Mental Prison is left in this nebulous spot as far as its usefulness goes, but I think that’s okay. This isn’t going to be the best spell in most situations, but a fairly useful one in a lot of them. A few monsters will have a miserable time dealing with this. When you come up against them, this spell can be a blast.
Read MoreDruid Grove 5e
Crown of Stars 5e
Crown of Stars not only talks the talk, it actually offers solid damage for a 7th level slot, and very crucially, can do so without eating your concentration.
Read MoreCreate Homunculus 5e
Create Homunculus is a surprisingly short spell that has quite a bit to it. Unsurprisingly, most of its actual effects are hidden within the homunculus stat block. For 1,000 gold, an hour long cast time, and 2d4 damage, you can basically create a homunculus familiar.
Read MoreWall of Light 5e
Wall of Light is decent damage attached to a decent effect. It isn’t revolutionary as far as walls go, but it does address some of the core problems players face when using wall spells in that it offers you a way to use the wall to hit things that simply walk away from it.
Read MoreSteel Wind Strike 5e
As written, Steel Wind Strike is another perfectly fine damage option for wizards, and a sad reminder that rangers are half casters and how massive a disparity there is between 5th and 9th level spells.
Read MoreNegative Energy Flood 5e
Negative Energy Flood deals 5d12 necrotic damage. 5d12 damage is roughly 33 damage. Fireball, a 3rd level spell, is dealing 8d6, or roughly 28 damage. Fireball hits lots of things; Negative Energy Flood hits one thing. So is the possibility of getting a single zombie to animate and start whacking things worth it?
Read MoreSkill Empowerment 5e
Skill Empowerment is an extension of the concept, but in a way where you can have everyone doing it. Looking into ancient history texts for hints and information about an ancient foe? Now you, the wizard, can have expertise on history checks! Does the barbarian intend to enter into an olympian styled contest? Expertise in athletics!
Read MoreInfernal Calling 5e
Calling is the devil version of Summon Lesser and Greater Demons; while I commend those spells for nailing the usability and fantasy in a glorious harmony, Infernal Calling steps just a bit too far into the fantasy of it and loses some of the broader uses it really needs.
Read MoreHoly Weapon 5e
Holy Weapon fits into the buffing attacks category of spells with things like Magic Weapon and Hex. This is a tool for empowering martial characters with more juice; the more attacks you make, the more damage you’re getting.
Read MoreFar Step 5e
Like Misty Step, Far Step comes with the major boon of just needing a bonus action to use. This will shine brightest then on characters who want to be using their actions doing something else, and characters who care about their tactical positions in combat.
Read MoreEnervation 5e
Enervation takes Vampiric Touch, a spell that is flustered and feels difficult to get anything meaningful out of, combines it with Witch Bolt, one of the most boring and terrible spells in the game, and the result is exactly what you’d expect.
Read MoreDawn 5e
Danse Macabre 5e
Danse Macabre FINALLY gets the necromancer fantasy done right. Unlike Animate Dead, which is a long, convoluted mess of text to practically navigate, Danse Macabre is a simple, intuitive spell that gives you a bunch of zombies or skeletons to fight with with a snap of your fingers.
Read MoreTiny Servant 5e
Tiny Servant is a tool for creating groups of little friends to help you out while out and adventuring or long resting at the keep. Not only is the fantasy ADORABLE (just picture the pillow dog from Beauty and the Beast), but honestly quite helpful in and out of combat in a bunch of different ways.
Read MoreThunder Step 5e
Thunder Step just does it all right. It is comparable but not wildly better than either of the other two teleportation options. It has the right amount of damage attached to it, the right distance, and the right action cost for it to be a consideration for the one teleport spell on my sheet.
Read MoreSummon Greater Demon 5e
Using Summon Greater Demon to its fullest will likely involve putting a demon somewhere it kind of wants to be: inside a lot of things it can kill. Unknowing enemies who punch back free up your action to do other things while the default mode the demon gets involves brutal beating back whatever was dumb enough to fight the conjured monstrosity built to kill.
Read MoreSummon Lesser Demons 5e
Summon Lesser Demons looks back at the sins of its predecessors (cough cough conjure anything cough cough) and tries to make clear differences that land it in a more “fair” space.
Read MoreSickening Radiance 5e
Like all persistent damaging area effects, getting a creature to enter a space multiple times a round can ramp up the damage rapidly. Sickening Radiance offers the additional benefit of bumping their exhaustion levels up by one.
Read MoreShadow of Moil 5e
This by all accounts is Wizards of the Coast’s second attempt at a “thorns” style of play pattern for warlocks, and I don’t really see it being even remotely better than the prior attempt. I’m going to just come out with the hot take: I think Shadow of Moil is BAD.
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