character.
Read MoreDragon Fear 5e
Beyond flavor, Dragon Fear is mechanically kind of meh. You’re not gaining additional resources, you’re getting a new way to use a resource you already have.
Read MoreBountiful Luck 5e
Bountiful Luck takes what is already an incredibly powerful racial trait and gives you a team support tool to help everyone out.
Read MoreWeapon Master 5e
Weapon Master is another in this line of “+ 1 relevant modifier and some proficiencies” that has basically no business finding its way onto your character sheet outside of extremely niche circumstances.
Read MoreMetamagic Adept 5e
Metamagic Adept opens up any caster to the two point or lower cost metamagic options, which for the most part isn’t going to be that worth it outside of specifically one option: Twinned Spell.
Read MoreGunner 5e
Guns and D&D don’t always go together, but when they do, they’re serving just the right kind of fantasy you’re looking for. Gunner is a feat designed to open up those options to players at an affordable price; your mileage may vary in just what it gives you, though.
Read MoreFighting Initiate 5e
Fighting styles act as a foundation you build a character on, a reason to fight in a specific way over any other because of a tiny advantage that pushes it to the top of your regular means of engagement. This is normally reserved for 1st or 2nd level characters, and offers a minimal bonus.
Read MoreFey Touched 5e
Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything took one of the best feats in the game, Magic Initiate, the said “what if you also got ability scores with them AND a 2nd level spell slot?” Enter Fey Touched, one of a few magic school specific spells that easily lands as one of the best feats in the game.
Read MoreEldritch Adept 5e
Eldritch Adept opens up these to the world, and while you’re limited primarily to the 2nd level invocations, there are enough really good ones that this can easily replace multi-classing to open up an avenue you otherwise had closed off to you.
Read MoreCrusher 5e
Crusher is a bit baffling to me; for a feat that is supposed to embody the smashing hulk character who thrives when bludgeoning baddies to bloody pulps with a massive club, Crusher does functionally nothing to satisfy that fantasy.
Read MoreArtificer Initiate 5e
Artificer Initiate trades a cantrip for tool proficiency, but otherwise mirrors Magic Initiate in a decent way. If you like the Artificer spell list, which functionally is a shorter version of the wizard spell list, and want access to some artisan’s tools to play around with using the Xanathar’s tool rules, this feat delivers.
Read MoreTough 5e
To be tough is to take a beating over and over and stay standing. It's getting burned, bruised, battered, and beaten but bravely butting against opposition and holding your ground. Tough is simple. Tough is meaningful. Tough is roughly as good as a +1 Con mod.
Read MoreSpell Sniper 5e
Spell Sniper really is close to being good enough. I think a good chunk of characters in particularly tactical combat driven games can find value in it in the early tier, specifically on wizards who need to conserve slots or sorcerers looking to twin Fire Bolts.
Read MoreSkulker 5e
Skulker, more so than any of the rules baked into the game, highlights how hiding actually works, which on its own adds value to its existence.
Read MoreSkilled 5e
This leaves Skilled being kind of tricky to use. On one hand, it can offer you a bonus to three skills the party may lack (in small groups specifically), but you then have to weigh if that’s worth versus just having somebody with a higher ability score modifier make the check.
Read MoreShield Master 5e
With Shield Master, you’re getting a meaningful tool to help mitigate your weakness, or in the case of dex based characters, an improvement to your already decent ability to withstand damage from these saves.
Read MoreSavage Attacker 5e
Savage Attacker is a mechanic that is in the wrong lane. Weapon damage dice are explicitly and only damage dice dealt by the weapon itself written in the damage portion of the weapon tables.
Read MoreRitual Caster 5e
Ritual Caster opens any character up to any first level ritual spells in the game. Now, these feature-like spells aimed at giving specific character archetypes specific tools to engage in the world in various ways are open to anyone who has an Int or Wis score above a 12.
Read MoreResilient 5e
Resilient may just be the feat with the least happening in the game. It feels like a feat they included just to make sure player’s who felt bad not having a specific saving throw could have access to it, and let's be honest, that’s not worth a feat.
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